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Sorry, TLS, just looking for clarification - you're looking for cultural breakdown by ethnicity?

You'd like me to talk about the benefits or otherwise of dividing society along ethnic lines?

You'd then like to me to agree that dividing people according to their ethnic background keeps people happier?

There is of course a grand history of tub-thumping rabble-raising based on a 'better world' of ethnic purity. Off the top of my head I can think of Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Armenia, The Final Solution - the list is endless.

I can't agree with you that people were happier in those situations, than they are we all rub along together.

If I were to use some arcane and bestial classification of the residents of Singapore, and it soils me to do it, Singapore's around 70% Chinese, 20% Malay, 8% Indian and 2% other.

The riots following the formation of Singapore formed along ethnic lines, but it was undoubtedly the inspirational leadership of Lee Kwan Yew who stopped the bloodbath threatened by sick and twisted ethnic purists, and generated the successful nation we see today.

It is to the eternal credit of this society that they managed to find other ways to judge people than the shape of their nose or eyes, their religion, or the music they listen to. Singapore celebrates diversity in the main because of the huge social benefits it confers.

The irony of the ethnic cleansers in the UK is that they are outcasts in their own society.

Huguenot Wrote:

Sorry, TLS, just looking for clarification - you're looking for cultural breakdown by ethnicity?

Yes, for the purposes of thequestion I've wanted you to answer for some while now. H.

Huguenot:You'd like me to talk about the benefits or otherwise of dividing society along ethnic lines?

You'd then like to me to agree that dividing people according to their ethnic background keeps people happier?

I would love to see your examination replies! You invent your own questions that you want to be asked or think you have been asked! lol ...I asked you neither of these questions.

Huguenot:There is of course a grand history of tub-thumping rabble-raising based on a 'better world' of ethnic purity. Off the top of my head I can think of Rwanda, Yugoslavia, Armenia, The Final Solution - the list is endless.

I agree that is disgraceful and inhuman and the point is..?

Huguenot: I can't agree with you that people were happier in those situations, than they are we all rub along together.

If I were to use some arcane and bestial classification of the residents of Singapore, and it soils me to do it, Singapore's around 70% Chinese, 20% Malay, 8% Indian and 2% other.

TLS: ALLELUIA!! Thats all I was asking! Wasn't too difficult was it? I hope you clean yourself up after your "soining"...::o

Huguenot: The riots following the formation of Singapore formed along ethnic lines, but it was undoubtedly the inspirational leadership of Lee Kwan Yew who stopped the bloodbath threatened by sick and twisted ethnic purists, and generated the successful nation we see today. It is to the eternal credit of this society that they managed to find other ways to judge people than the shape of their nose or eyes, their religion, or the music they listen to. Singapore

celebrates diversity in the main because of the huge social benefits it confers. The irony of the ethnic cleansers in the UK is that they are outcasts in their own society.

TLS: "Ethnic Cleansers"??...no-one on EDF is remotely suggesting that. Its just gone 5.00AM in London Town and I have just returned from playing in a Casino in Kensington, West London. If we had some form of Ethnic cleansing I would have been only one of two players there out of, approximately, 170/180. Not much of a night out, eh?

Naturally the Guys got on fine, there were all Ethnic types though mainly the traditional gamblers like the Chinese were well represented.

Soooo, FINALLY, now we have your stats I can return to the question I posed.

Do YOU thibk that The majority Ethnic Chinese in Singapore would be perfectly happy if THEY became just "10%" of the population in Singapore? That is YOUR opinion of what THEY think NOT what YOU think!!

I would wager, heavily, that if you asked the majority of indigenous Brits who had experienced living in The UK in an area that, broadly, displayed their Culture and also NOW live in that same area (like parts of Leicester, for example where the Culture is Asian) that they would prefer to live in a Culture that represents their likes, habits and beliefs NOT some other Culture's "likes, habits and beliefs"..Do you agree that is what THEY would want, in the main?

I would, also, wager that if you asked the OVERWHELMING majority of Brits if they would be happy living NOT in a Mono-Culture but in a Society rich with other people from all over the World where they (the indigenous Brits) were still the "predominant" people and culture they would be fine with that.

So its got nothing with YOUR rabble-rousing about "Ethnic cleansing" at all but just, noting, the "bleedin' obvious" that in most places in the World "most" people tend to choose to spend "most" time with people of their own Culture.

The question again was:

"Do YOU thibk that The majority Ethnic Chinese in Singapore would be perfectly happy if THEY became just "10%" of the population in Singapore? That is YOUR opinion of what THEY think NOT what YOU think!! "

The only rational answer to your question is that the original population of Singapore was Malay, and they are now only 20%, and they all see quite happy.

I'd have to say that the principle reason for that is that they don't dwell on ethnicity when forming social bonds or business propositions.

TLS, other people just aren't as obsessed with you are that their nation is destroyed by ethnic division, and they have no desire to create strife across ethnic boundaries.

They simply don't draw the lines that you do - the 'chinese' aren't worried about being overcome by another race, because the 'chinese' aren't one homogenous mass - there's 56 'official' ethnic groups in China. It's only bigots that heap them all into one group.

They don't start drawing lines in the sand because they realise it's dishonest, irrational, pointless and destructive.

They don't bleat on about lost culture because they realise it's up to them to sustain and celebrate their traditions where appropriate, and not to try and create division with their fellow travellers.

Your reply above seems perfectly reasonable in their case.

As you know millions died in the last 2 World Wars fighting for Freedom for Britain and the British people.

99% of them were White/British, which was representative of British Society then.

How do you think THEY would feel if by, a time machine they returned to Britain now and observed that their Culture and fellow White/Brits ,that they fought and died for, have become almost extinct and fast diminishing in many areas ?

How do you, honestly, think thatTHEY would feel about that?

And here you go, one final piece of data for Singapore:

Research* shows that when the concentration of Chinese in a district of Singapore exceeds 43%, the average Chinese citizen would rather than a member of another non-Chinese ethnic group as a new neighbour rather that a Chinese neighbour!!

Blow me down TLS!

It seems that despite their cultural dominance these guys actually crave more diversity!!!

* Maisy Wong, Massachuestts Institute of Technology, November 2007

Re. the European wars.... Ha ha!


'99% of the people who died in the last wars were white British fighting for the white British people'?

I'm pleased to note that most of the guys on our side who went to war had far more integrity than to fight for racial purity. I think you'll find it was the other side that did that ;-)

I can understand your confusion, the French even refused to allow non-caucasians to march in the victory parades. Two wrongs etc.

entering into a debate with TLS on anything relating to race or "The British" is like talking to that green ghost in Ghostbusters

You end up covered in slime, have no idea what just happened and just before you can wipe some of the gloop off and retort, you get slimed again. And then again

Tony.London Suburbs Wrote:


> Your reply above seems perfectly reasonable in

> their case.


> As you know millions died in the last 2 World Wars

> fighting for Freedom for Britain and the British

> people.


> 99% of them were White/British, which was

> representative of British Society then.


> How do you think THEY would feel if by, a time

> machine they returned to Britain now and observed

> that their Culture and fellow White/Brits ,that

> they fought and died for, have become almost

> extinct and fast diminishing in many areas ?


> How do you, honestly, think thatTHEY would feel

> about that?

Well firstly your stats are incorrect. Your 99% White/British codswallop does a massive disservice to the 2.5million Indians who served, fought and died in war that didn't affect them, and for an empire that had yet to free them. And then there were the 250000 Africans who fought too.

I wonder how THEY feel that their contribution is overlooked and ignored in order to justify some spurious race-relation nonsense about the decline of pie and mash shops?

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> entering into a debate with TLS on anything

> relating to race or "The British" is like talking

> to that green ghost in Ghostbusters


> You end up covered in slime, have no idea what

> just happened and just before you can wipe some of

> the gloop off and retort, you get slimed again.

> And then again

Sean entering a debate with you on anything relating to race or "The British" is like being covered in spittle from the remaining spit that deflects from your beard onto al those within a 5 yard radius.

These days you seem only capable of ranting and making insults, that, frankly, belong in Grange Hill or Fenn Street then you should really desist for our mutual benefit.

I find, disappointingly, that you add little or nothing to support your arguments a la Huguenot or Carnell.

All you do is go into one and make personal insults.

EDF is a place of fun, try to remember that at all times.

Now if you want to converse as an adult well I'm free (tu)

david c et al...Of course many others died in fighting for the cause of Freedom but have you any figures to substantiate your claims that the percentage of their deaths exceeded 1% ??

Do you know how many millions of Brits died, in total, in the last 2 World Wars?

Maybe Marmora Man, for example, has the correct figures if none of us actually know them..?

Tony.London Suburbs Wrote:


> david c et al...Of course many others died in

> fighting for the cause of Freedom but have you any

> figures to substantiate your claims that the

> percentage of their deaths exceeded 1% ??


> Do you know how many millions of Brits died, in

> total, in the last 2 World Wars?


> Maybe Marmora Man, for example, has the correct

> figures if none of us actually know them..?

You're the one who mentioned 1%. Where did you get it from? Ah yes, you made it up.

The World Wars were just that World Wars. They weren?t about fighting for Britain and queen and fucking country.

If you think that you?re either seriously misinformed or just an idiot.

Just because Britain was instrumental in starting them doesn?t qualify the associated nationalistic crap.

My family certainly didn?t fight in the World Wars to ensure Freedom for Britain. They did it because the rest of the world realised that the unholy mess needed sorting.

Just about every nation on earth was "involved" in World War II in one way or another. By that I mean colonies, protectorates, commonwealths, or satellite nations of the belligerents following the wishes of their patron countries.

The above comment seems to summarise it well. All fighting for Freedom.

My question was though :

"How do you think THEY would feel if by, a time machine they returned to Britain now and observed that their Culture and fellow White/Brits ,that they fought and died for, have become almost extinct and fast diminishing in many areas ? "

How do you, honestly, think that THEY would feel about that?

How do you think that, irrespective of the percentage of deaths, how many of the 1.7 Million British who died in World War 1 alone, would feel about the fact that White/Brits have become almost extinct and are fast diminishing in many areas?

Sherwick Wrote:

You're the one who mentioned 1%. Where did you get it from? Ah yes, you made it up.

By definition if someone disputes figures that have, in their view, been erroneously put forward, then they must be au fait with the correct figures to challenge them in the first place!

So david c. you said it was "codswallop" so what are the true figures and respective percentages then?

This rather boring game of whiff whaff (or ping pong if you're not a Boris Johnson fan) is losing its allure.

I see no likelihood that either proponent will dent the other's views or prejudices - so why bother?

Hugenot & I took a discussion about climate change off the EDF line - it's an option to consider.

"99% of the people who died in the last wars were white British fighting for the white British people"

It's just not true. The Axis powers were fighting for notions of racial purity. But not us. Read Churchills's speeches and tell me where he talks about fighting for the "white British people". You won't. You will though find lots of references to the Commonwealth and its people.

About 90k Indians died in military action, 40k Australians, 20k NZ, 45k Canadians, 22k Burmese. The British lost just over 300k in military action. Civilian wise, about 350k died in Malaya, 60k in Burma, many more thousands in India. We lost something like 70k civillians in the UK; and across the two World Wars just over a million all in.

Over 90% of the UK is still "white" Tony. Walworth has become an area with a lot of African Immigrants living there. Camberwell and Peckham too. This is what happens in World cities like London. Most of us really don't have a problem with this. In fact, most of us rather like it, which is why we live here rather than in a dull little suburb.

And in addition there were also all the people who died on the other side.

They were also sons, fathers and brothers and the ones who got killed in the houses that got bombed were also wives daughters and mothers.

Just goes to show how utterly illogical and sad it is to use a war or wars as some kind of justification for national identity.

Tony.London Suburbs Wrote:


> Sherwick Wrote:

> You're the one who mentioned 1%. Where did you get

> it from? Ah yes, you made it up.


> By definition if someone disputes figures that

> have, in their view, been erroneously put forward,

> then they must be au fait with the correct figures

> to challenge them in the first place!


> So david c. you said it was "codswallop" so what

> are the true figures and respective percentages

> then?

So you admit that you made it up then?

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