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taper: I've already prooved that you totally, deliberately, misinterpreted something I had written earlier which was scandalous.

This, potentially, is much worse it that you have CLEARLY stated that I must view Stormfront ( which I don't) in order to cast that slime that Sean often refers to. As my "75%" figure was wildly inaccurate, as opposed to the correct figure of 8%/9% then you said that I must have got that crazy figure from there as you have seen it on there.

Simply cut 'n paste the offending line(s) on there so the World can see that it WAS there and you did not invent it and lie, which I'm beginning to heavily suspect.

Obviously if you did lie (with all its implications) then that not only covers you in that slime but also a large dollop would fall on Huguenot, Sherwick et al who, not only, believed you but were only too pleased to make comments, thereafter, accordingly including Sherwick's "I suspected etc.."..


Anyway, there are many on here who are not exactly slow in coming forward to provide Quotes or Stats to proove or disproove something so if any of these Guys would like to provide and cut 'n paste this erroneous figure from Stormfront that taper has DEFINTELY seen then please go ahead and do so.

A DEAFENING silence might ensue here as taper, remarkably, will find himself "too busy" to re-produce that figure from Stormfront.

Over to you taper.

mockney piers Wrote:


> Well, the full quote by TLS was "As you know millions

> died in the last 2 World Wars fighting for Freedom

> for Britain and the British people.


> 99% of them were White/British, which was

> representative of British Society then."

Interestingly wiki lists total UK WW 2 casualties as 449,800 (382,700 military and 67,100 civilian) and total UK WW 1 casualties as 994,138 (885,138 military and 109,000 civilian), giving 1.5 million in total for both world wars.

Whilst every single death in both wars is a tragedy (as my relatives died too), it's hardly the 'millions' that TLS claimed.

Yet again TLS is making stuff up. What a surprise.

Tony.London Suburbs Wrote:


> taper: I've already prooved that you totally,

> deliberately, misinterpreted something I had

> written earlier which was scandalous.


> This, potentially, is much worse it that you have

> CLEARLY stated that I must view Stormfront ( which

> I don't) in order to cast that slime that Sean

> often refers to. As my "75%" figure was wildly

> inaccurate, as opposed to the correct figure of

> 8%/9% then you said that I must have got that

> crazy figure from there as you have seen it on

> there.


> Simply cut 'n paste the offending line(s) on there

> so the World can see that it WAS there and you did

> not invent it and lie, which I'm beginning to

> heavily suspect.


> Obviously if you did lie (with all its

> implications) then that not only covers you in

> that slime but also a large dollop would fall on

> Huguenot, Sherwick et al who, not only, believed

> you but were only too pleased to make comments,

> thereafter, accordingly including Sherwick's "I

> suspected etc.."..





> Anyway, there are many on here who are not exactly

> slow in coming forward to provide Quotes or Stats

> to proove or disproove something so if any of

> these Guys would like to provide and cut 'n paste

> this erroneous figure from Stormfront that taper

> has DEFINTELY seen then please go ahead and do

> so.


> A DEAFENING silence might ensue here as taper,

> remarkably, will find himself "too busy" to

> re-produce that figure from Stormfront.


> Over to you taper.

Tony, what are you ranting about? You've been 'caught' making up statistics to support your arguments time and time again. Surely, this much must be obvious to you by now?

taper Wrote:

Google "inter-racial-marriages, stormfront" and you'll find it. i'm not linking to that filth.


You do not need to provide any link to that filth at all.

Just cut 'n paste the offending lines to proove you did not invent this and lie about the whole thing.

Thats ALL you have to do taper.

Tony.London Suburbs Wrote:


> taper Wrote:

> Google "inter-racial-marriages, stormfront" and

> you'll find it. i'm not linking to that filth.




> You do not need to provide any link to that filth

> at all.


> Just cut 'n paste the offending lines to proove

> you did not invent this and lie about the whole

> thing.


> Thats ALL you have to do taper.

You've got a nerve calling anyone else SHAMEFUL, I can tell yoU!

Sherwick Wrote:

You've got a nerve calling anyone else SHAMEFUL, I can tell yoU!

Empty rhetoric, as always Sherwick.

I have ILLUSTRATED where taper could, potentially, be guilty of shameful behaviour.

Now show me where I have been guilty of the same.

I have readily admitted that "75%" was wildly inaccurate.

I also said that 99% of people that fought from Britain in those 2 World Wars were "White/British" which is correct.

I know there were hundreds of thousands of "Allied" Troops deaths and millions of deaths globally but I was referring to British deaths.

There were 1.3 Million Military and Civilian British Deaths in World War 1 and World War 2, so NOT "millions" agreed.

Hardly "shameful" that my guessitimate was inaccurate and, of course, a happy DEFLECTION , away from the figures that taper insisted he saw and that he has, shamefully, failed to produce.

Sherwick Wrote:

Your figures aren't 'guestimates'. They are completely MADE-UP, i.e. FABRICATED, in order to SUIT YOUR AGENDA.

My Agenda? My Agenda is what?

For others NOT to enjoy Mixed-Raced Relationships which I have enjoyed for 25 years now...lol

p.s taper is in a wondrous situation, for only knows if he is lying as only he has looked at that Site and seen the "75%" wholly inaccurate figure there. Of course if he is NOT lying he WILL eventually, after a tease or two, produce those figures.

However if disgustingly he is lying and uses whatever lame excuses NOT to show them then this reflects terribly on YOU SHERWICK and HUGUENOT and others who were only too willing and prepared to jump onto the Racist/Fascist bandwagon.

The truth is, apart, from the tired and lazy old "he/she's a racist" you can not combat the harsh reality that many indigenous English people or Brits do NOT like to see their Culture diluted, replaced or even destroyed in increasing parts of Britain!

Anyway lets see what taper brings forth ..

All we have established thus far is that taper looks at the Stormfront Site...:)

I AM LOVING THIS THREAD......If it had a smell it would be like the cramped free weights room at a Gym , all hot & stale sweaty with plenty Testosterone...

Anyway TLS ( have you met thebeard / are you thebeard ) if not you and him as an army......


In my mind ( yes there is such a place )I visualise you as a tall version of say " Brian Blessed x Arthur Daily +10% Quinten Crisp.

Am I close ?

Ish ?


*spits when making point/shouting ...guaranteed *

I dunno, it's more like fusty cardigans and unwashed socks to me.

TLS whatever your politics it strikes me that you are either severly OCD or a troll, noone else could keep a single point argument going for this many pages. Isn't there weather r something to discuss, what are the jelled eels like in kentland or wherever you ended up?

taper Wrote:

Google "inter-racial-marriages, 75%". It is the second link down. I won't open the link, nor paste from it. I don't want to pollute this site.

To give you the benefit of the doubt, which I really do NOT think you deserve thats the biggest load of rubbish I've heard for many a long day!

So you have intrepreted MY "75%" figure that I wrongly gave for BRITISH Mixed-Raced children being in BRITISH CARE/FOSTER HOMES as tthe following:

On a Site called "The Truth At Last" Firstly who the hell are they?? NOT it would appear to be "Stormfront" as you said it goes on to say that the divorce rate of Mixed-Raced Couples is 75% in THE USA !!


1/ You have got the wrong Site so NO-ONE apart from you ( you said) was looking at Stormfront at all, at any time.

2/ I was referring to Mixed-Raced Children as YOU were referring to a figure giving DIVORCE rates

3/ I was referring to The UK and YOU take that text from THE USA!!

Stick to the day job Miss Marples....

Yup it's there:

"Problems of Mixed Race Couples"

number "8) The divorce rate of inter-racial marriages is 75%. It is believed that many who engage in mixed unions have profound emotional problems and/or are drug users. Often they seek to mock society's norms or are in rebellion against their parents."

Other marvelous 'facts' from this page are:

"7) The low I.O. of Negroes has been scientifically proven to be hereditary. Low-I.Q. people breed only more low-I.Q. offspring and usually have large numbers of offspring, further polluting the White gene pool."


"5) When an interracial baby is conceived, a White family line, thousands of years old, has instantly ceased to exist."

Hmmmm.... strange how TLS posted this exact (yet false) percentage, but did NOT get it from the Stormfront site...


mockney piers Wrote:

TLS whatever your politics it strikes me that you are either severly OCD or a troll, noone else could keep a single point argument going for this many pages. Isn't there weather r something to discuss, what are the jelled eels like in kentland

or wherever you ended up?

It saddens me to criticise one of the most reasonable and erudite members here but poor effort Mockney.

I tried DESPERATELY to end my participation on here on June 10th by saying to Sherwick

"We will agree to disagree. Lets wait until 2049 and see who had the "20/20" Vision!

How much clearer did I have to make it that I was happy after saying my piece for a day or so that that was enough.

Then many times later I was called to task or misquoted and I replied accordingly.

Then came the first of 2 heroic efforts by Huguenot to stir it up.

Firstly he called my views "Jingoistic" and mentioned the appalling Irish/Rumanian immigrant situation of correct proof of what "jingoistic" views can produce then he followed that a few days later after everything died down by suddenly stating "your views are about race,race,race and are nasty,nasty,nasty" so I came back to respond to that.

Thats why I returned and then we had the blatantly untrue "Stormfront" connection so guess what? I returned again.

Don't blame the "Gang of 4/5/6" local lads whatever yo do...

As for your personal comments after nearly 3,000 postings, majority NOT about "Race" its rather out of character and downright risible for you to use the last resort ofa scroundrel on a Website and accuse someone of being a "Troll".

Disappointed in you and after our Manly Handshakes by PM....sigh....you can't trust anyone these days...:)

Sherwick Wrote:

Yup it's there: "Problems of Mixed Race Couples" number "8) The divorce rate of inter-racial marriages is 75%. It is believed that many who engage in mixed unions have profound emotional problems and/or are drug users. Often they seek to

mock society's norms or are in rebellion against their parents."

Other marvelous 'facts' from this page are: "7) The low I.O. of Negroes has been scientifically proven to be hereditary. Low-I.Q. people breed only more low-I.Q. offspring and usually have large numbers of offspring, further

polluting the White gene pool." and "5) When an interracial baby is conceived, a White family line, thousands of years old, has instantly ceased to exist." Hmmmm.... strange how TLS posted this exact (yet false) percentage, but did NOT get it from the Stormfront site...


The fact that somewhere on the Internet there is a 75% Stat that relates in some way to Mixed-Race people or children?

Do me a favour! lol

p.s My opinion of you sinks further and further Sherwick.

You are VERY transparent, I'm afraid.

You quote a lot of disgusting text from a Site I've never heard of because it is on the same page where a "75%" is mentioned, though THIS 75% figure as NOTHING to do with mine,,and then BY ASSOCIATION you attempt to UNsubtlety credit me with those views from a Site that I have never ever seen.


When I've had enough of a thread I may not say a polite goodbye like marmots man, but I do stop posting, occasionally though I'll grant you that just when I thought I was out they sucked me back in.

But not for nine pages;)

lol marmots man, iPhone autocorrect at it's best!!!

Tony, this is what you said:

"However, lets not pretend its easy. There are more Mixed-Raced children in Foster Homes throughout The UK than Black children with White children coming a distant third. I've read several times b4 ( This time I do not recall where) that 75% of Mixed-Raced Partnerships fail, I'm afraid."

So your 75% stat did relate to partnerships failing. I'm not sure it changes much but you do seem to be getting confused.

Sherwick Wrote: Yup it's there

No its not! Thats a 75% figure showing a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT "75%" statistic to the one I wrongly claimed.

To answer your question, I don't know where I got "my" 75% figure from but I, mistakenly, believed that was the case...maybe someone on another Forum like Blacknet.co.uk wrote it and I saw it there.

The Blacknet Site is the premier Site for Blackk people in The UK and THEY are so against Inter-Racial Relationships that they BAN all threads about Inter-Racial Relationships which does make a total farce of your idealistic view.

I do NOT agree with them but anyone who advocates ANY Mixed-Raced relationship is FLAMED and usually accused of being a "Troll2.

Educate yourself one day Sherwick and have a look at all the threads on that Site and their view of England/Britain/White people etc...I may be wrong but in 1,000 different threads I've yet to see anything positive on there about The UK or about White people or "crackers"/"bluefeet"/"greys" which is how we are routinely referred to in every thread that we are mentioned.

Doesn't fit in with your Utopian view though does it?

But you do NOT want to see that do you M8!!

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