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Tone... sweetheart... I was indeed working in the powers of corridors yesterday. I'm referring to a much higher power than those in the political world - I assume you think that's my field of chosen profession - politics... HAHAHAHAHA certainly not! Not only am I offended by such assumption I am also further offended by the rest of the above comments. Do you not know wot sarcasm is?

Moving on, my opinion now is that at least 213 and 3/4s should now depart, especially that dude that jumps the lights on his bike ::))

KalamityKel Wrote:


> Tone... sweetheart... I was indeed working in the powers of corridors yesterday. I'm referring to a much higher power than those in the political world -

Blimey O'Reilly! Say no more...(winky face)

I assume you think that's my field of chosen profession - politics... HAHAHAHAHA certainly not! Not only am I offended by such> assumption .......I said "near" didn't fink you were one of 'em Babe!

I am also further offended by the rest of the above comments. Do you not know wot sarcasm is?

Course I do(!) Sumfink to do with Deja Vu, innit(!) Silly!


> Moving on, my opinion now is that at least 213 and

> 3/4s should now depart, especially that dude that

> jumps the lights on his bike ::))

As long as my M8 Clive Efford gets in, again. (he's got a mortgage to pay and he's honest as the days long)...honest KK!

Rest of 'em need a good poke up the posteria...B)

dbboy wrote:- How about Brown, HRH and 635 MP's all going at the same time, now that'll save a few quid to say the least and help the country no end.

According to the law of averages they cannot all be wrong 'uns, but those who have 'milked the system' should be punished by the judiciary the same as any other wrong doer.

Giving the money back is not in my opinion punishment.

Everyone else would be dealt with by the law, why should shadey people of any kind, whether politicians or not, be exempt?

david_carnell Wrote:


> Daily Show genius.


> It almost seems funny. Almost.

John Oliver is usually much better than that...

Jon Stewart is quality most of the time.

I like the spin off The Colbert Report too, not sure if that airs over here much!

I have not seen anyone, yet, suggest that MPs guilty of abusing the expenses system should lose their pension rights. That would be an appropriate punishment - and one that has been levied on other public sector employees.

A naval contemporary of mine "fiddled" his traveling expenses - claiming four return trips from the West Country to Scotland (total value < ?1,000). His case was investigated by the Ministry of Defence police, he was court martialed, dismissed the service and lost his pension rights after an otherwise blameless, and in many ways, shining career of 30 years.

I do not seek to defend his action - but would like to see MPs treated in a similar vein.

Marmora Man Wrote:


> I have not seen anyone, yet, suggest that MPs

> guilty of abusing the expenses system should lose

> their pension rights. That would be an appropriate

> punishment - and one that has been levied on other

> public sector employees.


> A naval contemporary of mine "fiddled" his

> traveling expenses - claiming four return trips

> from the West Country to Scotland (total value ?1,000). His case was investigated by the

> Ministry of Defence police, he was court

> martialed, dismissed the service and lost his

> pension rights after an otherwise blameless, and

> in many ways, shining career of 30 years.


> I do not seek to defend his action - but would

> like to see MPs treated in a similar vein.

Thankfully the Military holds itself to a higher standard than the bottom feeders we have in Parliament.

That sounds much more like it MM, not the "I shall stand down at the next election" or "I will repay the money" routine.

Repaying what they should never have received in the first place, is not justice, why are they not prosecuted like

we would be, if the positions were reversed?

Do our politicians fall into the category of special case?

Should all MP's found on the expenses list stand down at the next election?

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