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There has only been one cancellation (around 1400 hrs) , my Group Manager has checked with our train planning department and all is ok


meadow408 Wrote:


> hello

> I just checked national rail website and basically

> every other train from London Victoria to Peckham

> Rye is cancelled. what is the reason for this?

> harldy the snow, is it? thanks

Barry and All,

You may care to click on this You Tube link (6 minutes and turn the sound up):

It shows a Southeastern train in real difficulties down in Strood, attemting to get around the loop to Rochester during significant snowfall in early December, 2010. The driver must have had the patience of Job but you will certainly see the local difficulties of the third rail in such conditions that perhaps even Network Rail cannot easily cope with on the spot. It is not something that the railways are proud of but it is certainly something that has beset the third rail system since its inception. I certainly have sympathy in the face of such adversity.

I know it is also the case that, more recently, one by one, the points on the Herne Hill/Tulse Hill/Streatham routes gave out one by one as they were moved at the commencement of the early morning service because snow was compacted in the pointwork by movement of the point blades when they were first moved to switch directions. That effectively stalled the Peckham Rye - Tulse Hill services as well. When the previous overnight 'ghost trains' were run, they were run without requiring the points to be changed. A lesson to be learned there, I feel.

  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Barry

I've moved to Peckham Rye recently, and think its great that you have this forum on here. I'm afraid I haven't scanned through all 35 pages on this thread, but wanted to suggest a few improvements for the station, if its not too rude:

- Please can you stop the yellow 'warning' pages on the information screens at PMR station - it's so annoying if you are trying to decide which train to get (in a hurry), and you have to wait for an extra 10 seconds for the train time screen to come up - the warning pages are completely illegible anyway, and pretty pointless - please can we just have a constant display of the train times and platforms? If its not possible to remove from both the info screens, please can we at least remove it from the one at the top of the stairs?

- Would it be possible to install another oyster/ticket machine at PMR station? - every morning there is queue of about 3-4 people and I've missed trains each time I've had to wait 5 minutes to top up the oyster/buy travelcard. All tube stations have more than one machine, why can't our local train station have one, which must serve thousands of passengers each day.

- Why is it not possible to get advance warnings of delays and cancellations? Last month when there was the snow, I was trying to get a FCC train to Farringdon, and the screen said it was delayed by about 5 minutes; I kept waiting for another 10 minutes (and in the mean time missed a train to LBR) and when I eventually pushed the info button, they told me it was cancelled; this is just completely crap and there is no excuse. Also, most mornings when the trains are delayed (I've yet to see a train that was on time in the 6 weeks I've lived here), the screen downstairs says the train is on time, and then when I get up to the platform, it is 5 minutes late. Shouldn't the two information systems be consistent?

I'm sorry to grumble, but these kind of little irritations cause stress when you have to commute every day.


Hi, Please see below, 2 of the three answered



klikker22 Wrote:


> Dear Barry

> I've moved to Peckham Rye recently, and think its

> great that you have this forum on here. I'm afraid

> I haven't scanned through all 35 pages on this

> thread, but wanted to suggest a few improvements

> for the station, if its not too rude:


> - Please can you stop the yellow 'warning' pages

> on the information screens at PMR station - it's

> so annoying if you are trying to decide which

> train to get (in a hurry), and you have to wait

> for an extra 10 seconds for the train time screen

> to come up - the warning pages are completely

> illegible anyway, and pretty pointless - please

> can we just have a constant display of the train

> times and platforms? If its not possible to remove

> from both the info screens, please can we at least

> remove it from the one at the top of the stairs?

I will speak with our control centre to see if we solve this one by speeding the program up


> - Would it be possible to install another

> oyster/ticket machine at PMR station? - every

> morning there is queue of about 3-4 people and

> I've missed trains each time I've had to wait 5

> minutes to top up the oyster/buy travelcard. All

> tube stations have more than one machine, why

> can't our local train station have one, which must

> serve thousands of passengers each day.

Yes, we are in the process at Southern at installing extra Ticket Machines, I will update accordingly when I have a date for installation at Peckham Rye


> - Why is it not possible to get advance warnings

> of delays and cancellations? Last month when there

> was the snow, I was trying to get a FCC train to

> Farringdon, and the screen said it was delayed by

> about 5 minutes; I kept waiting for another 10

> minutes (and in the mean time missed a train to

> LBR) and when I eventually pushed the info button,

> they told me it was cancelled; this is just

> completely crap and there is no excuse. Also, most

> mornings when the trains are delayed (I've yet to

> see a train that was on time in the 6 weeks I've

> lived here), the screen downstairs says the train

> is on time, and then when I get up to the

> platform, it is 5 minutes late. Shouldn't the two

> information systems be consistent?

I am looking into this one and will update soon, in the meantime I will speak with FCC


> I'm sorry to grumble, but these kind of little

> irritations cause stress when you have to commute Dont be sorry, I am here to listen

> every day.

> Thanks...


The new shelter at East Dulwich on the London bound platform (and apologies it has taken so long)the works will commence tomorrow

In addition, I am also waiting for the installation dates for the new Customer Information Screens for the entrance to platform 1 at ED

At Peckham Rye we are looking at refurbishing the redundant toilets on platform 4, refurbishing toilets on platform 3, and also looking at the small waiting room on platform 3 (not to be confused with the Old Billiard Room) And lastly at Peckham Rye we are looking at demolishing some redundant buildings on platform 1 and 2 thus creating some extra space (very tight as we know)installing new wind breakers and shelters, again I am waiting for dates for these works to commence

Queens Road Peckham will get a new piazza to the front, a second entrance with new Oyster Pads, there also talks taking place regarding the unused/boarded up arches and turning them into retail units (currently being discussed)

I still need to update on London Bridge and will do so after I have attended a meeting later this week with the project managers and contractors who are building the "Shard"



Ooooh! Is Casey Jones back on the forum? Hope so - I'll try my luck...

Barry - I often have to travel out of London by train from Paddington. I buy my ticket from the machine at East Dulwich. But, when I travel out the gates at London Bridge won't accept my ticket and I have to get an attendant to let me out. The same occurs on the way back at LB. The underground accepts my ticket and the gates at Paddington accept it, but not London Bridge. Do you know why this happens and can it be fixed?

Thank you Barry

One little thing that has now been niggling me for a year - when i travel to London Bridge on the train and then swap to the underground i have to go through the large gate that a member of staff has to open for me as i have a pram with me. EVERYTIME i swipe my oyster card there it thinks i'm going out not in and fines me. I have mentioned this to the staff there dozens of times and months ago stopped using that oyster reader and instead insisting that they let me use a different one. They are obviously aware of the problem but nothing has been done about it in a whole year. I have also spoken to the Oyster Customer Services about it on numerous occasions.

Barry, I know the Underground isn't your department but do you have any idea what I can do to get this sorted please?


Hi, to get to the route of these issues and deal with it, I need to know what code flashes up on the gate line when you try to gain entry. Once I have the codes (ask the staff if unsure, they will see the number on the system) I can look into this for you.

On a positive note, London Bridge (April onwards) we will see the brand new gates being installed, these are very state of the art so hopefully no more issues in relation to Oyster


How funny - I'd thought this was just me, but I've had the same thing happen (just the once, but I only use London Bridge mainline station about once a year).

New gates and readers here we come.

clux Wrote:


> Thank you Barry


> One little thing that has now been niggling me for

> a year - when i travel to London Bridge on the

> train and then swap to the underground i have to

> go through the large gate that a member of staff

> has to open for me as i have a pram with me.

> EVERYTIME i swipe my oyster card there it thinks

> i'm going out not in and fines me. I have

> mentioned this to the staff there dozens of times

> and months ago stopped using that oyster reader

> and instead insisting that they let me use a

> different one. They are obviously aware of the

> problem but nothing has been done about it in a

> whole year. I have also spoken to the Oyster

> Customer Services about it on numerous occasions.


> Barry, I know the Underground isn't your

> department but do you have any idea what I can do

> to get this sorted please?


I was discussing this issue whilst at London Bridge, please see response from my Station Manager



The oyster reader the passenger is referring to is the one on the luggage gate platforms 9 & 10, we did have an issue where when TFL did a down load it would tweak the reader to accept entry only and not both exit and entry, it was noticed last summer and the reason behind the fault was not obvious and took a while to diagnose and then find a remedy, I can confirm once the fault was picked up a note was put over the reader advising passengers and gateline staff to only tap if entering.

In November 2010 this was eventually rectified and has worked accepting both entry and exit since then. I think this passenger understandably may have add issues when first installed and now makes a decision to avoid tapping when leaving the station, but we can reassure the passenger that this has been rectified and she should no longer have issues using this reader

clux Wrote:


> Thank you Barry


> One little thing that has now been niggling me for

> a year - when i travel to London Bridge on the

> train and then swap to the underground i have to

> go through the large gate that a member of staff

> has to open for me as i have a pram with me.

> EVERYTIME i swipe my oyster card there it thinks

> i'm going out not in and fines me. I have

> mentioned this to the staff there dozens of times

> and months ago stopped using that oyster reader

> and instead insisting that they let me use a

> different one. They are obviously aware of the

> problem but nothing has been done about it in a

> whole year. I have also spoken to the Oyster

> Customer Services about it on numerous occasions.


> Barry, I know the Underground isn't your

> department but do you have any idea what I can do

> to get this sorted please?

klikker22 wrote on 12 january:

> I was trying to get a FCC train to Farringdon, and the screen said it was delayed by about 5 minutes; I kept waiting for another 10

> minutes (and in the mean time missed a train to LBR) and when I eventually pushed the info button, they told me it was cancelled;

I don't travel often on trains, but I've seen enough of this pattern -- progressive extension of the ETA, maybe then a more general 'delayed', followed up by 'Cancelled' -- to actually expect it, once I see more than a single change. And I find it difficult to believe that it accurately reflects real-time events. It seems to me more like clunky information flow and labelling, but I'd be interested to know more details of how it works. Whatever, I think it happens across too many locations and trains to be attributable to any single TOC, though they may well get the flak for it, might be to some extent complicit in it, and will certainly be interested parties. Which entity actually controls the information system?


Thank you so much for looking into it for me. I can definitely confirm that the problem is still occurring as my husband had the same problem on 2nd Jan and spoke to Oyster (again) about it and they refunded his penalty charge. It's the barrier going through to the Jubilee Line which has the problem. The staff seem to be completely aware of it.


Know this probably isn't your area and I always seem to be moaning on this thread (sorry!!) but do you know who I can complain to regarding the rail replacement service that never turned up yesterday? According to the national rail site, there was replacement services to London Bridge at 16.27, 16.40 and 16.57. I turned up at 16.15, waited at the wrong stop (the sign on the bin really wasn't that helpful - 'sorry there's no trains running to london today'), a bus came along but it was for Victoria and the drover said the LB ones were on the opposite side of the road (at this point this was the first rail replacement service, hadn't seen any on the other side of the road). So off I trundled to the other side of the road, waiting for 45 mins for a bus that never appears whilst missing plenty of 40s and 176s. I ended up darting across the road to jump on a 176 as it was clear the rail replacement wasn't going to turn up. It would have been helpful for the sign on the bin to say which bus stop to wait at for which London destination, and how regular the busses were also.

Thanks in advance and sorry again for constantly complaining!!

Barry - Your note that Queens Road Peckham is to get a new piazza (where?), entrance (where?) and retail units is all very interesting and encouraging. Have you any further details?

Also, I understand that the East London Line will not arrive in QRP until later Dec 2012. Are there any plans to invest in elevators or esculators. There are a lots of young mothers with prams and elderdy folk for whom this would really help open up travel opportunities.

Finally, could something creative be done with the bridge over Queens Road to disguise the graffiti and perhaps provide a welcome to the area. Have a look at what they've done in Kilburn as a really creative example.


Keep up the good work. Cheers, Shane


sorry but it's a very specific moan called the 09:21 from east dulwich to london bridge. i will admit that last week there were 2 days when i didn't get the train but does this ever, i mean EVER, roll in on time? it's the first train in over 15 minutes and more often than not it's late.

why?? it's driving me crazy. today it was a broken down train, the other day a signal, before that a faulty train. what is up with wimbledon?

i am sorry but it's just not good enough in what is considered 'peak time' to be happening this frequently.


totally agree with soane, barry you rock. also aware that you're not actually using this thread anymore but as there had been recent activity i thought that i would post my frustrations.

today the 9:21 was on time, a first for me this year but then i've only got it around 14 times. however, i did have to laugh as it was a short train due to a broken down train so overcrowded.

either way when reviewing the timetable the 09:21 should really be named the somewhere around 25/30 past :)

Barry - many thanks for the new shelter on Platform 1 - very welcome today!

I have a question about the closing off of platforms 13-16 at night. You have to go up and down the bridge to reach these platforms late at night. The railway staff yesterday told me it's because of the cranes working at the Shard and 'elf and safety. Do they really use these cranes at night or was he just fobbing me off?


Yes there are plans to refurbish the old waiting room on platform 3 as well as the toilets. I am awaiting dates for works to commence


spanglysteve Wrote:


> Is there any chance of getting a waiting room on

> Platform 3 of Peckham Rye similar to that between

> platforms 1 and 2? Its always so cold and windy

> there and even standing in the stairwell does not

> really have any impact.

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