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Empty house on corner Elsie Rd/East Dulwich Grove

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Hi, I was talking to a friend about this recently and thought I'd have a see if anyone knows anything about this house? It's been boarded up and abandoned for ages and looks a bit worse for wear. I found these links on Southwark's website, the owners have been applying to knock it down and build a new house but it's been declined. However, they put new fencing up a couple of months ago. I'd hate for it to be knocked down, it looks like such a lovely house behind those trees. I know some owners drag it out until the property is in too bad a condition to keep standing, so they get to build after all.



Any ideas on what's happening to it?

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Yes, there are things called Empty Dwelling Management Orders (EDMOs) which the Council can serve on owners of empty properties. If the owner takes no action following an order being served, then the local authority can take over the property for a period of years and carry out the repairs necessary to bring it back into use.

This link to the Empty Property Agency's website explains the position.


Perhaps Southwark should serve an EDMO.

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Really...........they get their property back in good shape. No one's actually taking it away - it's not compulsory purchase.

Also, who thinks it's acceptable for absentee owners to leave their next door neighbours facing the risk of sqatting/fly tipping etc and generally having their own properties blighted. Anyone in favour of that?

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  • 2 years later...

Apparently the proposed development will be much larger than the original footprint of the house. The house has been run-down and suffered floods and fires in recent years and numerous squatters have been allowed to live there. I have been lead to understand that it was bought originally from the council in a sealed bid by someone who used to work for, or did a lot of contractual work for the council.

The developer has put in numerous proposals before which many believe would have been a blight to the landscape including on one occasion a 2-storey garage! the mind boggles!

This proposal doesn't seem to be much better and will have a new entrance on Elsie Road and not on East Dulwich Grove. Only 2 car-parking spaces for 5 flats have been proposed in an already over-subscribed area. It's a shame that this house has been allowed to get into this state and it seems obvious that the proposal is too large offering 5 flats on such a small plot.

It looks like the owner is proposing 7 windows overlooking their next door neighbour and the plans do not appear to be drawn to scale.

The consultation period ends on 6th January and not the 14th, quite convenient that they've put in a contentious plan over the Christmas period.

If anybody else objects to this blatant over-development of a prime East Dulwich family home please email Southwark now.

I know the houses on this road and they are wonderful family homes in the catchment area of amazing local schools, does the owner really not realise what he can acheive by working with the community and not against us.

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As one of 3 matching houses in the row, something will be lost if it is knocked down. The plans appear to allude to the neighbouring houses from the EDG elevation, but the gable end on Elsie road will be different. In any case these things are all in the execution and the cramming of flats suggests the profit motive so it is hard to be confident that this will be a beautiful property.

No matter how knackered the existing house, nothing is irrepairable and if restored to former glory as a family house then you have a prime property worth ?1m or so. Scope to make the neighbours happy and turn a profit I would think.

I don't know how long it has been owned by the current owner. If he has held it a while and let it fall into disrepair as alluded to by some of the objection letters then allowing this would only encourage the strategy of letting things fall into disrepair... If it has been bought more recently once aready deemed "beyond repair" then I have more sympathy. Not a planning issue per se, but should be part of the consideration I feel.

ETA: Frankly I'd rather they turned it into a Waitrose :)

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I have emailed the planning officer to register my strong opposition to the plan.

The property had clearly and purposely been left to deteriorate - such a shame.

The council should force the owner to renovate or sell.

Should this be brought to the James Barber thread? Maybe it already has.

Best of luck to the local residents.

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  • 1 month later...

Southwark planning department have passed the plans and they are due to be discussed at the community council meeting tonight at 7oc, Herne Hill Baptist Church, Half Moon Lane.

It appears the council had passed the plans before the consultation period had ended because it was due to go before the community council committee before some residents had even replied to "ammended plans". So much for the consultation process.

It's odd that the report from the council states a petition only received 10 signatures, I know of a petition which had nearly 80 names on it.

This development will be a blight to the area and make our parking nightmare worse. Lets hope the Community Council show more sense than the planning department.

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Granting planning permission to this development will only encourage other unscrupulous property owners to run down their properties in the knowledge that they will eventually be allowed to demolish them. The owners of this house have actively aided in its deterioration and should be told to rebuild it or sell it.
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  • 1 year later...

Resurrecting this thread as apparently the owner/developer appealed the planning decision and won. Hence the recent activity and signs of demolition taking place.

So the "Redevelopment of the site involve the demolition of existing house and rear garages, and the erection of a three storey building to accommodate 2x1 bed and 3x2 bed flats, erection of new garage to Elsie Road frontage with parking for 2 cars and 6 cycle parking spaces." is going ahead.

Oh well, I just hope they don't bodge it.

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