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I have faulted this out this morning and hopefully this will be rectified today



SingingWilks Wrote:


> Hi Barry


> I've mentioned this before on this thread and you

> have kindly responded but at East Dulwich the

> station announcements still aren't audible on

> platform 1 (I think - the one going to London

> Bridge), at the front end of the platform past the

> shelter where the front of the train stops. Is

> there anything that can be done about it? Quite

> often recently the trains have been delayed in the

> morning and it is frustrating not being able to

> hear the announcements which I assume say how long

> and why they have been delayed.


> Many thanks for all your good work so far.


> SW


Can you let us know why there were only 4 carriages on the 7.51 this morning - leaving at least 100 people on the platform to wait for the next train? I had to wait on a chilly platform this morning for 20 mins for the 8.05 - not a happy bunny!



This should have now been rectified



Hi Barry,

I have asked Amey to send an engineer to East Dulwich to check and adjust the volume level. He should be at site within the hour.



SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi


> I have faulted this out this morning and hopefully

> this will be rectified today


> Regards


> Barry



> SingingWilks Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi Barry

> >

> > I've mentioned this before on this thread and

> you

> > have kindly responded but at East Dulwich the

> > station announcements still aren't audible on

> > platform 1 (I think - the one going to London

> > Bridge), at the front end of the platform past

> the

> > shelter where the front of the train stops.

> Is

> > there anything that can be done about it?

> Quite

> > often recently the trains have been delayed in

> the

> > morning and it is frustrating not being able to

> > hear the announcements which I assume say how

> long

> > and why they have been delayed.

> >

> > Many thanks for all your good work so far.

> >

> > SW

Ladygooner Wrote:


> Barry

> Can you let us know why there were only 4

> carriages on the 7.51 this morning - leaving at

> least 100 people on the platform to wait for the

> next train? I had to wait on a chilly platform

> this morning for 20 mins for the 8.05 - not a

> happy bunny!

> Thanks

Same thing happened yesterday, I tried to get the 7.51 and just could not get on as it was packed, think there were 6 carriages and about 20 of us left on the platform.


First ? I would like to echo what many others have said here ? it is fantastic to see somebody so committed and genuinely interested in making a difference ( Or could it be that you are in fact some sort of automated software developed by Southern, designed to give the impression that they really care ;-) )

I travel at peak times from ED to LBG and can?t buy a season ticket because I only travel 4-6 times a week.

My point: there have been many comments around the ticket office and ticket machine at ED not being always available when they should be. I can see that you?re going to great extents to try to improve this, but I simply don?t believe that (on the basis that there is only one machine and one person) you are ever going to be able to make this perfect. Machines break, people need to go to the loo, and, unless you have multiple machines/people, it?s always going to happen .

To a certain extent, I?m prepared to live with this. But what I am not prepared to live with is the ?penalty fare lottery? when I get to LBG without a ticket on these occasions. Every time I have to queue at the excess fares window, I break into cold sweats because it seems completely random as to whether they are going to accept my story with a smile or I am going to have to have a 10 minute row about the fact that the ticket office was closed.

I know you have systems in place to allow the revenue inspectors to check, but on many occasions the office has been closed (or the machine not working) and they have been told otherwise (I?m guessing the office hasn?t been ?officially? closed ? or could it be that the staff don?t want to admit to closing the office briefly?) It normally only gets resolved when a whole group of people gang up on them and the power of the mob persuades them. I?ve even considered taking a photo of the office when it?s closed just to show the revenue inspector at the other end

This probably happens to me once every 6-8 weeks (and, bearing in mind I only make 4-6 journeys a week, it probably happens to other more often). Some people here may say I?m being soft, but I do find it incredibly stressful, knowing I?m in the right and being

Is there any way that you can make this whole process less stressful? There used to be a permit to travel machine ? that was perfect because I could show intent to pay but it hasn?t worked for years


You have been so fantastic on this forum I hope you can help me out on this one. My very distressed 17 yr-old daughter has just returned home having lost her monthly 2 zone travelcard which she bought at north dulwich station yesterday. What does she do now? Can she get a refund or replacement or have we lost ?31?

Hi Cath

I have just sent a PM to you

For those reading I will resolve personally



cathg Wrote:


> Hello,


> You have been so fantastic on this forum I hope

> you can help me out on this one. My very

> distressed 17 yr-old daughter has just returned

> home having lost her monthly 2 zone travelcard

> which she bought at north dulwich station

> yesterday. What does she do now? Can she get a

> refund or replacement or have we lost ?31?

Hi again

Unfortunately the report ha comne back stating that there is no speaker at the end of the platform. Not wanting to disappoint I have now instructed our Customer Information Team to supply a quote so I can organise for one to be placed on that part of the platform

Bare with me, I am on the case!


SingingWilks Wrote:


> Hi Barry


> I've mentioned this before on this thread and you

> have kindly responded but at East Dulwich the

> station announcements still aren't audible on

> platform 1 (I think - the one going to London

> Bridge), at the front end of the platform past the

> shelter where the front of the train stops. Is

> there anything that can be done about it? Quite

> often recently the trains have been delayed in the

> morning and it is frustrating not being able to

> hear the announcements which I assume say how long

> and why they have been delayed.


> Many thanks for all your good work so far.


> SW

LadyG/Fluffy and customers

Again I extend my apologies for the short formation this morning, as you can appreciate this is beyond my remit and have no control over train planning and our operations department.

However I was able to make a call and establish what had happend this morning. The units for the service are 455/456's and unfortunately there were a number out of service having some emergency repairs etc carried out at our depot in Selhurst (as I have said before, safety is paramount). Instead of cancelling the service altogether they decided to run this service in a short formation as a temporary measure untill the other units are fixed. Hopefully tomorrow this will be back to normal.

Sorry again


FluffyGalore Wrote:


> Ladygooner Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Barry

> > Can you let us know why there were only 4

> > carriages on the 7.51 this morning - leaving at

> > least 100 people on the platform to wait for

> the

> > next train? I had to wait on a chilly platform

> > this morning for 20 mins for the 8.05 - not a

> > happy bunny!

> > Thanks


> Same thing happened yesterday, I tried to get the

> 7.51 and just could not get on as it was packed,

> think there were 6 carriages and about 20 of us

> left on the platform.

Hi Sophie..... give me a break, there is a recession on and my budgets tight!! (only joking) I will have a look and see what they come back with


sophiesofa Wrote:


> Hi Barry, is there a speaker at the other end of

> the platform (i.e. back of train end). I've never

> noticed an announcement up that end, could they

> put one up that end too whilst they're there?

> Thank you

Re: this problem - no need for any more advice - as usual SMBJones has ridden to the rescue and sorted this out pronto!

SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi Cath


> I have just sent a PM to you


> For those reading I will resolve personally


> Regards


> Barry


> cathg Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hello,

> >

> > You have been so fantastic on this forum I hope

> > you can help me out on this one. My very

> > distressed 17 yr-old daughter has just returned

> > home having lost her monthly 2 zone travelcard

> > which she bought at north dulwich station

> > yesterday. What does she do now? Can she get a

> > refund or replacement or have we lost ?31?


I can assure you I am as real as they come, many people from this forum have met me and I can also assure you I am not a generated response from Southern, isnt that right Lady Gooner??? and to finish this part, I do actually care as the Station Manager :))

To your posting... I am not sure how much of the thread you have read I know there are many postings on this subject regarding TVM (ticket vending machines)and the fact there is a tiny ticket office with one member of staff. I have given my commitment that as from January 2010 when the Pay as You Go is implemented I will review all ticketing facilities on my patch. It is my honest opinion that queuing will diminish considerably and also there will be more outlets (including TVMs) where you will be able to top up your oyster.

Penalty Fares has also been a contentious issue on this forum, again I will reiterate what I have stated in the past. All Revenue Protection Oficers are fully aware of the fact that if a TVM is closed or a Ticket Office Closed then it is paged out or alternatively they can call our main control for a confirmation if a passenger is disputing this.

Alternatively, my two duty managers are also available to speak to at London Bridge (including myself if I am about as I am currently covering two station manager areas) Simon Bott and Chris Robertson are fantastic managers and they will be available if this issue occurs and want some clarification of closures etc. Again it will only take a minute to make that call. In addition I will instruct my Ticket Office manager to inform the staff that breaks must be taken after the peaks, ie peak is 0700 to 1000hrs, unfortunately there will be times when they do have to close for replenishing the ticket stocks or their systems breaking down. I will also ensure in that brief that if this happens they are to call our main control first before doing anything else.

Hopefully this helps?



gsirett Wrote:


> Barry


> First ? I would like to echo what many others

> have said here ? it is fantastic to see somebody

> so committed and genuinely interested in making a

> difference ( Or could it be that you are in fact

> some sort of automated software developed by

> Southern, designed to give the impression that

> they really care ;-) )


> I travel at peak times from ED to LBG and can?t

> buy a season ticket because I only travel 4-6

> times a week.

> My point: there have been many comments around the

> ticket office and ticket machine at ED not being

> always available when they should be. I can see

> that you?re going to great extents to try to

> improve this, but I simply don?t believe that (on

> the basis that there is only one machine and one

> person) you are ever going to be able to make this

> perfect. Machines break, people need to go to the

> loo, and, unless you have multiple

> machines/people, it?s always going to happen .

> To a certain extent, I?m prepared to live with

> this. But what I am not prepared to live with is

> the ?penalty fare lottery? when I get to LBG

> without a ticket on these occasions. Every time I

> have to queue at the excess fares window, I break

> into cold sweats because it seems completely

> random as to whether they are going to accept my

> story with a smile or I am going to have to have a

> 10 minute row about the fact that the ticket

> office was closed.

> I know you have systems in place to allow the

> revenue inspectors to check, but on many occasions

> the office has been closed (or the machine not

> working) and they have been told otherwise (I?m

> guessing the office hasn?t been ?officially?

> closed ? or could it be that the staff don?t want

> to admit to closing the office briefly?) It

> normally only gets resolved when a whole group of

> people gang up on them and the power of the mob

> persuades them. I?ve even considered taking a

> photo of the office when it?s closed just to show

> the revenue inspector at the other end

> This probably happens to me once every 6-8 weeks

> (and, bearing in mind I only make 4-6 journeys a

> week, it probably happens to other more often).

> Some people here may say I?m being soft, but I do

> find it incredibly stressful, knowing I?m in the

> right and being

> Is there any way that you can make this whole

> process less stressful? There used to be a permit

> to travel machine ? that was perfect because I

> could show intent to pay but it hasn?t worked for

> years

Dear all

I have been thinking about implementing a surgery of some kind where passengers can come and meet in my office and discuss issues ideas etc (more engagement although this forum is ideal to do that). It would be execellent if 1 passenger from each of the stations I manage were able to meet with me say every three months either here at my office at Streatham Hill or alternatively at London Bridge. I think it may be a good idea to give some tours of our operations so you can see what exactly happens behind the scenes. For example, I could organise a tour of our main control in Croydon, or our depot in Selhurst just some more ideas floating round my head. I think it would be ideal if those persons attending can feedback to the forum and you have another perspective from the passengers eyes

Your thoughts would be welcome or even volunteers

Look forward to hearing from you

Barry Jones

Station Manager


Re ticket office and machines - what is the status of the permit to travel machine. In my experience this always says "pay at office/ machine". My suspicion is the ticket machine "thinks" it is working when it isn't realy.

If the permit to travel machine could be available that would allow people to pay when other means are not available.

SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi Sophie..... give me a break, there is a

> recession on and my budgets tight!! (only joking)

> I will have a look and see what they come back

> with


> Barry



> sophiesofa Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi Barry, is there a speaker at the other end

> of

> > the platform (i.e. back of train end). I've

> never

> > noticed an announcement up that end, could they

> > put one up that end too whilst they're there?

> > Thank you

Thank you Barry!


I know this probably isn't your area, but you might be able to point me in the direction of who can help.

Almost every morning the 0856 from Peckham Rye to London Bridge is 5 minutes late but the 0901 is 5 minutes early. This wouldn't matter except that the 0901 then sits at Peckham Rye for 5 minutes because, I assume, it is timetabled to leave at 0901. This means the 0856 is even later because it has to wait outside the station for the 0901. Not that anyone from Peckham Rye gets on the 0856 because they're all on the 0901.

Could the people at Southern in charge of the signals just pretend the 0901 is the 0856 and that the 0856 is the 0901. Then the 0856 (actually the 0901) would be on time and driver of the 0901 (actually the 0856) wouldn't have to worry about running 5 minutes late every morning (I assume there must be some good reason for this since it is almost every morning and that he doesn't just leave 5 minutes late on a point of principle).

It is a particular pain because it means there is a gap of 18 minutes from the 0843 and then two trains that leave in quick succession of each other. It is also personally annoying because if I get the 0901 it means I am exactly 5 minutes late for work (although I concede this could also be solved by me getting up 5 minutes earlier to get the 0843....)

Hi Timster

I have a very good friend who works at our main control and I sent your posting to him for his comments, please see below, some of the numbers code etc may baffle you. For example 377, 455, 456 are types of trains, ASC is the signal box, 2N10, 2L88 are unique head codes which each service has. Also I attend a quarterly meeting to discuss performance and will also add this to the agenda along with other isues regarding running times. In the meantime you will see that my friend has also sent an email which he refers to in his last paragraph to the Local Ops Manager at Network Rail which may help the cause!

Maybe you could be one of my volunteers (see my previous posting relating to this) and come and have a trip to our control,it would give you an idea of what we are up against and se for yourself what running a railway is actually like.

Hope this helps


08.56 from Peckham Rye is (2N10) 08.41 Victoria ? London Bridge (formed 4 car 377) and the morning peak circuit it covers (Victoria ? London Bridge via Peckham Rye & Dernmark Hill) is susceptible to overcrowding. This causes some additional (minor) station dwell time en route and can, regrettably, cause (2N10) to run between +2/3? minutes late. The other service (09.01 departure) is (2I88) 08.17 London Bridge ? London Bridge via Sydenham, Crystal Palace, Tulse Hill & Peckham Rye (formed 8 car 377) . The passenger is correct that if (2N10) / (2I88)are running out of course then (2I88) can arrive Peckham Rye early & then wait for booked departure time of 09.01. The passenger has stated that it can arrive up to 5? minute early. The train is scheduled to depart East Dulwich at 08.56 (with 2? minutes extra time pathing requirements built in the schedule) and therefore could only arrive Peckham Rye 2? minutes early (at 08.58) and not up to 5? minute early as suggested.

Yes, some logic into thinking of passenger that these trains could become transposed from Peckham Rye but this would have consequential reaction at London Bridge onto stock & driver working of both services. If (2N10) 08.41 Victoria ? London Bridge went forward from Peckham Rye at 09.01 it would not reach London Bridge in time to form return working (2N15 09.11 London Bridge ? Victoria). This would cause enormous problems in altering stock / driver requirements at London Bridge as only max 4 coaches can operate on South London Line Victoria ? London Bridge (via Denmark Hill & Peckham Rye) services.

The solution is to try & ensure SLL (south london lines) Victoria ? London Bridge peak services run on time (very challenging due to the short turn-round times & passenger loadings on this route) so that both 08.56 / 09.01 departures Peckham Rye ? London Bridge run on schedule as per timetable.

To try and help Network Rail signaller for Peckham Rye (London Bridge A.S.C.) make correct signaling/operating decision re any late running with 2N10 I have e-mailed Local Ops Manager for London Bridge A.S.C. and suggested a ?Traffic Regulation Statement? for (2N10) be implemented at Peckham Rye whereby signaller will monitor 2N10 and if running up to +7? minutes late will give this service preference into Peckham Rye and hold (2I88) on Up Portsmouth Line between East Dulwich & Peckham Rye with consequential delay.

Timster Wrote:


> Barry,


> I know this probably isn't your area, but you

> might be able to point me in the direction of who

> can help.


> Almost every morning the 0856 from Peckham Rye to

> London Bridge is 5 minutes late but the 0901 is 5

> minutes early. This wouldn't matter except that

> the 0901 then sits at Peckham Rye for 5 minutes

> because, I assume, it is timetabled to leave at

> 0901. This means the 0856 is even later because

> it has to wait outside the station for the 0901.

> Not that anyone from Peckham Rye gets on the 0856

> because they're all on the 0901.


> Could the people at Southern in charge of the

> signals just pretend the 0901 is the 0856 and that

> the 0856 is the 0901. Then the 0856 (actually the

> 0901) would be on time and driver of the 0901

> (actually the 0856) wouldn't have to worry about

> running 5 minutes late every morning (I assume

> there must be some good reason for this since it

> is almost every morning and that he doesn't just

> leave 5 minutes late on a point of principle).


> It is a particular pain because it means there is

> a gap of 18 minutes from the 0843 and then two

> trains that leave in quick succession of each

> other. It is also personally annoying because if

> I get the 0901 it means I am exactly 5 minutes

> late for work (although I concede this could also

> be solved by me getting up 5 minutes earlier to

> get the 0843....)

Firstly I'm sorry if this is a recently asked question. Sometime ago I asked when the oyster card readers would be in action and Steve very kindly responded saying Sept 09, however, this date has now been and gone. Therefore, my question is, do you know when they will be implemented on the rail network?



djw Wrote:


> Firstly I'm sorry if this is a recently asked

> question. Sometime ago I asked when the oyster

> card readers would be in action and Steve very

> kindly responded saying Sept 09, however, this

> date has now been and gone. Therefore, my question

> is, do you know when they will be implemented on

> the rail network?

> tks

> djw

Please ignore this, I have just found the answer, Jan 2010.



It was originally going to be implemented in September however due to some issues this has now been put back to January 2010, there are some postings regarding this. A formal announcement will be made around the last week of November. I will keep the forum updated



djw Wrote:


> Firstly I'm sorry if this is a recently asked

> question. Sometime ago I asked when the oyster

> card readers would be in action and Steve very

> kindly responded saying Sept 09, however, this

> date has now been and gone. Therefore, my question

> is, do you know when they will be implemented on

> the rail network?

> tks

> djw

Thanks Barry, I guessed it wouldn't be quite as simple as all that and I wouldn't under-estimate how difficult it is to make all these services fit together - but if the consistent late running of the 0856 can make it on to the performance issues agenda, then maybe it will become apparent why it is always late.

Hi Timster

I have a very good friend who works at our main control and I sent your posting to him for his comments, please see below, some of the numbers code etc may baffle you. For example 377, 455, 456 are types of trains, ASC is the signal box, 2N10, 2L88 are unique head codes which each service has. Also I attend a quarterly meeting to discuss performance and will also add this to the agenda along with other isues regarding running times. In the meantime you will see that my friend has also sent an email which he refers to in his last paragraph to the Local Ops Manager at Network Rail which may help the cause!

Maybe you could be one of my volunteers (see my previous posting relating to this) and come and have a trip to our control,it would give you an idea of what we are up against and se for yourself what running a railway is actually like.

Hope this helps


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