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Really sorry about this and apologies to your wife, I have a duty manager on the case as I speak



Zaardvark Wrote:


> Hi,

> Just an observation for north dulwich - that the

> old timetables are still up (my wife missed a

> train there last night because of it).


> Best


> Z

Ladies ladies ladies... Please, be nice! After all you are both spoken for and I would not like to upset your partners, as flattered as I am I am stepping away quietly


LM.... Cilla as in Cilla Black

Ladymuck Wrote:


> Oh pooh and double-poohs! I have meekly retreated

> behind you in the queue Sophiesofa...I assumed

> (being a Lady and all) my station might permit my

> Ladyship to queue-jump. It just goes to show that

> One should never assume - no matter what One's

> position.


> But, who the bloody-hell is "Cilla"!!!??? Unless

> she is the Queen of the Railways, then she is

> definitely behind me!!!!


> Sorry admin...couldn't resist.


All dogs travel free, not on the seats though!

Regards (or Woof!)


woofmarkthedog Wrote:


> Can we have more Barry's please



> Top man , I hope he stays



> W**F


> *wonders.... can "all dogs" travel free Barry*

tommy Wrote:


> Hi Barry. Being nosey, but are there plans to use

> that lovely big room off platform 2 (I think) at

> Peckham Rye. Its the platform that goes takes me

> into Blackfriars in the morning>

> Could it be a new waiting room / cafe ?

I look forward to hearing Barry's latest news. In the meantime, I can give a bit of background and some news on this to supplement that. The original windows have now been unbricked and restored. They were bricked up about 50 years ago after the original waiting room had been used for a long time as a billiard hall. The drive for this came from residents and the Peckham Society in the Rye Lane & Station Action Group. We managed to get the Council and Southern Rail interested and then agreeing, and this has led finally to the end of the first stage - i.e. to get the room visible again to stimulate interest in it. We want it back in use as a public space of some sort. All ideas for this, and suggestions of potential investors and funders welcomed! You can get more info here: www.peckhamvision.org and the Peckham Society news and recent internal photos on it here www.peckhamvision.org/wiki/images/0/03/Station_CGS_bid.pdf

Good work all - its a lovely big light room - with a great roof from the inside (hopefully it won't be covered up)

Yes, a cafe would be great - am sure a WH Smith concession or something similar would do well there as well. The light and space also could see a great gallery use the space there

Nero Wrote:


> Eileen,

> I like Peckham Rye station on paper, but please

> could you tell me why the grafitti not removed as

> soon as it is sprayed on? There is stuff that has

> been there for ages and it really brings the place

> down.

Hi Nero - yes the graffiti is awful. What a pity there isn't an effective way to deter them and redirect their energy, enthusaism and some creativity into more positive things. But in the meantime it is the costly cycle of remove and new graffiti and remove and ... It is though the responsibility of Southern Rail and Network Rail to clear it off. Barry - can you tell us the latest news?

Good morning

During the next few weeks you will see scaffolding being errected in preperaration for the removal of the grafitti


Eileen Wrote:


> Nero Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Eileen,

> > I like Peckham Rye station on paper, but please

> > could you tell me why the grafitti not removed

> as

> > soon as it is sprayed on? There is stuff that

> has

> > been there for ages and it really brings the

> place

> > down.


> Hi Nero - yes the graffiti is awful. What a pity

> there isn't an effective way to deter them and

> redirect their energy, enthusaism and some

> creativity into more positive things. But in the

> meantime it is the costly cycle of remove and new

> graffiti and remove and ... It is though the

> responsibility of Southern Rail and Network Rail

> to clear it off. Barry - can you tell us the

> latest news?

Good afternoon, a small update!

* Peckham Rye: The "Old Billiard Room" on platform 3 is still under renovation, this room is managed by Network Rail and their property agents "Spacia" However there is a possibilty later this year under the NSIP Program (National Stations Improvement Program)that something more may come of this area. I hope to speak with someone later to get an update

Works underway to refurbish the waiting room on platform 1 and 2

There are works currently underway on the platforms and canopies, once these are finished I will endeavour to highlight the new stair treads and some other minor painting of the station.

I have just received a quote for the professional cleaning of the booking hall floor and some other maintenace work to bring this area up to a standard expected of passengers

I now have the plans for the new Automatic Gates which will be installed very shortly, I will get a poster up before the end of the week showing the position of them.

Also I am looking at the old toilets on platform 1/2 to see if they can be refurbished and put back into use

Outside Peckham Station there is an old retail unit, I believe it was a bookmakers before my time, I have now asked our property agents to find a tenant that may want to trade from there, prime location which will also improve the environment (any suggestions please email me, I am all ears)

Queens Road: There are plans to rejuvenate this station under the NSIP program, again once I have further details I will post accordingly

North Dulwich: An inspection will take place tonight for the booking hall ceiling, I am hoping to get this repaired and painted within the next two weeks, hopefully they will be able identify where the water ingress issue is so this can be fixed once and for all.

The bottom of the stairs to platform 1, there is a window frame which is rotten and taped up, this will be rectified an painted by the end of the week. This will also include the glass replacement

East Dulwich: Stairs are now highlighted to each platform, cigarette bins now in place, Also waiting for a start date for the removal of grafitti to the platform risers

Lastly which concerns all the above stations, the Mobile Cleaning Team went live this morning, they have under taken a big operation to clear as much of the rubbish behind the fences as possible (ED). I am hoping you will all see a considerable difference the cleanliness to your stations.

As you can see there have been a lot of actions put into place, which leaves me wondering would you still like me to faciliate a local "Meet the Manager" session so you can meet the team in its entirety and possibly discuss further ideas for your stations?

Kind regards



This has now been rectified, the volume is up. Any issues please let me know


captain_paxo Wrote:


> Fantastic stuff, thanks Barry.


> I don't know if anyone else has mentioned it, but

> I think the PA system at E.Dulwich could be

> improved; if you're far down the platform you

> can't hear it which can lead to

> uncertainty/frustration in the case of

> delays/cancellation announcements. ...

So impressed with all the work that has been done - thank you so much!

One small point, some people seem to think the station proper doesnt start until they get on the platform and light up and smoke their cigarettes at the top of the slope. Any chance a No Smoking sign sign can be put up at the top of the slope on the back of the shelter?

Already done ;-)



Ladygooner Wrote:


> So impressed with all the work that has been done

> - thank you so much!


> One small point, some people seem to think the

> station proper doesnt start until they get on the

> platform and light up and smoke their cigarettes

> at the top of the slope. Any chance a No Smoking

> sign sign can be put up at the top of the slope on

> the back of the shelter?

Barry, this is a good thread, I am impressed that you have come on here.

I would like to voice my concerns about the "heavies" in black coats that Southern Trains have started hiring to enforce ticket checks. They have a heavy handed approach and do not understand simple rules of train travel. My normal journey into work involves travelling from North Dulwich to Victoria, changing at Peckham Rye. When I travel I buy a ticket at ND to "london terminals". A few weeks ago when changing at Peckham Rye my path was blocked by a gang of 3 inspectors. They inspected my valid ticket and told me I was commiting an offence by trying to change trains. Apparently I needed to buy two tickets, one from ND to PR and one from PR to Victoria! This is obviously completely wrong, so I was not ammused. When I refused to give them my ticket they tried to take it from me by force, resulting in a physical scuffle. The incident was only resolved when a police man arrived and intervened, castigating the inspectors and allowing me to proceed with my lawful journey. I can honestly say that I have never encountered a more boneheaded group of morons.

I have two complaints:

1- These hired heavies are overly intimidating to passengers. They behave more like nightclub bouncers than ticket inspectors. Like the Metropolitan Police riot squad at the G20 summit they seem more "up for a ruck" than commited to actually doing their job properly.

2- They should be familiar with the rules and apply common sense when dealing with passengers. It is obvious that they have not received sufficient training to understand properly the regulations they enforce, or have chosen to ignore it!

I would be interested to know if you have had similar complaints or other problems with them and also if anyone else on this forum has had similar problems.



First of all I would like to convey my apologies on behalf of Southern Railway, reading your posting makes an interesting read to say the least and I can certainly understand your frustration. This is not what we like to portray in any circumstances regardless of the issue at hand

Tomorrow morning I will be showing your complaint to my line manager, I can assure you he will take this up with the relevant manager. Unfortunately this is all I can do for you as another department.

In the meantime if you would kindly email me your personal details I will ensure you get a prompt response. Lastly if you can be exact as to the day this took place it would certainly help.

Again apologies



eater81 Wrote:


> Barry, this is a good thread, I am impressed that

> you have come on here.


> I would like to voice my concerns about the

> "heavies" in black coats that Southern Trains have

> started hiring to enforce ticket checks. They

> have a heavy handed approach and do not

> understand simple rules of train travel. My normal

> journey into work involves travelling from North

> Dulwich to Victoria, changing at Peckham Rye.

> When I travel I buy a ticket at ND to "london

> terminals". A few weeks ago when changing at

> Peckham Rye my path was blocked by a gang of 3

> inspectors. They inspected my valid ticket and

> told me I was commiting an offence by trying to

> change trains. Apparently I needed to buy two

> tickets, one from ND to PR and one from PR to

> Victoria! This is obviously completely wrong, so I

> was not ammused. When I refused to give them my

> ticket they tried to take it from me by force,

> resulting in a physical scuffle. The incident was

> only resolved when a police man arrived and

> intervened, castigating the inspectors and

> allowing me to proceed with my lawful journey. I

> can honestly say that I have never encountered a

> more boneheaded group of morons.


> I have two complaints:


> 1- These hired heavies are overly intimidating to

> passengers. They behave more like nightclub

> bouncers than ticket inspectors. Like the

> Metropolitan Police riot squad at the G20 summit

> they seem more "up for a ruck" than commited to

> actually doing their job properly.


> 2- They should be familiar with the rules and

> apply common sense when dealing with passengers.

> It is obvious that they have not received

> sufficient training to understand properly the

> regulations they enforce, or have chosen to ignore

> it!


> I would be interested to know if you have had

> similar complaints or other problems with them and

> also if anyone else on this forum has had similar

> problems.


> Thanks.

Barry - you must be psychic! Thanks so much - saw the sign this morning - couldn't believe you acted so fast!

SMBJones Wrote:


> Already done ;-)


> Regards


> Barry




> Ladygooner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > So impressed with all the work that has been

> done

> > - thank you so much!

> >

> > One small point, some people seem to think the

> > station proper doesnt start until they get on

> the

> > platform and light up and smoke their

> cigarettes

> > at the top of the slope. Any chance a No

> Smoking

> > sign sign can be put up at the top of the slope

> on

> > the back of the shelter?

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