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Barry - thank you so much for doing this. If you ever stand for mayor you'll have my vote.

Any possibility of getting some more overhead cover on the London Bridge bound side platform to keep the rain off. I know there's a shelter there already but it's tiny and at the crowded end of the train.

Thanks again for doing this.


I was wondering when I would be stumped.... This is a very costly project, however I have a couple of ideas and I will post on here by Friday if it comes to fruition

Not promising, and I wont if I cant deliver



bonaome Wrote:


> Barry - thank you so much for doing this. If you

> ever stand for mayor you'll have my vote.


> Any possibility of getting some more overhead

> cover on the London Bridge bound side platform to

> keep the rain off. I know there's a shelter there

> already but it's tiny and at the crowded end of

> the train.


> Thanks again for doing this.

Hi, The ticket offices will be open from 1515hours until 1900hrs Monday to Friday. This is also the same for North Dulwich



Ladygooner Wrote:


> I see the ticket counter is now open on the way

> home from work too - great work! What are the

> opening hours now?

Hello Mr. SMBJones,

I don't wish to sound ungrateful (I really really don't, given ALL you have achieved for us all to date), BUT, does this now mean that the station will no longer be open in the mornings? If so, what is the logic for this?

Respectfully yours,


SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi, The ticket offices will be open from 1515hours

> until 1900hrs Monday to Friday. This is also the

> same for North Dulwich


> Regards


> Barry


> Ladygooner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I see the ticket counter is now open on the way

> > home from work too - great work! What are the

> > opening hours now?


Firstly well done on your initiative.

Secondly, I have a query regarding the Saturday service from Pk Rye to London Victoria and it seems to be a permanent loss to engineering works or the like.

I recently read that a backroom deal was done to ditch the London Bridge to Victoria trains to increase funds for the East London Line. I hope this isn't true as I love ED but rail links to central London are very poor as it is (apart from weekday commutes to London Bridge) and I think it would be a big loss to lose the Victoria service on Saturday's.

It's not easy to find a clear message as too what is going on with this service but as it is the only train to west london on Saturday's its a big loss for me at least. It took me over 2.5 hours to get to Fulham on buses and trains last time out, so please bring back the Victoria express.

It would be wonderful if you could shed some light on this subject for me.



Ladymuck Wrote:


> Hello Mr. SMBJones,


> I don't wish to sound ungrateful (I really really

> don't, given ALL you have achieved for us all to

> date), BUT, does this now mean that the station

> will no longer be open in the mornings? If so,

> what is the logic for this?


> > -----

> > > I see the ticket counter is now open on the

> way

> > > home from work too - great work! What are the

> > > opening hours now?

I am sure Barry means in addition to the morning opening hours

Ladymuck Wrote:


> Hello Mr. SMBJones,


> I don't wish to sound ungrateful (I really really

> don't, given ALL you have achieved for us all to

> date), BUT, does this now mean that the station


> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > I see the ticket counter is now open on the

> way

> > > home from work too - great work! What are the

> > > opening hours now?

Oh, I DO hope so Ladygooner, that would be absolutely brilliant.

Hi Ladymuck

I can assure you that this is in addition to the morning hours and should have made that clear when I posted my message. To close the ticket offices in the mornings would mean a public hanging on Goose Green, with one Barry Jones in the noose!



Ladymuck Wrote:


> Ladymuck Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hello Mr. SMBJones,

> >

> > I don't wish to sound ungrateful (I really

> really

> > don't, given ALL you have achieved for us all


> > > > home from work too - great work! What are

> the

> > > > opening hours now?





> Oh, I DO hope so Ladygooner, that would be

> absolutely brilliant.

Mike, I have not forgot your posting, unfortunately I have had to take this one further up the chain.

I am hoping to have a response later today or at the latest tomorrow



EDdownunder Wrote:


> Barry,


> Firstly well done on your initiative.


> Secondly, I have a query regarding the Saturday

> service from Pk Rye to London Victoria and it

> seems to be a permanent loss to engineering works

> or the like.


> I recently read that a backroom deal was done to

> ditch the London Bridge to Victoria trains to

> increase funds for the East London Line. I hope

> this isn't true as I love ED but rail links to

> central London are very poor as it is (apart from

> weekday commutes to London Bridge) and I think it

> would be a big loss to lose the Victoria service

> on Saturday's.


> It's not easy to find a clear message as too what

> is going on with this service but as it is the

> only train to west london on Saturday's its a big

> loss for me at least. It took me over 2.5 hours

> to get to Fulham on buses and trains last time

> out, so please bring back the Victoria express.


> It would be wonderful if you could shed some light

> on this subject for me.


> Thanks,

> Mike

Dear Mr. SMBJones,

PHEW! That's a relief! Thank you SO much.

As for your neck being in the noose, I think this is quite unlikely - you are FAR too valuable to us ALIVE!!! ... the peasants would revolt!!

Once again, enormous thanks for everything.


SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi Ladymuck


> I can assure you that this is in addition to the

> morning hours and should have made that clear when

> I posted my message. To close the ticket offices

> in the mornings would mean a public hanging on

> Goose Green, with one Barry Jones in the noose!


> Regards


> Barry





> Ladymuck Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Ladymuck Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > -----

> > > Hello Mr. SMBJones,

> > >

> > > I don't wish to sound ungrateful (I really

> > really

> > > don't, given ALL you have achieved for us all

> > to

> > > date), BUT, does this now mean that the

> station

> > > will no longer be open in the mornings? If

> so,

> > > what is the logic for this?

> > >

> > > Respectfully yours,

> > >

> > > Ladymuck.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > SMBJones Wrote:

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > > -----

> > > > Hi, The ticket offices will be open from

> > > 1515hours

> > > > until 1900hrs Monday to Friday. This is

> also

> > > the

> > > > same for North Dulwich

> > > >

> > > > Regards

> > > >

> > > > Barry

> > > >

> > > > Ladygooner Wrote:

> > > >

> > >

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> >

> > >

> > > > -----

> > > > > I see the ticket counter is now open on

> the

> > > way

> > > > > home from work too - great work! What are

> > the

> > > > > opening hours now?

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Oh, I DO hope so Ladygooner, that would be

> > absolutely brilliant.

Hi Mike

The Southern operated service between Victoria and London Bridge via Denmark Hill will be withdrawn from May 2012. From that date London Overground Rail Operations Ltd (LOROL) will introduce a new service every 15 mins between Dalston Junction and Clapham Junction via the East London Line. There is a possibility that Southeastern trains may put in extra stops at Clapham High St, Denmark Hill and Peckham Rye to cover loss of trains from those stations to Victoria, but this hasn?t been confirmed.

Hope this helps


EDdownunder Wrote:


> Barry,


> Firstly well done on your initiative.


> Secondly, I have a query regarding the Saturday

> service from Pk Rye to London Victoria and it

> seems to be a permanent loss to engineering works

> or the like.


> I recently read that a backroom deal was done to

> ditch the London Bridge to Victoria trains to

> increase funds for the East London Line. I hope

> this isn't true as I love ED but rail links to

> central London are very poor as it is (apart from

> weekday commutes to London Bridge) and I think it

> would be a big loss to lose the Victoria service

> on Saturday's.


> It's not easy to find a clear message as too what

> is going on with this service but as it is the

> only train to west london on Saturday's its a big

> loss for me at least. It took me over 2.5 hours

> to get to Fulham on buses and trains last time

> out, so please bring back the Victoria express.


> It would be wonderful if you could shed some light

> on this subject for me.


> Thanks,

> Mike

hello barry

my nearest station is queens road peckham and for about the last 3 months the weekend service has been either completely shutdown due to engineering works or running a very limited service. its becoming a bit of a joke now.

just wondered if you have any idea how long this is likely to go on for.

thank you very very much

SMBJones Wrote:

> The Southern operated service between Victoria and

> London Bridge via Denmark Hill will be withdrawn

> from May 2012. From that date London Overground

> Rail Operations Ltd (LOROL) will introduce a new

> service every 15 mins between Dalston Junction and

> Clapham Junction via the East London Line.

I know it's not your area at all, but I think it's disgraceful that a service to London Bridge and Victoria is being replaced by a service to Dalston and Clapham Junction. Absolute madness.

Anyway... this has been covered elsewhere...

Hi, This is a very difficult question to tackle, as you can appreciate most engineering works take place during the night, a very small window to operate in and at weekends when there are less passengers. These works are necessay to improve the infrastructure and network.

I can appreciate the incovenience this causes, however I can only get 3 months information at a time, I will try and see what's occuring on the London Brdige line (I can speak with Network Rail) and maybe a good idea to post the works that are taking place so you can pre plan. At this present time engineering posters that are placed at the stations are posted a week to 10 days prior to the works taking place. From next week I can post engineering works for a month at a time here on the forum, I wouldnt want to go any further than that as programs etc can change



clux Wrote:


> hello barry


> my nearest station is queens road peckham and for

> about the last 3 months the weekend service has

> been either completely shutdown due to engineering

> works or running a very limited service. its

> becoming a bit of a joke now.


> just wondered if you have any idea how long this

> is likely to go on for.


> thank you very very much

I live on the Blenheim Grove side of Peckham Rye station, opposite the far end of platforms 1 and 2. Along with other residents in Blenheim Grove, I find the volume of station announcement excessive, not only in volume but also in extent as they are broadcast along the full length of those platforms right to the end, where hardly anyone ever stands. I have been in contact with Barry Jones, who is clearly keen to help as much as he can, and a meeting has been called for this Monday at 12 noon with an engineer. Unfortunately, I can't attend, but I would like to know if anyone else has had similar issues with station announcements, either at Peckham Rye or anywhere else, and if they have any advice, ideas or experience that would help to deal with such problems.

I have to say, that the same level of intrusion does not apply to the Holly Grove side of the station (platforms 3 and 4), where the volume seems a good deal less and where the speakers outside of the covered part of platform 4 are not in use at all. As far as I have been able to find out, this is because residents there complained.

Barry assures me that the volume (though not the extent) of announcements was recently adjusted on Platforms 1 and 2. But none of us over this side can tell there has been any change at all.

Hi Tony

Today the engineers long with the Customer Information Manager attended Peckham Rye to resolve this issue of the announcements. The legal limit that we are permitted to transmit announcements is 100 Decibels, the announcements being monitored today after some tweaking were registering 68.7 Decibels which is quite low. We have to ensure that the hard of hearing can also hear the announcements so that was also taken into consideration today.

My Duty Manager who also attended site today stood on your road and listened to the announcements and has stated that the noise level could hardly be heard, he also spoke with some people who work in the vicinity.

I am hoping this will satisfy you and your neighbours and no more excessive noise levels can be heard in your homes

The official report will be forwarded to me once compiled by the engineer in the meantime if there are any problems then please do not hesitate contact me. Please be assured that this matter has been given priority and actions taken to ensure that all parties are satisfied with the outcome.

Kind regards


Tonyw Wrote:


> I live on the Blenheim Grove side of Peckham Rye

> station, opposite the far end of platforms 1 and

> 2. Along with other residents in Blenheim Grove, I

> find the volume of station announcement excessive,

> not only in volume but also in extent as they are

> broadcast along the full length of those platforms

> right to the end, where hardly anyone ever stands.

> I have been in contact with Barry Jones, who is

> clearly keen to help as much as he can, and a

> meeting has been called for this Monday at 12 noon

> with an engineer. Unfortunately, I can't attend,

> but I would like to know if anyone else has had

> similar issues with station announcements, either

> at Peckham Rye or anywhere else, and if they have

> any advice, ideas or experience that would help to

> deal with such problems.


> I have to say, that the same level of intrusion

> does not apply to the Holly Grove side of the

> station (platforms 3 and 4), where the volume

> seems a good deal less and where the speakers

> outside of the covered part of platform 4 are not

> in use at all. As far as I have been able to find

> out, this is because residents there complained.


> Barry assures me that the volume (though not the

> extent) of announcements was recently adjusted on

> Platforms 1 and 2. But none of us over this side

> can tell there has been any change at all.

Hi, I'm not sure if there's anything to be done here apart from change people's habits. I'm really not normally one to be annoyed by things but I commute from E.Dulwich station every day and every day I notice people putting their free newspapers in the bins (the normal rubbish bins) as they leave. I find it slightly annoying anyway when people leave them on the trains but then at least someone else can read it in the hope that some nice person will eventually take it home and recycle it (I do, it takes zero effort). But placing it in these bins makes me so cross especaially when I'm sure these are the same people that dutifully sort their recycling at home.

Would it be possible at all to have paper recycling bins put next to the normal bins or even a sign stating that that bin is not for recycling (please correct me if I'm wrong!)

I think it would be nice if we did our bit for the old environment!

Rant over, thank you for listening!


How would this please you??? Southern currently talking with "Metro" to install recycling bins, some have been ordered, watch this space

Not a rant and glad you brought it up



prettyflowers Wrote:


> Hi, I'm not sure if there's anything to be done

> here apart from change people's habits. I'm really

> not normally one to be annoyed by things but I

> commute from E.Dulwich station every day and every

> day I notice people putting their free newspapers

> in the bins (the normal rubbish bins) as they

> leave. I find it slightly annoying anyway when

> people leave them on the trains but then at least

> someone else can read it in the hope that some

> nice person will eventually take it home and

> recycle it (I do, it takes zero effort). But

> placing it in these bins makes me so cross

> especaially when I'm sure these are the same

> people that dutifully sort their recycling at

> home.


> Would it be possible at all to have paper

> recycling bins put next to the normal bins or even

> a sign stating that that bin is not for recycling

> (please correct me if I'm wrong!)


> I think it would be nice if we did our bit for the

> old environment!


> Rant over, thank you for listening!

Hi Barry,

Many thanks for all your efforts to sort this matter out. I haven't been around much in the last few days, but there is indeed a noticeable difference in the volume of the announcements. We will continue to monitor this, of course, and keep you informed if there is any increase (as has happened sometimes in the past).

So, thanks once again.

All the best,


Not sure that you can influence this Barry, but it seems to to take an age for the platforms to be identified on the main signage at London Bridge. It seems to be "our" trains that are problematic, i.e to ED or Denmark Hill , other trains have their platforms identified a good 10 minutes in advance. All all to often we are given 2 minutes to leg it down to Platforms 14, 15 or 16 and often along the platform to get to the far end, where our train is.

The information staff seem to know what platforms a given train is coming into, but this doesnt translate itself into timely signage announcements. Its a pain and for those who arent fleet of foot, unfair and not customer focussed.

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