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Why were at least two trains (7:46 and the 9:21) reduced to only 3 carraiges, with no explanation?

I was late to work (again) because of the trains, and I heard someone on the later train collapsed because of over-crowding.

I know it's not your area Barry, but it would be appreciated if you could look into it because it's not really acceptable.

Jeremy Wrote:


> Why were at least two trains (7:46 and the 9:21)

> reduced to only 3 carraiges, with no explanation?


> I was late to work (again) because of the trains,

> and I heard someone on the later train collapsed

> because of over-crowding.


> I know it's not your area Barry, but it would be

> appreciated if you could look into it because it's

> not really acceptable.

I was on the same carriage as the person that collapsed on the train this morning and it was nothing to do with it being over-crowded. (In fact, the train was busy for that time of the morning but could hardly be described as over-crowded). Much as I'd love to, we can't blame Southern for everything!


I was wondering whether you could extend the hours that the ticket assiatant desk is open as two times this week i have gone to get on a train after 11.30 and there has been no one there and the ticket machines were only accepting cards, so i got on the train with the intent of buying a ticket at wimbledon, but as its a connecting train and i change at tulse hill i go fined on the train as i was told i should of brought the ticket at tulse hill. Really annoying lesson to learn as it cold have been easily avoided if the machine accepted cash or the ticket desk was open!


> Another vote for the screens.

I would vote for a display board at the botton of the london platform to avoid climbing the slope to find the train is cancelled.

> If I know the info, I'd know whether to swipe in or not, so the need

> for a reader at the top is less of a n issue.

In the meantime, you can call the oyster helpline if you touch in but don't use the ticket. Getting a bus from East Dulwich is good evidence that you didnt make the train journey. I realise this is only a partial answer.

Morning, a few updates...

Tulse Hill: Ticket Office opening hours are 0600-2000hrs, I can only assume that the staff were on a break, however saying that there should have been a notice in the counter window stating that. All machines are in full working order

Peckham Rye: The software updates are now confirmed for 28th June, this is for the Ticket Vending Machine and counter computers also

East Duwlich: Information screens have been rectified and are in full working order this morning

Flowers: Contract has been signed, initially I wanted to see what they looked like so have now extended to Queens Road Peckham, extra at East Dulwich and South Bermondsey.

ED Departure Screen Platform 2: They are LCD (liquid crystal display) similar to plasma, this program is now being brought forward, I now have to wait for a survey to be carried out.

ED: The new barbed wire has now been installed

PMR: Refresh program has now started at Peckham Rye, this is quite an extensive project and will take a number of weeks.

Queens Road Peckham: Vegetation outside station and graffiti on bridge, this is now being looked at by NWR and waiting for a report back. One problem regarding this is the fact that the bridge spans the main road and may need a closure which is very difficult. I will keep you posted on this one



Hi Barry - I know Honor Oak isn't one of your stations but is there a number I can call there? My husband thinks he's left his credit card with them and it's not so easy for me just to drop by (no parking and juggling two little ones). If you could PM me a phone number so I can contact them I'd really appreciate it.

Love your work btw xxx

Oh, and screens..deffo!

5 Mins and it will be with you


ryedalema Wrote:


> Hi Barry - I know Honor Oak isn't one of your

> stations but is there a number I can call there?

> My husband thinks he's left his credit card with

> them and it's not so easy for me just to drop by

> (no parking and juggling two little ones). If you

> could PM me a phone number so I can contact them

> I'd really appreciate it.


> Love your work btw xxx


> Oh, and screens..deffo!


I have purposely waited before posting anything about London Bridge and the projects associated with station. I am waiting for confirmation and dates from Network Rail/Mace and will post accordingly

Here is a snippet reagrding your posting

As you exit the gates on 8/16 you will see an office block which spans the gating area, this is known as Block C (no funny comments please!) My team and I have now vacated this area in readiness for the demolition phase. There are two main reasons for this.. 1. This area needs to go to accomodate the "Shard" as this new building will over hang the concourse area and 2. The block needs to be moved to accomodate the new gates which will be installed over the coming year in seperate phases.

I have seen all the pedflow models/risk assessments and spoken with senior project managers and I am very happy with the outcomes. You will see over the next few weeks the block shored up and scaffolded, and a new gantry errected to accomodate the temporary departure screens etc. This phase will not impede passenger flows as they will still accomodate the existing exits and walkways.

I think I posted this before, the plan is to have a gate line very similar to Waterloo, ie one straight run of gates and there will be additional gates to accomodate the increase in passenger numbers

I will attach a artist impression once I am back in the office

Hope this helps


Ladygooner Wrote:


> Hi Barry

> I see the cornish pastie and the krispy kreme

> shops have closed at London Bridge - are they

> closed so they can be knocked down to make way for

> extendeding the gate to and from platforms 8-16 to

> prevent queues building up in the morning on exit?

Dear all

Yesterday between 1417 and 1542 the heart of our Network was closed due to a Major Signalling Equipment failure. The failure meant that Three Bridges Signalling centre lost all visibility of our trains. This also had an impact on our depots as no services were able to leave for the evening peak. This meant all services to London having to terminate at Gatwick or short of Croydon and no services from London were able to pass through Croydon. This resulted in Major disruption for the rest of the day.

On behalf of Southern I would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused to your journeys yesterday


SMBJones Wrote:


> Dear all


> Yesterday between 1417 and 1542 the heart of our

> Network was closed due to a Major Signalling

> Equipment failure. The failure meant that Three

> Bridges Signalling centre lost all visibility of

> our trains. This also had an impact on our depots

> as no services were able to leave for the evening

> peak. This meant all services to London having to

> terminate at Gatwick or short of Croydon and no

> services from London were able to pass through

> Croydon. This resulted in Major disruption for the

> rest of the day.


> On behalf of Southern I would like to apologise

> for any inconvenience caused to your journeys

> yesterday


> Barry

Ah so that was why.

Was the PA system broken at London Bridge last night between 5.20 and 6pm also? I didn't hear one announcement except for a couple of automated ones giving the wrong information about the next train leaving, it was deadly silent apart from all the huffs and puffs of the hundreds of people guessing what the problem was.

I agree with skidmarks, there was hardly and info available, and what info we did have was not reliable.

One train was displayed as "on time", only for people to squash onto it, and then be told that there was no driver available!

Surely a couple of public announcements should have been possible, explaining the severity of the situation? And possibly even a member of staff on the concourse?

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