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Let's put this into perspective they got 7% of 34% of the vote...this sadly gives them some legitimacy but is not the break through they claim. Many of the comments reflect a truth thst Labour has by and large ignored the white workig class SOME of whom have believed and been fooled into believing that the BNP offers them something better. Immigration as an issue has ignored by mainstream parties too although for many people, including 2nd generation immigrants it is an issue, however uncomfrtable the metropolitan middle classes are with thst. Finally, it illustrtes what a danger the continued devoluton of power to a european superstate that has declining engagement in practically all the big member states is. People in europe are getting more like us little enganders in their views of a massive, detached, bureacratic, unaccountable thng somewhere in Brussels....economic union maybe...political, mmmmm

Dear sweet baby Jesus

Sometimes people get so worked up about getting the requisite amount of buzzwords into an argument that they lose sight of the reality

Immigration as an issue has NOT been ignored by anyone. If for many people, including 2nd generation immigrants it IS an issue, then the question is with them to answer. "WHAT exactly is your problem???" - what's that? some foreign people are working with you? Because the people I hear complain MOST are the people who have jobs already. And something else... it's not something that escapes the (uh oh buzzword alert) "metropolitan middle class" because as well as the increasing number of people from abroad working in those professions as well, a LOT more of those jobs are leaving the country

But to go back to the "normal" people who, poor mites, aren't being listened to. Well, it was them that went to European building sites in the early 80s. It was irish versions of them who came to England later. It has always gone on and wil lcontinue to go on. Just because the music has stopped and the party is over does NOT give anyone, no matter how fucking poor the right to turn on the less familiar faces in the room.

Here is a newsflash. Maybe the people in power aren't completely wrong. Maybe too many "normal" people have double-standards, sit on their ass, use prejudice as a catch-all get out and basically need a reality check. We are all on this planet together and any "us" and "them" is backward.

Polemic once more Sean - which to be honest you resort to quite s lot, and I can't really find the arguments beneath your rant,,,,you really do come over as someone whoe duty it is to fight any questioning of paint by numbers liberalism with a "YOU'RE DAILY MAIL" type response, whivh you hsve levelled at me before, prejudice is a two way street. I expect that I'm just as pissed off as you about the BNP getting in I'm looking for a bit more analysis and trying to understand why.....


Enough is Enough sometimes.

I have not read any of the pieces above, any other comments or read any newspapers since the results were announced but this is what I do know:

The overwhelming majority of Black/White/Asian/Greek/Turkish/Chinese/Jewish?Younmeait people love "familiarity". They prefer to be with people of a similar "Culture". Whether you or I think that they should prefer to be like that is our opinion but is undeniable.

There are some Music genres that cross-over but whether you and I like it Black kids will invariably attend Black Music Gigs with 95% other Black kids. That is their choice. Ditto Asian Youths. Ditto White Youths . Ditto East Europeans. Ditto Chinese. Ditto Jewish people. The overwhelming majority of each group are happy to be tolerant to others but would rather be amongst their own.

TheRE can not be one person who has lived beyond 30 years, for example, who does not realise this.

Sooooo when White people lived in Communities in most areas of London in the 1950's/1960's even 1970's where 95+ of the people "looked" like them and, making allowing for the difference in individuals, acted and had, generally, their interests, which were catered for then they felt in their Comfort Zone they were part of "their" Community. Now many do not. They feel strangers in "their" own land. A land where Generations of their Families lived in those same areas.

Yes, we ALL know "immigration" has always existed.

However for the last 200 years 98%+ of Brits were White. It only began to change since The Post-Windrush Period in 1948.

Many BNP voters do not like being in the Minority now in areas that they regarded as their own Communities.

They see this process accelerating rapidly and they do not like it.

Add The Recession and a myriad other factors and you get this vote.

It IS only 7% of a small turn-out. Not particularly significant, I would suggest.

I've said before on here (yawn) when I lived in Walworth in The 1960's I could travel one week in my neighbourhood and only see fellow Whites. Seeing anyone else was comented on, it was that rare.

I went back last week and down East Lane Market where I lived I was in a 10% Minority all-day. When I lived there in 1969 I was part of a 95%+ Majority.

Now the shops cater for the new people living there as they should. Most of the old shops have closed down, their clientele have moved out.

Places and people evolve. Even the Walworth School Re-Union was held in Bexley as everyone chose to move out.

"White Flight" takes place for multi-farius reasons but I would heavily suggest, primarily, it is because large groups of White people are exactly like large groups of Africans/Greeks/Turks/East Europeans/Chinese/Jewish/Asiatic people etc in that they have much more in common, generally, with their own people.

This intensifies enormously as people get older. Its not so apparent at Universities/Colleges/Schools were the "ideal" is RIGHTLY encouraged.

Its a WONDERFUL ideal, make no mistake, but its NOT realistic as Groups will always rather engage, as in The USA, in their own Communities.

The ruddy English even take over parts of The Costa Del Sol and don't want to be with the indigenous Spanish folk there so to believe that many would want to do it in their own Country is way off the mark whether you or I like it or think its right, morally or otherwise.

For the record it fascinates me that, for many of my Black British friends I am the ONLY White friend they choose to have, and that says much about their choice of people who they want to socialise with. Every other person is Black, thats the way they want it. I'm struggling to think of any recent Social activity where I haven't been the only White person present, actually.

Now the more educated or certainly the more Professional people, generally, have no problem with mixing and living freely in my diverse Communities. Professional people are Professional people. They come in all shapes and sizes and colour is irrelevant, as it should be. They will live in decent areas and most will be great neighbours so "colour" isn't an issue at all. Or should NOT be.

That is not necesarrily the case in poorer White Areas where many feel they have little in the first place and then have to witness their Community becoming totally transformed in their lifetime and they suddenly realise they have little in common with many of their fellow local Residents.

So s++t happens, I'm afraid.

Sherwick Wrote:


> If you think the Daily Mail's bad, take a gander

> at BBC's HYS..! Almost fanatical BNP support on

> there.

Sherwick - that's not co-incidental, one of the BNPs tactics is to hit as many websites as they can, a drip, drip of sh1te

Quids, I don't think I've levelled that much at you

I'm just not going to tolerate anyone defending the mindless drivel coming out of some people's mouths (I refer to the comments posted on the links, and not your post) You might want to understand it, as do I probably, but I'm certainly not going to give any ground on the issue. If people are feeling put out they would do well to spend the time on the internet genning up on some useful information instead of youporn

(seeing as how, for once in ALL OF HISTORY, people on a lower income have as much access to info as the metropolitan elite. This is no mere detail. )

If I was that fellow gooner I would be going mental and wondering where you get off, how dare you etc. I'm just saddened. What was it about my post that was rabid. It's vehement in it's rebuttal of the argument that anyone is being swamped but what is "wrong" with it? Factually I mean. You do invoke buzzwords such as metropoltan elite a lot - I simply pointed out their jobs are as insecure as anyone elses - what's your point?

Which point have you made that wants a response?

1) we both agree that the BNP increasing their powerbase is A Bad Thing

2) you think the reasons for this support is a metropolitan, elitist powerbase which pays no heed to it's core support. I don't. I believe that fundamentally, a large proportion of people are lazy in their thinking and always look for a scapegoat. I make no claim that that is the sole province of any class. I see it in offices as much as I do the pub or anywhere else. Just as *Bob* posted his maxim years ago that most people are cocks, I am simply restating that fact with relevance to the "immigration" issue

3) Your worries about devolution to a European powerbase. The evolution of that European powerbase is, I believe, absolutely critical to the future prosperity and peace of this and other European nations. It has, in various incarnations, addressed the issues which caused 2 world wars and whilst (and this is important I shout this out) it is an imperfect thing most of it's imperfections stem from residual nationalism amongst it's member states. Like the characters in Deadwood who fight the formation of a United States they are out of tune and will be the cause of any possible conflict in the future. It should be possible, as grown ups, to monitor and check the excesses of a body that large - but the populace doesn't care and I don't blame any paper for that, I blame the individuals - not just in this country but across Europe. So they are turning against the union politically? And that's just to be taken as a given and not challenged is it? Human tho it is to respond in uncertain times, by clinging to old ways, and to look for scapegoats, it don't make it right.

There is nothing happening that can't be addressed by fighting for the positive things - not by just shrugging when people turn nasty and saying "well, there is a reason".

As for TLS and his lip service to his "wouldn't it be great if... but we are all tossers really", and picks on a TINY minority of streets to prove how the the "indigenous" population are swamped - it's basically scared, small minded bullshit. Us. Them. Minority. Scary words but what does it mean? And then he bangs on about it;s ok for the professionals but not yer working class. Well, fuck me for asking the obvious, but why should it be different???

Let's put this into perspective they got 7% of 34% of the vote...this sadly gives them some legitimacy but is not the break through they claim. Many of the comments reflect a truth thst Labour has by and large ignored the white workig class SOME of whom have believed and been fooled into believing that the BNP offers them something better. Immigration as an issue has ignored by mainstream parties too although for many people, including 2nd generation immigrants it is an issue, however uncomfrtable the metropolitan middle classes are with thst. Finally, it illustrtes what a danger the continued devoluton of power to a european superstate that has declining engagement in practically all the big member states is. People in europe are getting more like us little enganders in their views of a massive, detached, bureacratic, unaccountable thng somewhere in Brussels....economic union maybe...political, mmmmm

I would agree with you ???? and say immigration is an "issue" (i.e. a problem - let's not try and obscure what you mean here) with a large number of people in this country - in nearly every sector of society, from 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants themselves all the way to the "metropop middle classes". And I would say it is for two reasons:

1) Lack of understanding of the issues

2) Fear of the unknown/new/different

As a brief example of 1) the common confusion over the difference between refugees and economic migrants is one that is repeatedly found, both in the tabloid press, and re-spouted by the man-on-the-street.

I don't think the political nature of the EU however is a reason for any of this. The economic free-trade area of the EEC allowed freedom for workers to move across Europe as they pleased and is now generally accepted, by all except a minority fringe, as a useful and beneficial body for the UK to belong to. The political nature of the EU has nothing to do with it.

And let's be honest here, when we talk about issues concerning immigration/racism/national identity etc we (and by we I mean those who have problems with the above) are talking about immigrants from non-European parts of the world - i.e. non-white people.

I think you're assumption that Labour has ignored the white working class holds some weight. Whilst they have, without doubt imo, improved the lot of the working man and the benefit-reliant sections of society with measures such as the national minimum wage, SureStart and better maternity rights they have failed to address the underlying poverty gap that exists between the richest and poorest sectors. When Peter Mandleson once said he was "relaxed" about people being stinking rich in a society which still has children living in poverty the death knell sounded for the Old Labour movement and the chance to enact a truly social-democratic model of government. They have been wasted years to some extent. And because of this, I believe Labour must take some of the blame for the relative success of the BNP and the continued undercurrent of racism and bigotry that persists in the UK.

Hopefully this has commented on some of your points and raised a few more. I am interested in one particular point however. I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that you are essentially a libertarian. Free-market, small state etc. Surely the free movement of labour across national boundaries would be a pivotal tenet of your beliefs. If imported labour can do the job cheaper then so be it?

Sound as a pound

One other thing tho - even if my argument is full of holes.. I know I'm fighting the good fight. I am not now, nor never will, give any ground to anyone who gives credence to an argument of "Other"ness. Or being swamped. or we can go to their countries but they can't come here. Horse shit - all of it

I would credit humanity as being about the equivalent of a 12 year old adolescent boy. It knows there are "other" people out there. It knows at some point it will have to grow up and get on with them. But for now it's happy enough making them cry and teasing them. So whilst TLS may be technically correct when he states

he seems a little bit more comfortable with that status quo (or regression) than I am. I am looking for the Fast Forward button..the one that gets us past all this nonsense. And when I read the message boards of the links above - well, you don't need me to tell you how angry it makes me

???? Wrote:


> Sherwick - that's not co-incidental, one of the

> BNPs tactics is to hit as many websites as they

> can, a drip, drip of sh1te

Funny, that's exactly the same tactic that the Republican party in the USA used (and still use)...



1) We agree but my original point was that the results weren't that great (7% of 34%) and encouragingly the BNP did worse in areas where they have councils, where hopefully their stupidity as well as their prejudice is being exposed. To a latter point, but the failure of the EU to engage with the electorate is partly why they won these seats in the first place (low turn out)

2) Ignorance is no excuse for anything, but I hear stereotypical, prejudiced and sometimes pretty unpleasant views from some highly (including privately) educated people on a daily basis -as I'm sure you do. People from less priveliged and with poor education probably have more of an excuse.... mmmmm making sweeping judgements on them is very easy and not going to change their minds, which after all we should aspire to.

3) The Labour Party has largely ignored the White Working class and certainly the 'under-class' bits of it..wealth inequality has increased affecting the poorest sections of society (including of course many from ethnic minorities). The left wing of the Labour party tends to agree with me.

4) I use the term metropolitan elite 'cos I kept getting pulled up for "Middle class" "Bourgeois" etc ;-).

BUT it is far easier for this group to claim a lack of prejudice and no problem with immigration etc when they have relative affluence and the flexibility of choice that gives them in housing, health etc

5) *Bobs* point on people being cocks - is true. Samuel Johnstone made a point once that people can@t be arsed to think about things, he was right, many most people don't ever 'think' much about things and so go to easy answers....the 'left' and 'Liberalism' has myriad of these.

6) Europe - great idea and sentiment but the lack of engagement because of *Bobs* point means it's never going to work.

Finally, you don't half have some faith in our political elite which I don't share...


Ironically you are becoming more of a "Ranter" every day Sean.

Even "nice" Guys have a dark side and your constant rants recently are clearly demonstrating yours.

Enough of individual personalities and lets see what you deigned to say...umm


As for TLS and his lip service to his "wouldn't it be great if... but we are all tossers really", and picks on a TINY minority of streets to prove how the the "indigenous" population are swamped - "it's basically scared, small minded bullshit." Us. Them. Minority. Scary words but what does it mean? And then he bangs on about it;s ok for the professionals but not yer working class. Well, @#$%& me for asking the obvious, but why should it be different???

Supreme initial effort Sean. Around 75 words and I don't agree/don't understand one sinle sentence. Not one.

Lets appraise what you have ranted ( how unusual these days)

1/ Where did I say or imply "wouldn't etc"? and where did I imply or say about "we are all t+++rs etc".

Please show me the T++ser" implication, Sean.

2/ "Tiny minority of streets?"

Have you ANY grasp of basic Maths and Odds? Any at all Sean? Allow me to "do the math" in London, alone on their behalf. When I went to School almost every child in every School was White/British-My Primary School was 100%. My Secondary School near Brixton (2 miles) was 99%. I guarantee in South/West/North or Central London EVERY Primary and Secondary had 95%+ White Kids 40 years ago. The Jewish parts of East London were the only exception to this.

Now in Inner London the White/British children are in the Minority in the Majority of Inner London Primary Schools. That is in East/West/South/North London. Ditto Secondary Schools. In Inner London its 21% I understand. ALL IN 40 years or so since mass immigration. If this process continues to accelerate at the same growth of the last 40 years then in 25/30 years time there will be?? Whaddya Reckon, given the decrease from 95% to 21% in 40 years. A minute percentage in another 40 years and White/British BNP Voters don't like to see their people disappear off the map, strangely enough.

I go back to a different part of London every week in the Summer and whether its

Harringay/Homerton/Honiton/Hackney/Haggerston/Hoxton/Hammersmith/Hillingdon/Hounslow/Harrow and 150 other areas its the same pattern. Yet you say "Tiny Minority Of Streets" LOL...Watch almost ANY School activity on any Inner London News feature and you will see this is so. You must be blind not to notice this or it does "suit" you to notice. How can you NOT see this?

3/" it's basically scared, small minded bullshit. Us. Them. Minority. Scary words but what does it mean?"

So a Guy is Born in, say, parts of Leicester, in a White/British environment and 40 years later almost EVERY Business/Shop/Inhabitant is Asian and he/she should embrace the fact that his/her Culture has virtually disappearred?

Seriously? Name me any other Group of people in The World who would be happy and content to witness that Sean?

If you can't think of any why should The White/British people be any different to every other Group that I can think of?

All you are displaying is the fact that this is happening in many parts of England,in London especially, and you can not see it? Do you realise that while YOU, personally, like to live in diverse Communities, many BNP voters do not feel comfortable with that? It "means" they are NOT blind, they can see their Area is rapidly changing and their Community IS being transformed and they do not approove of going from a vast majority to a minority in area after area. All in 40 years.

They KNOW that their proportion of the local populace will be less and less, which is inevitable (given the enormous change of the last 40 years).

4/ "Why different for The Professionals"

Seriously? "Professional" people are more likely to be well-travelled. Not settled or embedded in ONE Community. Jesus wept (I KNOW I sounded like you then!) but look at East Dulwich and this Forum.!! Most younger people have travelled to East Dulwich for the vibrancy of a decent Inner London Area near their work in The City/West End. I would guess, at least, half the people on this Forum were not born anywhere near East Dulwich so cannot have "Generational" affinity to the Area. They, rightly, like it though. Ask them if they would like to see it change radically b4 their very eyes in the future and see what their response is.

Professional people give themselves acquire more worldly knowledge and create more options for themselves, additionally. They can AFFORD to be more mobile if they do not like an Area, others can not afford this luxury, I'm afraid.

They have more ammunition through their superior Education to change their lifestyle and good luck to them, if they have worked hard for it. They also meet like-minded people from all over the World.

Working-Class people are much happier in more familiar surroundings. They are, usually, more content than their Professional Peers to plod along at a slower pace in their own environment, enjoying the Company of "their own".

They, generally, have no desire or interest in the Bolivian Economy or the troubles on the Etritrean/Ethopian Border.

They do not care, it does not affect or interest them one iota, in the vast majority of cases.

They have enough problems paying the bills, quite frankly.

Tony, perhaps the British shouldn't have invaded all those foreign countries over 40 years ago and then got their inhabitants to come to the UK to do all the 'second-class' jobs then eh?

This process won't be the same in another 40 years because it's not the 'coloured' people who are coming here now, it's the Europeans.

Tony, what exactly are you proposing after your rant? You are complaining about the number of foreigners in inner-London schools and inner-London neighbourhoods (and Leicester etc,) - do you want these foreigners sent back to their 'home' countries? Of course, by foreigners, you really only mean 'non-whites'. And let's not forget that many of these foreigners are now 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation - send them all back eh? And what about inter-marriages?

And if you don't want to send them back - what exactly DO you want? Don't say you just want to stop more coming in, because ALL of the 'problems' that you've described will still remain.

mockney piers Wrote:


> The Independent is a decent enough paper and the

> comments are utterly hideous. I think it's just

> people.

The Independent article MP attached referred to a "confused electorate" in the last sentence which is very apt.

That sums it up - people were looking on this occaision for parties not to vote for rather than to vote for - and found the BNP, won't happen again.

If the system allowed for negative voting Labour would have received a lot of negative votes - as would Conservatives - but the system only allows for positive voting and hence people refuse to vote for Labour/Tory and as a protest they choose parties they actually know very little about = BNP won these seats by default in my opinion - they will not get any seats at a General Election.

Sherwick Wrote:

Tony, perhaps the British shouldn't have invaded all those foreign countries over 40 years ago and then got their inhabitants to come to the UK to do all the 'second-class' jobs then eh?



This process won't be the same in another 40 years because it's not the 'coloured' people who are coming here now, it's the Europeans.

Already 30% of all current London Births are Born to people born outside The UK.

Add to that all the children born to the 2nd/3rd/4th Generation Mothers, as well.

Add to the fact that, in my experience, its obvious that 75% of Mixed-Raced Children choose to settle with a Non-White Partner.

Add to that the children born to illegal immigrants ( impossible, pointless Subject as NONE of us know these figures) but the fact is that this happens so the current percentage of children born to White/British kids is extremely low and must decrease further as Birth Rates are clearer higher in some Communities more than others.


Tony, what exactly are you proposing after your rant? You are complaining about the number of foreigners in inner-London schools and inner-London neighbourhoods (and Leicester etc,) - do you want these foreigners sent back to their 'home' countries? Of course, by foreigners, you really only mean 'non-whites'. And let's not forget that many of these foreigners are now 2nd, 3rd and 4th generation - send them all back eh? And what about inter-marriages?

Sorry Sherwick but that is a nonsenical paragraph from start to finish.

It wasn't a "rant" at all but my take on why some people (not a great deal, in actuality) voted for The BNP.

At no point did I say what "I" wanted but I was giving another side to the story which is unlikely to come from many other sources on here. So "you really mean Non-Whites" is ludicrous, Sherwick.

Why would I want to send the decent Asian Family over the road away or my Ladyfriend, who lives with me, who is Jamaican or my Sierra Leonese friend who I talked with for an hour at around 7.00 PM this evening?

If people are Born here they have every right to be here as much as I do. Simple really. Does not matter who they are.

If they are illegally here I would and NOT entitled to be here, I would FERVENTLY NOT want them to be here. Equally simply.

Sherwick: What about "Inter-Marriages".

If 2 people can overcome the many obstacles then good luck to them. Why should they go anywhere more than you or I ?


And if you don't want to send them back - what exactly DO you want? Don't say you just want to stop more coming in, because ALL of the 'problems' that you've described will still remain.

Me? Oh! as you have asked me, personally, I just want to hold hands round the Camp Fire singing Kambaya with as many people as possible and then take everybody there down the Pub where we shall share some Cockney Banter, sink a few jars of Lager and talk about my Favourite Subjects like Football and Women and all forms of Gambling etc.

We will have so much in common,discovering which Women we would like to get off with, few saucy jokes, more Cockney spiel, then off to The Casino together discussing Dog Racing. We will have some Fish and Chips and then off to the Casino for a solid nights Gambling,

I'm sure it will be,equally,up their street,as well,Sherwick. eh?;-)

Sorry I might get slated for this but when T.L.S first joined the forum I wondered what his agenda was but later I thought he might be ironic and T.L.S an acronym of tines literary supplement but now I fear to say maybe what others think what a load of fucking bollacks you speak

Tony, be honest. You weren't giving 'another' side to the story, you were giving YOUR side. That's why you were using examples in the first person

You say: "Add to the fact that, in my experience, its obvious that 75% of Mixed-Raced Children choose to settle with a Non-White Partner." . So? What's the problem with this? In case it's escaped your attention (and any BNP supporters' attention) many non-whites (and mixed race people) actually identify more with the British/English way of life than any other, believe it or not. So actually the cultural heritage of this country won't be much diluted by these people, if that's what you're worried about, er I mean, if that's what these 'BNP supporters' are worried about, wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

"What about "Inter-Marriages". If 2 people can overcome the many obstacles then good luck to them." What exactly do you mean by this?

Sherwick Wrote:

Tony, be honest. You weren't giving 'another' side to the story, you were giving YOUR side. That's why you were using examples in the first person> You say: "Add to the fact that, in my experience, its obvious that 75% of Mixed-Raced Children

choose to settle with a Non-White Partner." . So? What's the problem with this?

Eh? Did I imagine that you asked me this Sherwick???

"This process won't be the same in another 40 years because it's not the 'coloured' people who are coming here now, it's the Europeans."

So I was giving a list of reasons why the Non-White population would increase, thats all!! Comprendre?


In case it's escaped your attention (and any BNP supporters' attention) many non-whites (and mixed race people) actually

identify more with the British/English way of life than any other, believe it or not. So actually the cultural heritage of this country won't be much diluted by these people, if that's what you're worried about, er I mean, if that's what these

'BNP supporters' are worried about, wink wink nudge nudge say no more.

So why has "White Flight" taken place in London and Birmingham then, Sherwick?

An enormous amount of Families have all, independently, moved out of London over the last 40 years Sherwick.

Is that because, in YOUR opinion:

1/ There's more "space" outside Inner London and "easier mobility" enables them to move out.

Or because:

2/ They saw their old Neighbourhoods changing rapidly and they didn't like what they saw?

I would suggest that most of them must have felt that their cultural heritage was going to be diluted, even if you can't see that.

Ask the former residents of Newham if they feel THEIR Culture has been diluted, somewhat..lol


"What about "Inter-Marriages". If 2 people can overcome the many obstacles then good luck to them." What exactly do you mean by this?

It has probably escaped your attention Sherwick but many people racially discriminate against others! I was shocked when I, also, discovered this, around 30/40 years ago, as well. That includes, on MANY occassions, "some" members of the extended Families of Mixed-Raced couples.

Sad, but very true.

I read, only yesterday, of an African Father who said to a "Super Moderator" on another Site:

"Two things you will NEVER do:

1/ Where a Dress.

2/ Bring a White Woman into my house."

For every White person who racially discriminates there is a Black/Asian equivalent so mixed marriages have additional problems, I'm agraid.


It won't matter at all to me or my way of life what happens in the future to this Country, good or bad, but I wish it well, whatever its racial composition.

ontheedge Wrote:

Sorry I might get slated for this but when T.L.S first joined the forum I wondered what his agenda was but later I thought he might be ironic and T.L.S an acronym of tines literary supplement but now I fear to say maybe what others think what a

load of @#$%& bollacks you speak

"You" might get slated?? What by critising someone who has put up an alternative view to over 90% of the people on here?

Someone who has tried to explain why some Working-Class peole have voted BNP??

How very brave of you!! You took a big risk there!

I AM THE ONE who took the risk by being open to misintrepretation and could easily have said nothing but, alas and alac, thats not my nature when I feel there is more than one side to a story ontheedge.

Now as for your informed, insightful, analytical criticism of my comments, could you please articulate them, at your convenience, and tell me which parts have caused any offence and I will elaborate, if need be.

Thanking You In Anticipation.

p.s Just realised the "Agenda" reference. After over 2,600 posts on EDF I think the good burghers of EDF would have detected any "agenda" I may have long b4 now onthedge.

I do feel more pasionate about some Subjects more than others, 'tis true though.

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