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Sherwick Wrote:


> What then, because I've heard people say it's "PC

> gone mad" that people can't call others racist

> names without people taking offence. So what other

> "PC gone mad" is it?

Sorry for the short answer, i did type more but somehow wiped it & couldnt be bothered writing it again.

Of course using racist hateful terms is terrible & totally disgusting, but, for example, i have a pal that i love to bits, she is very pale, almost see thru & i call her casper (as well as other things), another friend was totally shocked & called it racist. i also have a fiesty lil oriental friend who i sometimes call pikachu, is that racist?? i think not.. The same friend who was shocked, also said that anyone who votes against obama in the states was also racist..That, in my book is PC gone mad. PC gone mad is not celebrating xmas because the "poor lil immigrants" would get offended & have their feelings hurt, to me that's highly patronizing & wrong.

Sherwick Wrote:

that people can't call others racist names without people taking offence. So what other "PC gone mad" is it?

As "Race" is being mentioned examples would be all White people being removed from The UK's Premier Black Website purely on grounds of their colour similar, presumably, to Stormfront, equally horrifically, not allowing Non-White Members.

Everyone knows what "Stormfront" represents but The Black Site is for all ordinary Members of the Public to discuss general issues.

If Non-White people were banned from posting on EDF there would, quite rightly, be outrage but "PC Gone Mad" is the fact that it is allowed the other way.

Final point i.r.o "racist names"...Naturally it is abhorrent for anyone to racially discriminate against others and, again, if anyone did so on here there would, quite rightly, be repercussions and yet, on that same Website, White people are casually referred to by all manner of derogatory names, even by The Managing Directors (crackers, bluefoot, greys etc) and nothing is said at all.

Surely there should be a blanket ban on all Racial Discrimination.

Thats another example of "PC Gone mad" as there are clearly Double Standards here.


"The same friend who was shocked, also said that anyone who votes against obama in the states was also racist..That, in my book is PC gone mad. PC gone mad is not celebrating xmas because the "poor lil immigrants" would get offended & have their feelings hurt, to me that's highly patronizing & wrong."

Classic straw man! Do you watch Fox?

What has PC got to do with the death penalty anyway? We abolished decades before the term was invented.

Keef Wrote:


> So what about my question then daisie. Would you

> be the one to kill the "scum"?

If it was someone near and dear to me that had been done in, you bet your life I'd look them in the eye and pull the trigger with a smile on my face. I mean that with every fibre of my being.

Atila Reincarnate... with a smile on your face? It would actually make you happy?

Are you a lunatic?

We can prevent people re-offending by locking them up for the rest of their life. The death penalty is revenge. There is no place for bloodthirsty revenge in civilised society. Nothing to do with political correctness.

Jeremy Wrote:


> Atila Reincarnate... with a smile on your face? It

> would actually make you happy?


> Are you a lunatic?


> We can prevent people re-offending by locking them

> up for the rest of their life. The death penalty

> is revenge. There is no place for bloodthirsty

> revenge in civilised society. Nothing to do with

> political correctness.

No I'm not a lunatic just somebody who is sick to death of the scum and filth we are surrounded by, with no support from the authorities and faced by people who are too afraid to make a stand against the tide of shit coming our way, yes I would smile. Nothing to do with political correctness? I personally don't give a shit.

I have no idea whether Atila is a lunatic or not. But he does like a bit of the old ultraViolence

Got banned in his original incarnation for inviting someone out to a car park over a difference of opinion if I recall

For some people violence = a solution. I can't see a SINGLE example of this being the case anywhere in the world? the US states which still have the death penalty, havens of peace in an otherwise world-gone-mad? Hmm not really

If you want to have LESS murder, violent crime etc you can either take the essentialy liberal model of Scandanavian countries (cue cries of nany state, PC gone mad if similar policies ar even mooted etc) Or you can go for totalitarian, fear based models such as Iraq, Saudi etc

Essentially those are your two choices (only if you want LESS violent crime remember) Yes individuals make their own choices but the systems in place to support any given society dictate how many people make how many and which choices. If you employ a dog-eat-dog capitalism then some of those dogs will come looking to eat you. It's inbuilt into the system. You hold no moral superiority by condemning the rabid ones to death

Given that, I put "normal/law-abidin'" people who would enjoy pulling the switch themselves in the same category (albeit down a few levels) as the very people they would put to death. A few unfortunate life-events and an already angry, vengeful person will be the one who is mugging me in an alleyway.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


You hold no moral

> superiority by condemning the rabid ones to death

It's not about moral superiority, it's about getting rid of an inconsequential piece of filth with no soul or feelings. Who said anything about the need to feel morally superior?

Sherwick Wrote:

"White people being removed from The UK's Premier Black Website " Where did you hear about this?

Rather close to home!:))..My live-in Girlfriend was a regular contributor and she introduced me to the Site.

I made more regular contributions for several years than any other "known" White Guy on that Site.

In fact I enjoyed the discourse with Guys who, most certainly, did NOT always have similar views from me and I learned much from appraising situations from a Black viewpoint, over many years.

I. also, discovered much about Black History and the love and respect that most Black people have for their Ancestors, for example. Highly educational it was too. Nearly every other White contributor ( apart from one who was married to a Black Zimbabwean Woman) was driven out as those Guys deliberately gave any Non-Black contributor a hard time, to put it mildly!:))

One had to be "on point" or would have been torn to pieces by The Black Lions in their own Den but the discourse was fair and though a few Seniors on their Site did NOT approove of any Non-Black participation, it was allowed provided one adhered to the rules.

Then came the disgusting "Anothony Tucker" incident. I'm sure you'll recall this case in Liverpool when this hard-working lad was butchered by 2 pieces of white filth, who I said and the time should be "beheaded" and strangely enough, this meant with unaninmous approval on there. However such was the outrage on thereat the incident itself that within a few days all "known" White contributors were Banned, and as I did not know any of the others, I can only assume that, like me, there was not only no warning but no notification either of this.

I read their Site every week still and feel irritated if I see any inaccurracies that I would like to comment on from a White perspective.

I found the Site stimulating and, of course, Black people are, generally, known for their straight talking ( they don't do "fake" is one of their favourite expressions) so the exchanges were, "frank", to put it mildly but one learned so much about Black Academics, Black History and the differing viewpoints which emerged across the African Diaspora.

Once The USA started providing some strong contributors to add to the Africans, The Caribbeans and The Black British itself it became a lively place but sadly, I note, that many of the most outspoken Black contributors have now got "Excluded" if one reads their old posts and, quite honestly, their Site it, relatively, "dry" now.

Final point. I HAVE to laugh as I, naturally, said "dry" then and thats a word I would NEVER have thought of b4 my involvement on that Site.:)

Allow me to say that one contributor who has alreay appearred on The BNP thread this morning at around 6.00 AM (lol) mentioned I was, probably "misinformed" about a forgotten Subject i.r.o. Black Guys, I laughed, how I laughed as I would be certain that over the last 35 of my 55 years I have spent as much time with Black people socially etc as almost any other White Guy in London Town...:))

Using phrases like "inconsequential piece of filth with no soul or feelings" suggests something of the morally superior does it not. What if it was your boy who went off the rails and killed someone? Happy to do the deed then? Humanity has always been capable of the most appalling acts, but very few of them are perpetrated by "inconsequential piece of filth with no soul or feelings". Broken people. People with a story. Dangerous people. People who need to be dealt with and kept out of trouble. But everyone has a reason for being where they are. It doesn't make anything they did ok, but using phrases like "inconsequential piece of filth with no soul or feelings" is pretty much what the Really Scary People (from serial killers to yer Hitlers) do to justify their actions. I'm less comfortable using the same logic as them than you are, clearly

Nah, just became depressed by the tone of too many posters on here. Little I have read on here has done much to change that and I know I'll regret engaging with them.

"Dangerous" people come in all forms, though.

Only yesterday I discovered a wicked act by someone who was, doubtless, "broken with their own story" I assume.

A beautiful, large White Husky Dog entered the Park, on a lead, on 3 Legs only.

I spoke to the Owners and to my disgust and horror was told the story of how this situation occurred.

Obviously, it was perpetuated by the previous Owner.

No action was taken providing he agreed to hand over the Dog to these people and, of course, he/she could not sign the form quick enough.

So NO action taken and that individual is free to replicate that crime and if others, like-minded, learn there are no consequences then, doubtless, they will be more, not less, inclined, to follow suit.

The apathy and Liberal Laws are "dangerous" as far as I'm concerned and only allow this situation to flourish.

If there is little deterrent then Criminals will enjoy a bonanza at our expense.

Thats "dangerous" to me as few seem to really care and they would feel the same, even, if it was THEIR Dog or Human Kith or Kin who were the victims.

Anti-Social behaviour will spiral.

If there are lenient, laughable sentences then why shouldn't criminals make hay while the sun shines in our lovely, tolerant, oh-so-civilsed Nation.


You talking about me?

"one contributor who has alreay appearred [sic] on The BNP thread this morning at around 6.00 AM (lol) mentioned I was, probably "misinformed" about a forgotten Subject i.r.o. Black Guys, I laughed, how I laughed as I would be certain that over the last 35 of my 55 years I have spent as much time with Black people socially etc as almost any other White Guy in London Town"

Was the "forgotten subject" your theory about the superiority of black people at running and dancing? I remember we had an epic and tedious spat about that some time ago.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> And of all the people I'm determined NOT to engage

> with*.... * because it hurts my head

Shame Sean.

I have to say that I would love to "engage" with you as I do NOT understand the blatant contradiction betwen you being "probably" the nicest person on this Site ( or certainly one of them, anyway) and yet you do not seem to grasp that Criminals worship the ground that "nice" people stand on as it allows them to continue their activities with little or no consequences.

Imagine a "nice" Defence Lawyer, a compassionate Judge. A welcoming, friendly Probation Officer. The Prison Warders wanting to be your best M8 and turning a blind eye to your activities inside.

Then after your lenient sentence, with time off for good behaviour, naturally, a Criminal is free to do it all again and you just don't seem bothered, and to be fair, I'm sure that would not change if you or your Family are victims.

Do you not realise that this attitude contributes greatly to the problem.

Yes, I had, fairly similar views myself but after 55 years on witnessing where this leads, one adjusts ones beliefs.

I wonder if you or other like-minded people will in years to come?

taper Wrote:

TonyLondonSuburbs You talking about me? Was the "forgotten subject" your theory about the superiority of black people at running and dancing? I remember we had an epic and tedious spat about that some time ago.

I mentioned that it was, indeed, you, at exactly the same time "11,11" on the BNP Thread taper.

The "spat" was epic and tedious as you said.

You are correct that was the Subject which is pointless continuing other than to say that if you do not realise over the forthcoming Decades that "overall" that the physical superiority "overall" of sufficient Black Guys does not make them better Athletes than say their Asian Peers, I will be astonished.

Given that Asian and Black Guys, generally, love and play Football witness how many from each Racial Group succeed at a higher level overthe next 30 years in this Country and ask yourself why that is?

In fact, rather than engage with me, try to join any Website with a significant number of Black contributors and tell them your genuine views on whether "overall" they make better runners at certain distances etc.

That will be illuminating, for you anyway Mon Ami.:))

(against my better judgement)

Tony - the arguments I made were against the death penalty AND against "normal" people adopting a similar mindset to the very people they despise.

Where do you get the rest of your arguments from? Where in anything I wrote can you deduce I'm "not that bothered" by criminal behaviour? THAT is the reason I don't want to engage with you. You create an argument to fit your position rather than listening to what is being said

I'm not so far away from you age-wise that you can give it the "wait until you are my age and see what I have seen" crap either. If I believe the notion that 15 years ago you were a some variant of a happy socialist (and I don't believe that for a second) then that still doesn't mean I am going to turn into the Clint Eastwood character you aspire to on here

I gave 2 examples of the types of society that have less of a problem with violent behaviour. Obviously I favour the former over the latter. Very few people are born bad. The trick here is to create the sort of society which reduces the likelehood of people going off the path in the first place. It is possible. Stop living in the past and look around you. Look a bit further than this country

The society WE have created here (essentially widening the gap between rich and poor, covetous, angry, jealous, suspicious, always with a smattering of penis-envy because we aren't the US) is a perfect breeding ground for the very behaviour we throw our hands up in horror over . Building more prisons and sentencing for longer is no solution. It MIGHT prevent the people you lock up but the generations after them know how hard they have to become in an ever more brutal world.

thanks to Blair the phrase "tough on mah jong, tough on the causes of mah jong" or whatver it was is now meaningless but don't ever confuse me with someone who is not that bothered

I think it would be best for all concerned if we just agree to disagree, as I said previously I'm not trying to take the "morally superior" high ground, nor am I Clint Eastwood, nor do I aspire to be him. Just accept that I have my view, you have yours, I ain't gonna change, and neither are you. I'm done here.

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