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There have been numerous discussions on the Forum about the problems at the south of Rye Lane where drivers get caught out by the no entries for cars. There have also been some people killed trying to cross the road in that area. it isn't a good experience for pedestrians or cyclists either. The Council have managed to scrape funding from several sources to try to design an integrated solution to a variety of problems in that vicinity. They have also listened to local people and are inviting us to help with the design. So if you ever walk, cycle, use the buses, ride a motor bike, or drive a car through any part of the junctions at the south end of Rye Lane, you will be interested in the meeting and walkabout next Wednesday 27 May, 5pm-7pm. See below the Council details for this. If you can't attend but have comments, post them up here and they can be fed in.


Invitation from Southwark Council

Dear Stakeholder,?

You are invited to attend a design workshop to discuss new proposals for highway, public realm and road safety improvements between Rye Lane (junction with Heaton Road & Sternhall Lane) and Peckham Rye (junctions with Nigel Road and Philip Walk). The meeting will be held on?

WEDNESDAY 27th MAY 5pm-7pm

meeting first at

The CLF Art Cafe, 1st Floor Bussey Building

133 Rye Lane, London SE15 3ST

(entrance opposite Blenheim Grove near station)

Southwark Council has joined together funding from recent development contributions with Transport for London's LIP, cycling and road safety budgets to drive forward a large scheme for this important location. Under discussion will be:

?proposed new facilities for pedestrians and cyclists;

?proposed new trees and landscaping;

?proposed changes to traffic operation at the junction of Rye Lane and Sternhall Road; and,

?the proposed redevelopment of the public space outside the Nags Head Pub.

During the workshop you'll be given the opportunity to collaborate with Southwark's engineers and designers, and to help make sure the proposals make the most of this great opportunity to improve the area. The event will start at the above venue, where we can take a look at current plans of the proposals, and then move on to a 'walkabout', where we can discuss the challenges and opportunities of the scheme on site. ??

I hope you are able to attend. Please reply letting me know whether you can so that we have an idea of numbers attending.

Kind Regards?

Chris Gibney, [email protected]

On behalf of Southwark Council

I've lost count of the number of accidents involving cyclists at the junction by the Rye Hotel. I live opposite this junction and it's always the same scenario: cars turning left in to Scylla Road plough into cyclists carrying up the eastern part of Peckham Rye. I've seen ambulances there at least 3 times. In my opinion, the cycle lane that separates cyclists from traffic (for a few yards) does more harm than good. It appears to make motorists forget that the cyclist thery've just overtaken is there.

With regards to cars getting caught out at the entrance to Rye Lane: the less cars that use Rye Lane the better. It should be purely for shoppers and buses.

Klaus Wrote:


> I've lost count of the number of accidents

> involving cyclists at the junction by the Rye

> Hotel. I live opposite this junction and it's

> always the same scenario: cars turning left in to

> Scylla Road plough into cyclists carrying up the

> eastern part of Peckham Rye. I've seen ambulances

> there at least 3 times. In my opinion, the cycle

> lane that separates cyclists from traffic (for a

> few yards) does more harm than good. It appears to

> make motorists forget that the cyclist thery've

> just overtaken is there.

This junction is further along and away from the set of junctions to be examined at the meeting on Wednesday. But yr comments on the Rye Hotel/Scylla Rd junction can be fed into the traffic & transport group of residents and Council that meets every two months in the town hall. This is a sub group of the Nunhead & Peckham Rye Community Council. New members of that are very welcome. Any one who wants to contribute to this group should email [email protected]


> With regards to cars getting caught out at the

> entrance to Rye Lane: the less cars that use Rye

> Lane the better. It should be purely for shoppers

> and buses.

Exactly. But those of us who use that area, and drivers that have got caught, know all too well that it is badly signposted and the layout needs a lot of improvement. That work is what is now happening. We also now have the opportunity to help by contributing our local knowledge starting with the meeting on Wednesday. Anyone who knows that area, and is available, please do come on Wednesday and see the initial designs, and help get them even better.

I cycle down Rye Lane every day.

I couldn't agree more with Klaus about the Syclla Road junction. I make a point of not using the cycle lane and adopting the primary position (middle of the road) in order to avoid a vehicle turning left over me. This junction is extremely dangerous. I note that this is not part of the above consultation.

As regards Rye Lane itself, in my view there needs to be a proper advance stop box at the traffic lights at the South end of Rye Lane. The raised cycle lane to the left is useless. I make a point of not using it. If you are not the first one there, bus drivers simply cannot see you and then cut you up as they move off at the lights. A full advance stop box would solve this.

The left turn for cars just before the lights is also problematic. A lot of cars turn down there without looking properly or signalling (probably because they are distracted by the fact that they are about to go down a no entry). As a cyclist it requires a great deal of caution. I'm not sure how it should be solved. Perhaps they should remove the option of cars turning left down there at at all? Or move the lights back to before the left turn? There certainly needs to be more clear signing of the no entry.

Rye Lane really suffers from large numbers of vehicles parking on it, ostensibly to make deliveries. This is problematic because it causes pedestrians to walk out from behind them, making them difficult to spot. Also, it often means that buses are travelling on the wrong side of the road. I accept that deliveries need to be made, but some of the vehicles appear to park there for more than just deliveries. The parking of vehicles needs to be monitored or restricted to designated areas.

Finally, there is also a real problem with pedestrians stepping into the road without looking. May be we need a further zebra crossing at the south end of Rye Lane?

I can't make the meeting, but would be glad if these points could be raised at the meeting.


theratprincess Wrote:


> I cycle down Rye Lane every day.

A couple of clarifying questions:

You wrote:

> As regards Rye Lane itself, in my view there needs to be a proper advance stop box at the traffic lights

> at the South end of Rye Lane. The raised cycle lane to the left is useless. I make a point of not using it. If

> you are not the first one there, bus drivers simply cannot see you and then cut you up as they move off

> at the lights. A full advance stop box would solve this.

Is this trvaelling from the north down Rye Lane to Peckham Rye, or from the south towards Rye Lane?

> The left turn for cars just before the lights is also problematic. A lot of cars turn down there

> without looking properly or signalling (probably because they are distracted by the fact that they

> are about to go down a no entry).

What road is the left turn into?

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