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116 Lordship Lane is to become...

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If Books etc replaced Chener books i would be well chuffed - especially if they also took the shop next door and we got adecent bookshop.

Sorry to chener, but their choice / size / enviroment needs some work.

(I know you will all go mad now)...

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Chener Books are the reason that East Dulwich still has some individuality. I am not one of those who believe that the big stores do only damage but it's the uniqueness of stores like this that sustain the identity of the area. Have you been to the King's Road recently? All of the shops are chains and you could be walking along any high street in the country. If you want this i suggest you go move nearer to Bluewater.
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chener books the guy just reminds of the comic bookstore guy in the simpsons. whilst i agree we don't need a books etc... there's nowt wrong with pointing out that chener could maybe improve their service a tad.

i agree with the comment about the kings road, the same has happened to ken high street. i remember the old ken market where as a teenage goth, many moons ago, you could pick up all your needs. now it's just the gap followed by JD etc... both those streets used to have loads of individulity, lord, i've just remembered hyper hyper, but have lost it all.

HOWEVER as oft repeated i really do not think that this is going to happen to east dulwich, the worst that will happen here is that it will become a mini barnes, and i hate to say folks, that ain't too bad (oooh i can hear some of you reeling already.)

so back to message: a gym down lordship lane, well why not? i see no problem with that, just don't expect me to do any escercise or join ...

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I've been following the recent debate with interest and I'd like to pitch in. I am one of 3 owners of esph and have posted before on this forum. First up, I'd like to dispel a few myths. We are a family owned business and have been in the area (Grove Lane, Camberwell) for 30 years. We're not exactly new kids on the block, nor are we the starbucks of the physio world. As a small business owner i understand completely the pressure of competition. We started out as a one-physio practice just as madworld74's physio is and I have a great deal of sympathy for him. However, what we are trying to achieve with this new centre is something that doesn't currently exist in the market. The centre will consist of therapy rooms offering physiotherapy, massage therapy, dietetics, sports medicine, acupuncture, podiatry etc. The exercise facilities will inculde a pilates studio, exercise studio and a large gym which brings me to a second myth I'd like to address. Graduate physio unemployment currently stands at 75%. It costs the tax payer about ?50,000 to train a physio and the vast majority of them are currently unable to ply the trade for which they have been trained. We are fortunate in that we are in a position to do something about this. The 10 new-grad physios that are joining our training programme will be working in the gym, supervising our members. They will be able to take advantage of a job that they wouldn't otherwise have and our members will be able to take advantage of a unique level of supervision and expertise that is not offered in most gyms. Many of these graduates also have first degrees in exercise physiology and sports science which sets them apart. We believe that this will make the new centre a dynamic and exciting proposition with a clear point of difference.

I hope that answers some of your concerns but if you want to ask me any questions directly please feel free.

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I also admire your ambition and wish you like. My posting was not an attack on your plans or your company.

I was more concerned about rapid changing face of LL. I; like others feel the simple and querky style of ED is fast going out the window.

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I do not see how a new physio site is detracting from our quirkiness. How is this less individual or quirky than what we have now (ie a big empty building standing on the corner)? As a matter of fact, this sounds like quite a unique facility to me!
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Membership will start at ?54 per month for off peak rising to ?79 per month. There will be discounts for over 65s and couples. Membership will include access to the gym and all exercise classess with the exception of the pilates stuio. It will also include a physical MOT on joining and a fitness test done by a physio, a personlised exercise programme and all the supervision you want. Membership entitles you to discounts on all treatments. And there is no sign-on fee.
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They are ruthless and very corporate and just want to kill the competition .I have known people that have worked for them and thats what they say. Max mentions sympathy for madworlds74 practice??!. Max hasnt even opened yet and thinks he has beaten everybody already. They recently sent a letter out to many different business in the area saying that basically they are taking over the area. How sweet.!

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I used to be customer/patient (delete as appropriate) of theirs in Grove Lane, and never found it to be particularly corporate, certainly compared to other physios I've been to... although the letter to local businesses certainly sounds intriguing.
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Dear Administrator,

'Defamation is a case for libel'...I sincerely hope that none of the threads posted by forum goers about this subject fall under this heading? This must remain a space for constructive discussion, a certain amount of freedom of speech (despite being monitored) and anonymity. Long may we enjoy.

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. Many

> of these graduates also have first degrees in

> exercise physiology and sports science which sets

> them apart. We believe that this will make the new

> centre a dynamic and exciting proposition with a

> clear point of difference.

> I hope that answers some of your concerns but if

> you want to ask me any questions directly please

> feel free.

Maxsharp,you sound very ambitious and good luck to you,but my understanding of physiotherapy is that you can only practice with a degree,so the fact that your graduates have a degree be it first class or second is standard.The fact they have a first means nothing,the fact i have a 2:1 in my degree does not indicate i know less then my peers who obtained a first.

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