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Totally in agreement ProS - it's way beyond bias though. I watched that knob of a newsnight (green issues) correspondent shouting his mouth of about how we have only got 10years and that the green movement is in dissaray, he seemed to find it amusing that he was making the greens and eco people in the room look embarrassed. I said well if the BBC is going to be gone in 10years lets stop the licence fee and divert the 38billion into finding a way to save the planet. He shut up very quickly. I pointed out that it was obscene that the cost of the BBC over this 10years was half the cost of TRIDENT !

The BBC is basically it's own political entity, it is in no way unbiased. The F ing tv company should be doing an absolute shit load more programming on this huge ecological disaster we are hurtlig towards, it should be running campaigns, about lights off, sustainable energy, solar panels, etc etc but in ain't because basically it has not been given the nod to do this by the GOVERNMENT of this country. Independent Broadcaster ? what a joke. Fuck this TV station it aint getting another penny from me.

As for some of these people posting on here they just simply do not have one clue. They are on a hill with their pims, knocking one out to some Scottish boy with a string racket in his hand.

AllforNun Wrote:


> As for some of these people posting on here they

> just simply do not have one clue. They are on a

> hill with their pims, knocking one out to some

> Scottish boy with a string racket in his hand.

COME ON MUZZAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! :)-D

I'm guessing you didn't read much of the thread then AFN. Your pal PRO is asserting that the London bombings were committed by the government to garner support for the 'war on terror'.

I am indeed finding that hard to grasp and require more evidence than being repeatedly told. Al closingly eyes or that I have a safe little life and that he can see the truth. Can you help fill in the gaps please?

I'm guessing you didn't read much of the thread then AFN. Your pal PRO is asserting that the London bombings were committed by the government to garner support for the 'war on terror'.

I am indeed finding that hard to grasp and require more evidence than being repeatedly told I'm closing my eyes or that I have a safe little life and that he can see the truth. Can you help fill in the gaps please?

Ok so the 7/7 bit maybe not, missed that one although he did say fan the flames, they undoubtedly did use the after effects for their own political ends, but blowing people up , that's not going to happen.

Also this idea about starting fake threads , so what it gets a dbate going. If you are sitting in you bedroom with your little best friend makign a false thread under a false identity and thinking that you are somehow really funny then i think, well, you probably still have spiderman on your bedspread. but fuck it any conversation exists and is real so, so what to fake threads.

Anyway people's republic of southwark ! blacks flags to the ready , love it.

Keef at least you agree with my initial point that the BBC is biased in honouring paid killers as some kind of heros. The 7/7 is hard to swallow. But so many of you spout for the cause of the poor and exploited mass MAJORITY in this country but can't break the chains and really support a radical mass distribution of wealth and system that would not say spend millions on a silly tennis tournament when families just off Lordship Lane are forced into cramped living conditions and told if they don't work soon they want get any benefits, despite the fact that they have young children to look after.

I know one such family. A single mum and her teenage daughter, who just had a baby. They are stuck in a 2 bedroom flat and told 'sorry nothing more available' and 'your child is 1 year old so why aren't you working a deadend job'. All while a single lady lives next door with 3 bedrooms because she 'bought' her lease, even though the flat was owned by the PEOPLE and I wasn't asked if I wanted to 'sell'. It is OUTRAGEOUS.

But enjoy your tennis and pimms that you buy at Waitros.

my initial point that the BBC is biased in honouring paid killers as some kind of heros.

I would suggest that the BBC reported on the Armed Forces Day in an objective fashion. Local BBC reported on the 30,000 that turned out at Chatham to watch, meet and honour members of the Armed Forces. They carried out some vox pop interviews - all of which spoke about their support and pride for individual soldiers, sailors and airmen - a couple also deplored the fact that those servicemen had been sent, with inadequate equipment and resources, to fight wars on behalf of this government.

Across the country similar events garnered similar support and comment.

I have not met many, if any, people that share your view of Britain's armed forces as being "paid killers" - there is a legitimate argument to have about the political decisions to send servicemen to war, any war. It is however, important to remember that the individual servicemen are there to do the bidding of the democratically elected government.

I also understand, and expect the forthcoming Iraq enquiry to reveal, that senior Defence Chiefs argued against many aspects of the Iraq invasion - not least the "weapons of mass destruction" basis and particularly the lack of a post invasion recovery / management plan. The British Army and supporting Royal Navy & Royal Air Forces have been damaged, as has the standing of UK on the world's political stage, by their involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan where a lack of resources has meant they could not and cannot play a full and professional part in the task.

Hate me if you must, I'm used to it frankly. But the website speaks the truth and the movement it is sparking is far above me. It's not my website or my postings, but I fully support it and think it is one of the few local websites and movements to speak truth. That is why it is catching on so rapidly. Even if you all take the piss out of the fine people in the video who didn't ask to be posted here by the way. A cheap shot.

They get full support from SE5 and Camberwell blog so that should tell you something. And them not me, I am a mere supporter so if you hate me for speaking the truth here you cannot grudge them because they get support from reasonable sources and for that you should change your tune. Loon is such a cheap shot and lazy.

What evidence do you need? Banks are collapsing and being nationalised. Railways too. Workers being sacked to shore up the rich. Homeless families given no options but the street while we sell off council houses. The politics of people is now the politics of the few with money. The rich own 93% of the wealth and keep gobbling up more at the expense of the poor. I mean come on. Capatlism has failed. The planet is about the explode. And East Dulwich is arguing over Waitros and who will win the upper class sport played in front of Royal Elites. What planet are you on?

Nobody hates you, and at the very least you have buckets of enthusiasm and seem earnest. It's just thy many, and I definitely speak for myself here, suspect you have the critical faculties of a Speak & Spell.

What evidence do I need? Well some would do for starters rather than aa acattershot list of things that have gone a litle bit tits up of late. Banks nationalised? Isn't that a good thing as far as socialism

is concerned?

Marmora Man Wrote:


> my initial point that the BBC is biased in

> honouring paid killers as some kind of heros.


> I would suggest that the BBC reported on the Armed

> Forces Day in an objective fashion. Local BBC

> reported on the 30,000 that turned out at Chatham

> to watch, meet and honour members of the Armed

> Forces. They carried out some vox pop interviews -

> all of which spoke about their support and pride

> for individual soldiers, sailors and airmen - a

> couple also deplored the fact that those

> servicemen had been sent, with inadequate

> equipment and resources, to fight wars on behalf

> of this government.


> Across the country similar events garnered similar

> support and comment.


> I have not met many, if any, people that share

> your view of Britain's armed forces as being "paid

> killers" - there is a legitimate argument to have

> about the political decisions to send servicemen

> to war, any war. It is however, important to

> remember that the individual servicemen are there

> to do the bidding of the democratically elected

> government.


> I also understand, and expect the forthcoming Iraq

> enquiry to reveal, that senior Defence Chiefs

> argued against many aspects of the Iraq invasion -

> not least the "weapons of mass destruction" basis

> and particularly the lack of a post invasion

> recovery / management plan. The British Army and

> supporting Royal Navy & Royal Air Forces have been

> damaged, as has the standing of UK on the world's

> political stage, by their involvement in Iraq and

> Afghanistan where a lack of resources has meant

> they could not and cannot play a full and

> professional part in the task.

Quite astute summation MM.

I sat on some of the planning staffs pre invasion and one of the issues we constantly raised was force numbers and lack of Phase IV processes in place.


I used to think a long time ago (before children) that my worries, especially the water situation (link above), which I believe will cause the biggest fighting on the planet, probably would not happen in my time. Once the kids came along I have tried to teach them to see things for themselves, to not trust the media, and not make money there god. I find it very hard to understand why some posters believe we have a democracy, they are defending. And simmering away is our basic right for water being controlled worldwide by a few big companys. Do you all really believe your planet is in safe hands especially for your children.

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