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ED Picturehouse. Elitist*. (Louisa's lounged response)

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I'm with you there, Jez. As I've said before on more than one occasion, I bear TheFox?? no ill will whatsoever - more often I'm just baffled at how anyone could present such a perpetually 'down' view of everything, without realising they're even doing it, apparently. It's a Pavlovian thing now.

But Louisa is my absolute fave, obviously.

I too will back up what Jeremy said. The fox has done nothing on this forum to ignite any flames or cause controversy. Just a regular bloke who has opinions and likes to offer helpful advise from time to time. Hardly a crime is it?


Jeremy Wrote:



> I'm going to stand up for fox here.. certainly

> don't agree with everything he says, but his posts

> have never seemed unpleasant or confrontational in

> any way. Just a guy who doesn't buy into the

> "zeitgeist" of newly affluent East Dulwich.

Well said Jeremy.

Unfortunately MrBen is like a broken record with his constant unpleasantness.

red devil Wrote:


> AqM, do you know why Louisa was banned?...

Sorry RD, I meant to answer this earlier but forgot.

Yes, at the time I knew because I read all her posts. I can't recall what was said now though. I do remember a witch hunt. So many posters in the general section that I've never even heard of, trying to get rid of her.

Louisa Wrote:


> That's the point *Bob*. You don't play anymore,

> just an annoying scratching sound that keeps going

> round and round.


> Louisa.

No, that's a 'stuck record' you're thinking of, where the groove might perhaps have been scratched which is leading to a loop.

A broken record would mean a break in the groove. No loop.

Jeremy Wrote:


> MrBen Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Lou and Fox have been exposed as one trick

> ponies.


> I'm going to stand up for fox here.. certainly

> don't agree with everything he says, but his posts

> have never seemed unpleasant or confrontational in

> any way. Just a guy who doesn't buy into the

> "zeitgeist" of newly affluent East Dulwich.

I had to Google zeitgeist (sorry about that)

It's not that I don't buy into the "zeitgeist" (spirit of the age or spirit of the time) of newly affluent East Dulwich.

I've had my time. it now time for others to have their time.

But they need to leave just a little space.

All this "if you don't like it. you know where the door is." attitude is bad.

It's bad for the whole of Society. It destroys communities..

I have no problem with Wealth or Affluence or even Class. Only when people use those things

as a weapon of abuse of others and as a tool to promote self interest. That is Greed.

I'm not exactly poor, but I choose to live a simplistic life with a simple routine.

If some people have a problem with that, and throw insults and abuse then there's not much I can do.


I wish Louisa no ill will. She's never (as far as I've seen), been aggressive or abusive. But still, you can't have one person repeatedly taking thread after thread off topic - driving any discussion down the same 'gentrification' cul-de-sac. It was putting a lot of people off using the forum.

Louisa Wrote:


> What did I actually do to deserve a ban from that

> one post though rd?


> Louisa.

It wasn't just about one post, it was a tipping point...you've got 8 years of previous remember. No point in pasting a link to the thread as you're still banned from the section, so here's what Admin wrote...

I've had enough of Louisa's unfriendly comments, it's not what the forum's about, it should be a friendly place and her comments are sniping remarks which are unwanted. I've constrained her to the Lounge so other users in the other sections are free to talk without the constant @#$%&/class comments.

*Bob* Wrote:


> I don't want to be pedantic but a 'broken record'

> wouldn't actually play at all.

No, it would keep repeating itself like MrBen.

He was the other main culprit that I was referring to earlier. I didn't mention his name because there was only one comment so I let it go. But back he came with another spiteful post.

The point that is missed rahrahrah, is that gentrification is at the heart of pretty much everything we do in East Dulwich nowadays, it controls everything from housing and estate agents to the food and drink we eat and buy (and its cost). So inevitably, conversation may from time to time head down that road. That isn't my fault, and I don't intend to take things off topic, rather, I see the link between topics and the underlying reason for them.

I don't spend my whole time talking about this stuff, and I too wish no one any ill will. You and I have had a few pretty decent normal discussions on here without involving the dreaded "G" word. The people you claim it was putting off the forum, were the (in the most part) non-contributing audience of observers in the main section who rarely if ever add anything decent to this forum, and then jump on a bandwagon to attack me just because they disagree with me. Don't you think that's wrong? Like a pack of wolves calling me admin to ban me? Those very same people have now made the main section, unreadable (without mentioning any names), no colourful discussions anymore, just drab black and white boring same old same old. I think we can all agree that's not what we wanted this forum to be.


aquarius moon Wrote:


> Yes, at the time I knew because I read all her

> posts. I can't recall what was said now though. I

> do remember a witch hunt. So many posters in the

> general section that I've never even heard of,

> trying to get rid of her.

There was no witch hunt. When Louisa was banned a fair few number of posters said they were pleased she had been banned.

A smaller number stuck up for her.

At the time Louisa was frequently using 'blow-in' as an insult. I think Admin was concerned this was giving newbies and those less thick-skinned, a very negative impression of the forum and the area as a whole...

ETA: Admin has blocked blow.in :)

Louisa Wrote:


> Those very same people have now

> made the main section, unreadable (without

> mentioning any names), no colourful discussions

> anymore, just drab black and white boring same old

> same old.

How do you know this, you're banned, you can't view the main section...or can you?

I was using what as an insult rd? I rarely if ever use foul language on here, and for the most part it is edited with asterisks. I can think of plenty of individuals on here who rarely if ever hold back on using naughty words.


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