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Hi Barry,

There is a fantastic train service from Peckham Rye direct to St Pancras International but as far as I can see it doesn't come up on the big indicator board above the ticket office at P'Rye so you have to look on the smaller screen. Also, if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL site it suggests I go by bus or change at London Bridge. Is this just a temporary service? Or can it be publicised properly?

Could I also mention that I'm deeply concerned about the planned loss of the London Bridge->Victoria->Lon Bridge loop line? I can't believe that the railway authority think we don't need this valuable service. (I hope hope East Dulwich residents don't mind me mentioning a Peckham Rye issue but I'm sure I'm not the only one who crosses over between the two areas.)


They extened all of the trains that used to terminate at Blackfriars. I just hope that this is permanent and not just while Blackfriars is rebuilt. Incidentally since these services were extended they have become somewhat unreliable. This service is like it used to be before they took

Thameslink away from us.

I was confused at Bromley South yesterday as the train that terminated at Blackfriars before the closure now ends at Bedford ,I nearly missed a train cos I was looking on the board for train times and just didnt connect Bedford with the same line I used before .L needed to get to Peckham Rye.

the-e-dealer Wrote:


> They extened all of the trains that used to

> terminate at Blackfriars. I just hope that this is

> permanent and not just while Blackfriars is

> rebuilt. Incidentally since these services were

> extended they have become somewhat unreliable.

I've noticed this too, and the trains seem to be a bit less frequent too, if I miss the 8.45 train the next one isn't for about 20 minutes which is rubbish for rush hour. I could get the train to London Bridge instead, but that would leave me with at least a 20 minute bus ride instead compared to the ten minute amble from Blackfriars.

Oh and Markjonathan, agree it's fair game to ask about Peckham Rye, am sure lots of East Dulwich folk use it, I live in East Dulwich but use Peckham Rye because I work near Blackfriars, so the 12 to Peckham Rye + train to Blackfriars is way quicker than any route via London Bridge, and I see plenty of others doing the same in the morning

the-e-dealer Wrote:


> They extened all of the trains that used to

> terminate at Blackfriars. I just hope that this is

> permanent and not just while Blackfriars is

> rebuilt. Incidentally since these services were

> extended they have become somewhat unreliable.

> This service is like it used to be before they

> took

> Thameslink away from us.

I agree we need to try to make this a permanent feature for our rail links. I am told by South Eastern who operate the service through this area that it all depends on the new franchise arrangements to be negoitated. I am trying to find out the timing for them so we can make sure our views are well known for that.

If you want to be kept up to date on this join the Southwark Rail Users' Group mail list; email: [email protected] .

For SRUG news visit SRUG website on: http://www.peckhamvision.org/brg/srug

Barry - do you have anything you can tell us about the lead up to the new franchise for these services?

Yes, hope people can join the facebook group, and also voice their opinions to Boris


How can political parties claim green credentials, and investment in infrastructure for the poorest London boroughs (where not everyone can afford a car) and cut the rail services...


Markjonathan Wrote:


> Hi Barry,


> There is a fantastic train service from Peckham

> Rye direct to St Pancras International but as far

> as I can see it doesn't come up on the big

> indicator board above the ticket office at P'Rye

> so you have to look on the smaller screen. Also,

> if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL site it

> suggests I go by bus or change at London Bridge.

> Is this just a temporary service? Or can it be

> publicised properly?


> Could I also mention that I'm deeply concerned

> about the planned loss of the London

> Bridge->Victoria->Lon Bridge loop line? I can't

> believe that the railway authority think we don't

> need this valuable service. (I hope hope East

> Dulwich residents don't mind me mentioning a

> Peckham Rye issue but I'm sure I'm not the only

> one who crosses over between the two areas.)

> Mark

AuraCaught Wrote:


> Barry


> Do you know why Southern & Southeastern trains no

> longer accept Freedom Passes before 9.30 am?


As long as I can remember we have not accepted "Freedom Passes" before 0930, depending on your jouney destination it can be used before 0930. At all stations there is a map showing when and where it can be used

Hope this helps


Dear all

There have been several postings relating to Revenue Staff and I can now say that I have met with the senior manager who deals with this department. I am hoping that you will see a difference in staff attitudes and behaviours.

Also, I would also like to add that I am also now managing London Bridge Station for next few months as well as my current area and I will be monitoring the revenue staff closely for myself

No doubt you will posing questions with regards to London Bridge but please be gentle as I have only just taken this on

As stated before I will look in once a week (Fridays) to see if there are any new postings but will continue to answer private messages as they come through

Wishing you a good weekend

Barry Jones

Station Manager

london Bridge and Streatham Hill Areas

Is there anything you can do to stop the announcements at LB drowning each other out? I am supposing that the woman's voice is for one franchise and the man's for another. When they are playing at the same time, it is impossible to hear anything.

Also, could get the TOCs to put more stickers on trains and make announcements (this would be preferable) to stop anti social behaviour, such as littering and putting feat on the chairs? The latter now seems to be the default option for a significant minority of passengers, a minority that includes everything from 'kidz' to builders to Guardian-reading office workers. It drives me mad. I do ask people to put them down but often it is met with seething malevolence.

the main complaint i have about london bridge right now is the minimal amount of ticket offices and machines. i know that a lot has been changed around for the shard but for the volume of people passing through it's ridiculous...or so people tell me who are coming to visit us south east londoners...

Markjonathan Wrote:


> Hi Barry,


> There is a fantastic train service from Peckham

> Rye direct to St Pancras International but as far

> as I can see it doesn't come up on the big

> indicator board above the ticket office at P'Rye

> so you have to look on the smaller screen. Also,

> if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL site it

> suggests I go by bus or change at London Bridge.

> Is this just a temporary service? Or can it be

> publicised properly?


> Could I also mention that I'm deeply concerned

> about the planned loss of the London

> Bridge->Victoria->Lon Bridge loop line? I can't

> believe that the railway authority think we don't

> need this valuable service. (I hope hope East

> Dulwich residents don't mind me mentioning a

> Peckham Rye issue but I'm sure I'm not the only

> one who crosses over between the two areas.)

> Mark

Hi Mark

First of all sincere apologies for not responding sooner, just completely missed it. With regards to the service to St Pancras, this is a SouthEastern service and not Southern, I was a little miffed by this.

I will be passing your comments on to them and will be speaking to our Customer Information Team

I also note your comments regarding the services between Vic and LB



Have to agree re ticket machines at London Bridge. Maybe I'm missing something but as far as I can see the only ticket machines are outside. This means that when you are rushing for a train, you have to buy a ticket BEFORE you know if the train is running, or waste time running in and out. I've wasted money a couple of times now - and following up on a refund for 2.40 seems like even more of a waste of resources. Why can't there be machines on the concourse?

nunheadmum Wrote:


> Have to agree re ticket machines at London Bridge.

> Maybe I'm missing something but as far as I can

> see the only ticket machines are outside. This

> means that when you are rushing for a train, you

> have to buy a ticket BEFORE you know if the train

> is running, or waste time running in and out.

> I've wasted money a couple of times now - and

> following up on a refund for 2.40 seems like even

> more of a waste of resources. Why can't there be

> machines on the concourse?


Whilst at London Bridge yesterday I decided to have a good look round the station to check ticket selling facilities. As you are aware there are lots of building works going on and wondered if some of the machines had been removed for this purpose.

I noted the following, to the front of the station there are 6 ticket vending machines, near that entrance (fruit seller) as you walk in to the left there is another area which is set back a little near the Information Desk which consists of 3 ticket vending machines and 7 counters run by Southeastern staff.

This makes a total of 16 places to buy tickets at London Bridge plus an Excess Fares Booth


I have a TOC (Train Operating Company) Liaison Meeting with Network Rail on the 1st September, I will raise the issues of announcements then as my colleagues and other Station Manangers will be in atendance.


Lastly I would like to comment on 2 things, firstly London Bridge Station is run by Network Rail and Southern are the tenants, all issues relating to the station (bar services and staff)have to go through them and I have no control of the facilities etc. I have known the Station Manager from Network Rail a number of years and have a great working relationship and will listen to any issues raised.

Lastly, in addition to my own area which consists of 16 stations and London Bridge, I am also looking after a further 10 stations that will be handed over to LOROL on the 20th September. All stations from LB through to West Croydon, Norwood Junction come under my remit untill then and any questions relating to these stations I will be happy to answer or pass onto my contact at LOROL

Hope all this helps



I'd like to add my twopen'orth in congratulations to you. Your decision to interact directly with the users of your stations displays a remarkable awareness of how to improve services according to localised needs. I wish that more politicians seized the bit as you have, and wish you all success in what must often be a frustrating middle-ground between your customers and the The Powers That Be. Having scanned through this thread, I hope you take strength from the obvious desire of many authors that you succeed, and their gratitude to you for taking a serious interest in their individual opinions.


I also must agree with James and Plimsoul about the "Revenue Protectors". Given that the posters in LB state that travelling without a ticket "may" result in a fine, it seems officious that it ALWAYS does, regardless.

When PR has queues 20+ people deep to buy tickets and everyone knows there are barriers or ticket collectors at all mainline stations, is it really so bad to travel without a ticket in the hope that the queue at the other end will be shorter?

The only person I now who has escaped such a fine has been a girlfriend who batted her big eyelashes and thereby exerted a persuasive technique as old as the hills but unavailable to most of the rest of us.

Finally, to Nero, I must say I am confused by your post... You can't hear the announcements for the platforms and train destinations but you want more announcements reminding people not to put their feet on the seats?

I fully agree with you regarding the platform announcements, I too often have trouble hearing them, and indeed there are myriad behaviours that each of us find irritating to the extreme. I just wonder whether filling the air with yet more exhortations to not do this or that would help, or whether they would simply add to the aural cacophony that encourages us (me) to blank out the noise and miss the important announcements.

We are already told to stand back from the platform edge (personally I see this as preventing the process of natural selection but I probably shouldn't admit that ;) ), to keep our bags with us and report anything suspicious, that security personnel tour the station 24 hours a day, etc etc... Do we need more? "Please take your litter home"; "please keep your feet off the seats"; "please don't stand too close to the person next to you if you didn't use deodorant this morning"; "please don't play your music too lou.. sorry - PLEASE TURN IT DOWN... - oh never mind...".

The culprits you mention are the least likely to listen to any recorded voice of authority, especially the Guardian-readers, selfishly destroying the peace with nail-biting.

A bigger problem is that the more we are bombarded with little messages reminding us how to behave, the more immune to them we become. Combating this type of behaviour is a more deep-rooted social problem. Please can we not hasten the descent towards the complete disconnect of society from authority and of personal isolation from society by naggingly berating individuals for their tiny acts of rebellion.

Otherwise eventually you too will be told you can't have your little personal pleasures because they might upset someone, but there will be no-one left to defend you.

Sorry, I'll get off my soapbox.


On the subject of ticket machines at LB, one thing that I find quite irritating is the absence of Oyster facilities upstairs. Presumably this will be addressed by January when pre-pay is rolled out on the train network? In the meantime, it is quite frustrating to have to fight your way down into the Tube ticket hall to get an Oyster travelcard - and picking up a travelcard paid for through the TFL website means having to go through the tube barriers and then back out again as touching in the card on the train barriers doesn't actually collect the travelcard credit. I realise that this is probably a Network Rail issue rather than your responsibility but wonder if you could raise it at your TOC meeting and find out what plans there are to introduce this functionality upstairs?

SMBJones Wrote:


> nunheadmum Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Have to agree re ticket machines at London

> Bridge.

> > Maybe I'm missing something but as far as I

> can

> > see the only ticket machines are outside. This

> > means that when you are rushing for a train,

> you

> > have to buy a ticket BEFORE you know if the

> train

> > is running, or waste time running in and out.

> > I've wasted money a couple of times now - and

> > following up on a refund for 2.40 seems like

> even

> > more of a waste of resources. Why can't there

> be

> > machines on the concourse?


> Plimsoul/NunheadMum


> Whilst at London Bridge yesterday I decided to

> have a good look round the station to check ticket

> selling facilities. As you are aware there are

> lots of building works going on and wondered if

> some of the machines had been removed for this

> purpose.


> I noted the following, to the front of the station

> there are 6 ticket vending machines, near that

> entrance (fruit seller) as you walk in to the left

> there is another area which is set back a little

> near the Information Desk which consists of 3

> ticket vending machines and 7 counters run by

> Southeastern staff.


> This makes a total of 16 places to buy tickets at

> London Bridge plus an Excess Fares Booth



> Nero


> I have a TOC (Train Operating Company) Liaison

> Meeting with Network Rail on the 1st September, I

> will raise the issues of announcements then as my

> colleagues and other Station Manangers will be in

> atendance.


> All


> Lastly I would like to comment on 2 things,

> firstly London Bridge Station is run by Network

> Rail and Southern are the tenants, all issues

> relating to the station (bar services and

> staff)have to go through them and I have no

> control of the facilities etc. I have known the

> Station Manager from Network Rail a number of

> years and have a great working relationship and

> will listen to any issues raised.


> Lastly, in addition to my own area which consists

> of 16 stations and London Bridge, I am also

> looking after a further 10 stations that will be

> handed over to LOROL on the 20th September. All

> stations from LB through to West Croydon, Norwood

> Junction come under my remit untill then and any

> questions relating to these stations I will be

> happy to answer or pass onto my contact at LOROL


> Hope all this helps


> Barry

SMBJones Wrote:


> Markjonathan Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> > Hi Barry,

> > There is a fantastic train service from Peckham

> > Rye direct to St Pancras International but as

> far

> > as I can see it doesn't come up on the big

> > indicator board above the ticket office at

> P'Rye

> > so you have to look on the smaller screen.

> Also,

> > if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL site

> it

> > suggests I go by bus or change at London

> Bridge.

> > Is this just a temporary service? Or can it be

> > publicised properly?

> > Mark


> Hi Mark

> First of all sincere apologies for not responding

> sooner, just completely missed it. With regards to

> the service to St Pancras, this is a SouthEastern

> service and not Southern, I was a little miffed by

> this.> > Barry

Hi Barry

I share Mark's concern about this poor advertsing of the through serivce to St Pancras, but I don't know what you mean by being miffed. Can you say a bit more? Is it possible that something can be done to get the service better publcised and explained?

Hmm. I don't want more announcements on the platform. Indeed, fewer would be better. However many there are, I would prefer them not to be in 'mash up' form.

As for the constant niggling, I agree that it is not ideal. But a few months of niggling might pay off when it comes to anti-social behaviour like putting feet on seats. Believe me, I am not alone when it comes to this being very annoying.

A few years ago, the default position was NOT to put feet on seats or leave papers on the floor. Now it is fast becoming so. Things can change, as we've witnessed, so there is no reason to suggest it can't change back.

Hi Eileen

I was miffed due to the fact I was unaware of this service and the reason I was confused over this service was in fact it is run by South Eastern and not Southern (although I do not claim to know very single service we run!), I will speak with my colleagues regarding this service. I think it is a great idea to publicise this service

MAny thanks


Eileen Wrote:


> SMBJones Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Markjonathan Wrote:

> >

> --------------------------------------------------


> > > Hi Barry,

> > > There is a fantastic train service from

> Peckham

> > > Rye direct to St Pancras International but as

> > far

> > > as I can see it doesn't come up on the big

> > > indicator board above the ticket office at

> > P'Rye

> > > so you have to look on the smaller screen.

> > Also,

> > > if I enter Peckham Rye to ST P on the TFL

> site

> > it

> > > suggests I go by bus or change at London

> > Bridge.

> > > Is this just a temporary service? Or can it

> be

> > > publicised properly?

> > > Mark

> >

> > Hi Mark

> > First of all sincere apologies for not

> responding

> > sooner, just completely missed it. With regards

> to

> > the service to St Pancras, this is a

> SouthEastern

> > service and not Southern, I was a little miffed

> by

> > this.> > Barry


> Hi Barry

> I share Mark's concern about this poor advertsing

> of the through serivce to St Pancras, but I don't

> know what you mean by being miffed. Can you say a

> bit more? Is it possible that something can be

> done to get the service better publcised and

> explained?

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