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Thanks for your very thoughtful and considered post.

No I don't think all kids look the same. Some look like the type that you might want to steer clear of - especially if you're not a bloke (for all the reasons that the original poster has made clear re their conduct and language).

I think it would actually be very useful to know what they looked like - hence my question. Totally up to Dadof4 though.

Dulwichlad850 Wrote:


> hi,

> i was at the park when this incodent took place

> and i do not think the lady in question is telling

> the whole truth,

> it was her Son that started this little episode

> and the lady in question also pushed one of the

> boys with some force while letting her son call

> the kids Fing mugs etc.

Pretty sure that you must have seen a separate incident (or you must be a pre-programmed troll)

My wife was walking with our terrified/crying 8 year old and a very scared 11 year old when it happened.

But of course, she may have just turned out not to be the woman I've been married to for 15 years, who is a tecaher and has just decided to get into a verbal scrap with some 11 years olds for fun, then pushed them around and gone on to fabricate a story to the police .....because she had nothing better to do.

I have to say if I had been there, they may well have been called fing mugs.

In terms of descriptions - I'm with others on that - dont think its that appropriate - the police have dealt with this now

El Presidente Wrote:


> what is unreasonable about asking for descriptions

> of a group of people who have been aggressively

> abusing women in a public place?

They were probably about five ft high, medium length hair, wearing t-shirt, jeans, trainers. Go gettem, El P!

Maybe the incident @Dulwichlad850 describes is a separate incident in which these serial young offenders picked on a woman who reacted in a more heated fashion? Sounds like it wasn't a one off volley of abuse the little tikes were spewing. Absolutely no need to question the testimony of Mrs Dadof4.

I'm not going to give Dulwichlad the benefit of doubt. He joined the forum today to post specifically on this thread. So has some connection to the offending kids. Just what that connection is we'll never know.

Even if there had been provocation (which I don't believe for one minute there was), this kind of language and behaviour from 12 year olds is disgraceful. They are clearly not normal children. Most parents would be horrified if their children who behaved like that too.

years ago, the teenage daughter of one of my friends was verbally abused by a group of boys whilst in the park. They were a similar age around 15/16. She was with a group of friends so she ignored them. In the same summer holiday, at another trip to the park with a couple of friends, the same boys started verbally abusing the girls and followed them through the park. The girls were getting frightened now and made their way out of the park through the village, with the boys following swearing at them and making 'suggestions' A shop keeper in the village was outside his shop and suggested to the girls that they took refuge in the shop and he rang the police. The boys took off but police later picked them up. My friend and her daughter were asked to identify the boys. My friend, who is a teacher, was horrified to find that a couple of the boys attended her school and they were shocked to see her. The boys got a warning from the police and a good dressing down. My friend stated that when the boys returned to school in September, they were very sheepish whenever they saw her and were on their best behaviour the rest of the year. As a result of this incident, the Police patrolled the park several times a day during the summer holidays
All rational conclusions to make though Azira. You yourself displayed your intention to play devil's Advocate in your first post {Stir}{Stir}. Some of us just choose not to play games when someone displays genuine distress at the abnormal behaviour of 12 year olds, behaviour that should be challenged if only for the outcome of the post above by Pugwash.

They are all assumptions Blah Blah - rational conclusions need to be based on evidence, of which there is none sufficient here to support some of the conclusions people have drawn.

Your implication that I am "play[ing] games" once more is making an assumption about what I think about the OP. The "stir" comment was directed at the outraged keyboard warrior types not the OP (and is in the same vein as the ealier poster who mentioned popcorn, that I note you have refrained from taking a pop at).

I am not "playing Devil's Advocate" (and again, thanks for your assumption that I don't hold with the opinions I express). I am just pointing out that lots of people are leaping to conclusions with no more apparent substantiation than their own prejudices/assumptions.

I take this kind of behaviour very seriously. I also take making evidence-based conclusions very seriously.

Sigh. Does every thing posted on a forum have to be so analysed? It's simple. The OP posted an event that most people would agree is awful and would leave most people questioning the environment that kids grow up in to behave like this. And some kids DO behave like this. Children that don't behave normally often have poor parenting and peers around them (and I AM qualified to say that).

Dulwichlad notably (after making the effort to join and post) hasn't come back to defend his position. Again, it is perfectly ok to draw a conclusion from that. It's clear from his posts that he is trying to implicate the mother and children as having provoked that exchange. Well agin I'm sorry, but harassing anyone with that kind of language at 12 years of age is not defensible.

And finally I believe that a report to the Police WAS made. I believe those Police contacted the parents and I also choose to make the conclusion that Dulwichlad is connected to those children or parents, until he comes back to say otherwise.

Of course some of that is circumstantial. You don't need to point that out to anyone. But this is also not a court, it's a forum where people are free to mull over things posted. And my replies to you are based purely on your replies to me. No ulterior motive there (as you seem to want to imply). That's what usually happens in debates. If you challenge someone's view, they reply to you.

Hi I'm back firstly I'm not connected to the 4 boys I'm too young all I said was incident was not how the op stated she made it sound like she was on her own when 4 boys boys started abusing her no that was not the case, out of the 4 boys it was one boy that was arguing with her son who was giving it back she told boy to go away he carried on arguing she then pushed boy away her son was swearing as well she then put her middle finger up to boys and told one of them he should go weight watchers, very adult approach they did not say the things that was posted yes the boys swore but not in context that the op said I will not be commenting anymore on this subject I know what happened and so does woman in question I'll leave it there

Blah Blah Wrote:


> I'm not going to give Dulwichlad the benefit of

> doubt. He joined the forum today to post

> specifically on this thread. So has some

> connection to the offending kids. Just what that

> connection is we'll never know.


> Even if there had been provocation (which I don't

> believe for one minute there was), this kind of

> language and behaviour from 12 year olds is

> disgraceful. They are clearly not normal children.

> Most parents would be horrified if their children

> who behaved like that too.

I'm afraid I remember this sort of behaviour from my youth.

Most of the parents had no idea and most of the children were

just 'followers' with one or two ringleaders.

Problem is - as a child - it's safer to side with the majority.

Dulwichlad850 Wrote:


> Hi I'm back firstly I'm not connected to the 4

> boys I'm too young all I said was incident was not

> how the op stated she made it sound like she was

> on her own when 4 boys boys started abusing her no

> that was not the case, out of the 4 boys it was

> one boy that was arguing with her son who was

> giving it back she told boy to go away he carried

> on arguing she then pushed boy away her son was

> swearing as well she then put her middle finger up

> to boys and told one of them he should go weight

> watchers, very adult approach they did not say the

> things that was posted yes the boys swore but not

> in context that the op said I will not be

> commenting anymore on this subject I know what

> happened and so does woman in question I'll leave

> it there

I was the original poster - not my wife. I posted it here in case there was a pattern of behavior developing with these boys (and according to the police, they saw that immediately)

But, you're so outraged by this miscarriage of justice that you decided to go and register immediately on the EDF. You appear a couple of times, casting doubt on the incident and then say that you wont be commenting any more.....hmm

So, I think you should take your comments to the police. An incident allegedly happened which, according to you, was a distortion/fabrication. If it did happen like that, I think you owe it to the boys concerned to go and make a statement in their defence (they didnt get arrested, but their details were taken and logged i Guess). You also say that my wife assaulted a young boy - again, pretty serious stuff that you should take to the police

If you PM me, I'll happily provide you the crime reference number

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