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Well the CEO of sky does a darn site more than head of vision on half a mill at the BBC ! I doubt the head of vision would know where to start in the corporate world of sky. Remember sky built a platform the like of which the great and good at the BBC had not the first clue about. That model was then rolled out across the globe and effectively changed the global media landscape. They fuelled a revolution in the technology sector and continue to do so. The BBC is the equivalent to the government changing the expenses system after the Telegraph outed them anyway. So stop waving around figures that you have no idea about and as for Head of access services there is one otherwise you would not be getting all your subtitles and on screen hand waving stuff that you no doubt so rely on.

And as for equivalent of salaries in the Business sector they are not in the FUCKIN business sector that's the point they have come up through years of political wangling and many have hugely suspect abilites. They would sink into obscurity if they were forced to more into the business sector. Look at the once great M Jackson of BBC and C4, he went on to get head hunted by Viasat as it's CEO and lasted, yes lasted 3 WEEKS....3 BLOODY WEEKS before he was moved !!!!! he has since had to basically re-train over the last 6 years in an office in New York. What a joke.

Know lets see their expenses and then watch what happens ....you hat eat ......i think


Strange is'nt it that every other news service is running with the headline that IRAN ACCUSES BRITAIN OF TREACHERY yet on the BBC news online service no mention, just the headline - Ayatollah issues stern warning to protesters.

It's almost as if the BBC know that the website will be seen in IRAN.....oh i mean its almost as if the GOVERNMENT know that the website will be seen in IRAN

Editorial independence ...pull the other one !

oh right yes obviously a few 100 000 people chanting death to the uk, uk are our enemies and being led by their religious leader is not a headline leader oh excuse me i am so sorry of course it's not like they are building a nuclear device and that most of the children of that nation will remember chanting death to the uk for many years. So grow up yourself.

I think you have got slightly mixed up...

yesterday at around 11am sky (and most new agencies) broadcast a 2 hour live feed from Iran, this also showed the 1hour speech of the cleary mad ayatollah, the supreme leader of Iran. Part way through the speak he suddenly comes out with "the uk are our most treacherous enemies" and then the masssed crowds of just several hundred thousand, lots wearing the green suicide head banner of hizbollah stand up and start shouting "death to the uk" for ooh about 3 minutes !

2 hours later Our clearly mad leader Gordon Brown Holds a hastily put together news conference at yes you guessed it the ministry of defence no less, they then summon the Iranian Ambassador to the Foreign office.

At that point it all went quite on the BBC and the headline got changed to " ayatollah issues stern warning to protesters"

So someone somewhere decided not to escalate this incident anymore and it got squashed.

So there you go, in a nutshell.

So anyway the point being that if you are still Deluded enough to think that the BBC actually has true editorial independence then clearly you are well on your way to being as mad as the mad Mullah of Melbourne Grove ! now that, i did just make up, as far a i am aware the residents of Melbourne grove are fine.

I'm not sure why you think that proves that the BBC doesn't have independence.

You haven't actually got a clue why the story was the way it was.

The media has a legal responsibility not to give a platform to those who incite racial hatred, so that would be a pretty good reason not to use this coverage in particular. Please don't confuse that with freedom of speech. We are most certainly not free to say whatever we like in the UK.

Either way, I don't actually know, and make no pretence at knowing. You own pretence is really a rather silly conspiracy theory that appeals to the champagne revolutionaries in Nunhead.

Nonsense you wally !

have you ever heard bin ladens voice on tape or video ? or well i can't face naming the huge list -

Actually my friend "The media has a legal responsibility not to give a platform to those who incite racial hatred" is balanced with the notion of public interest and secondly all the other UK news outlets led with the other headline. So once again your talking rubbish a pastiche of ill informed liberal nonsense, back of the class for you Mr H - try harder next time.

Public interest is indeed a complicated idea. Is it in the public interest to promote conflict?

Many news stations would have come to the conclusion the they gave less of a monkeys about public interest and more about ratings.

Thankfully unlike Sky and the Nunhead massive, the BBC doesn't have a tabloid mentality.

the BBC doesn't have a tabloid mentality.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not in your dreams they don't but here in the real world they are as TABLOID as they come.

You are living in this little green pastured land of middle britain that actually bears no resemblance to the real world.. Let her go H she's been cheating on you behind your back.

oh and we do not have any Nunhead massive, we leave all that gangster shit to the Crews & Gangs of East Dulwich...shank shank

So The BBC head decides to try and head off any questions about BBC expenses by publishing them then tries to push the story down the news agenda.

Is he going to get away with it ?

The List is not even complete all the real juicy stuff is hidden; not the talents pay, which they will release if it gets to hot for the Executives but the real good stuff. All the travel expenses, half baked first class air fair EVERYWHERE, Massive restaurant bills Michelin starred of course, members club expenses, and lots lots more, So come on journo's if you ain't scared of Aunty, get digging it will be solid gold.

No doubt Mark Thompson is praying for Jeremy Bowen to get himself arrested in Iran.

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