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Seems to me this is just a typical unproductive response from a "manager" who doesn't get their hands dirty and therefore has no idea what really goes on in the shop and of course issues raised couldn't possibly be happening in a shop that follows rules and guidelines by the book. Or is it a case as "Deputy Manager" David is not in a proper position to comment and so is just saying what should be said - what he thinks we want to hear?

It's easy to blame customers for not putting things back (funny how out of date products make their way back to the shelves if they weren't there in the first place as this manager suggests). It's easy to blame the customer for being able to read special offers in the correct way and ignore the fact it's the shops fault for mislabelling or failing to remove past offers. It's easy to blame staff for obviously interfering with scanned prices or not being trained properly. Who's fault is that? Surely management not the customer ;-)

It couldn't possibly be Sainsbury's fault. It doesn't even happen does it? Does it? I'd like to live in David's bubble.

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Often, there is no way of confirming that the item you have in your hand is the one on offer. Simple answer - print the barcode number on the sale paraphernalia.

But I would back Ratty's comment about the staff. Friendly bunch, though sometimes the people at the butcher/fish/deli counters prefer to finish off their natter to other members of staff than serve you.

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Thanks Unkle_Paulie for the write-up of your meeting with the Manager.

I was in Sainsburys today around 2pm and was disappointed to find they had completely sold out of fresh whole chickens and when I asked someone whether they had anymore, I was told no and the reason for this was that they had a very low delivery yesterday, which to me appears ludicrous when Saturday afternoon/Sunday surely must be the busiest time for them?

I appreciate they maybe serving up to 11,500 customers, but really today's visit was a joke, not only was there no whole fresh chickens, there were no red chillies, no parsnips, no fresh peas and a limited selection of bagged salad!

If I had more time, I would definitely be doing my shopping along Lordship Lane, using the SMBS shop, Moxons, William Rose and the other small independent retailers.

Sainsburys ..... (td) (td)

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Same experience here - what level of incompetence have they sunk to that at 2.30pm there was no chicken, no beef, no lamb and almost everything else I had gone for was out of stock as well. What a shambles of a place.

Surely a big supermarket like this must have better planning in place - busy on a Sunday should not exactly be a surprise.

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pearcesa Wrote:


> Thanks Unkle_Paulie for the write-up of your

> meeting with the Manager.


> I was in Sainsburys today around 2pm and was

> disappointed to find they had completely sold out

> of fresh whole chickens and when I asked someone

> whether they had anymore, I was told no and the

> reason for this was that they had a very low

> delivery yesterday, which to me appears ludicrous

> when Saturday afternoon/Sunday surely must be the

> busiest time for them?


> I appreciate they maybe serving up to 11,500

> customers, but really today's visit was a joke,

> not only was there no whole fresh chickens, there

> were no red chillies, no parsnips, no fresh peas

> and a limited selection of bagged salad!


> If I had more time, I would definitely be doing my

> shopping along Lordship Lane, using the SMBS shop,

> Moxons, William Rose and the other small

> independent retailers.


> Sainsburys ..... (td) (td)

Wake up and smell the Coffee Folks

Sainsbury?s Do this Intentionally!

If they have large of stock of chicken legs and breasts they intentionally place a low order of whole chickens, so that customers are forced to buy the legs and or breasts or other meats.

Its all part of their computer programmed ordering system.

Every Sainsbury?s in the country is the same.

Also when they stop stocking a particular product it is to direct us towards either their own brand ?bigger profit margin? or other overstocked near to expiry products.

They ?Sainsbury?s? know EXACTLY what they are doing.

We are just like Chickens cooped up in their aisles we are cooped up in Sainsbury?s aisles just being fed what they want us to eat!

Go to most quality French Spanish or Italian supermarket and you will find them well stocked with more varied products, even in supermarkets which are quarter of the size.

We are just one step away from US style idiot markets with just one proper brand product and just one another made for the supermarket.

What annoys me most it the flavourless fruit! Even in the US the tomatoes apples pears etc have flavour.

If I had the time to park up elsewhere I?d never set foot in Sainsbury?s!

Mr David Leach like all of us is just a pawn in the great Sainsbury?s empire.

Supermarkets are an example of much that is wrong with this country.

They do NOTHING for


?As they reduce quality and choice and force us like lemmings into their stores?


?By reducing the number of jobs generally and the jobs they do have are generally basic low paid positions?

Local Community

?Faceless organisations they give little back?


?Forcing through construction of supermarkets initially small then they grow like fungus sucks from the local high street East Dulwich being the Exception? but then again Peckham has died a death.

But for the Government it is a move towards heaven, their aim is to have not small businesses If the Government had its way they would have just 4 or 5 supermarkets selling everything.


Because tax collection from just 4 or 5 supermarkets is far easier than collecting from thousands of small businesses.

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Just got back from sainsburys, it was a pleasant experience, the shelves were stocked, hardly anybody there?the only problem was that is was 50 notes for sod all!

Oh, I did watch two lazy fat arse individuals park in the family bays

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thebeard Wrote:


> pearcesa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Thanks Unkle_Paulie for the write-up of your

> > meeting with the Manager.

> >



> Because tax collection from just 4 or 5

> supermarkets is far easier than collecting from

> thousands of small businesses.

The Beard starring in an epic Ben Hur style MOVIE OF LIFE

Scene 1

Beard stands upon a mountain (of cardboard)

Wind , tempest rain and darkened skys....his voice booms out like a mistral....vvvvvossshhhhhhh

"Ohh you Pagans worship false idols.....the Golden arches......Bury of sains..........and TSCOE.....you think you really do have plans for a nice "risotto" tonight..well dont you........FOOL...not when they make you "want" 2 for 1 pork chops.....no now you really want those...

dont you.....................OHH CANT YOU SEE how weak you are ..

AAAHHHHHHAAA what next "TIRAMISU" and think it's YOUR idea......NOOOOOOO there is a greater plan operating"

At this point a carefully placed can of "Coca- cola" flies across the screen, the sky brightens for a moment, we glimps the golden arches............darkness falls again.

Scene 2

The Beard is exhausted , smoke swirls , he is leaning on his crook ...........slowly his eyes lit & in the darkness of his pupils we see the "tesco"logo reversed............


And as he cries the worlds starts to flood.......

Kind thing yeah....


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As a Blue Badge holder, I become infuriated by the number of cars which are allowed to get away with using Disabled spaces but do not show any badge. Is there any chance that immediate action could be taken? Call a clamper? Parents in Chelsea tractors seem to think that it is their right to park in a Disabled space if the mother and child spaces are full, it is not.
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woofmarkthedog Wrote:


> Well my last one was "kinda on topic" though

> tongue in cheek......ohh & a biblical theme...



> and they "still tore my work down" argghhhhhhh

> you b******s




> W**F


> *the tears burn my eyes still........really ohh*]

I am soooo disappointed it was removed, twas a work of most excellent humour.

Excellent quality.!

Can we start an ?Abuse with humour thread? for similar works of art?

More fun than anything to do with Swinebury?s that?s 4 sure.

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Year 908 B.C

If I have to flee the holy land again it wont be in a pair of SAINSBURYs rubber soled sandals.....

I mean imagine being cornered by a mob of non believers on the unmade road to Damascus..

....& with those sandals on your feet you'd expect to be stoned to death..

Err.... am I on subject still... anyway


*sky darkens , swats huge locust........& another...ahhhhh more , more , more bzzzzzzz....*

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I have scanned through and cant see that anyone else has mentioned this so I will...

I dont understand why they got rid of half a dozen "manned" tills and replaced them with these "self scan" ones - they seem to be a nightmare, eveyone I see using the ones in the centre of the store look really stressed and take twice the time to get through the checkouts...

My biggest issue with the self scan is that they must replace human staff, I have always found the checkout staff polite and helpful and therefore always boyott the selfscan to keep the humans employed!

Ps - I was in Sain's one quiet evening and all the customers were lining up to be served by humans and Sain's had about 2 staff wondering around trying to drag customers to the self serve areas only to be told NO!! Most amusing

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    • Deleted as the Ricky I found on line is not the same one
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