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I have just read that the forum will be closing for 2 weeks, in view of this can I ask that if you have any serious issues with my stations whilst this thread is closed then please email [email protected] marked for my attention. I must stress this for the two weeks only.

I look forward to posting again when its back up and running

Many thanks



First of all apologies to your partner, it will be my intention to remove your Grr's very quickly!

I am in consultation regarding extra TVM's (Ticket vending machines) for my whole area, there is an issue and have to admit it is very frustrating, however saying that... when we go live with the Oyster in January 2010 I honestly believe the issue of queueing for tickets will diminish. It is very hard for me to gain some investment without first monitoring this situation and the impact on purchasing tickets etc when Oyster is available

I have also requested my Ticket Office Manager to go and have a look at the machine in question at East Dulwich, if necessary I will call upon our contractors to give the TVM a once over and maintenance check.

Hope this helps


mammab Wrote:


> Dear Barry,


> Firstly, thanks for starting this thread up and

> for all of your efforts so far. I havent had the

> chance to read through all of the postings, so

> apologies if you my points have been repeated

> already several times, but I am writing on behalf

> of my partner who isnt registered on the forum,

> and she had a bit of a rant about her journey to

> work yesterday morning, so thought I should pass

> them on....her main points of rage were:


> "Not enough ticket machines at East Dulwich, plus

> more often than not only accepting cash rather

> than cards ? means people miss trains merely by

> not being able to get a ticket in time... grrr.

> No trains between 7.19 and 7.52... not good to

> have this long a wait at rush hour... it only

> exacerpates the squeeze on the trains plus the

> queues at the ticket machine"


> I would like to reiterate her "grrr" point about

> the ticket machine, as I went to get on the ED -

> London Bridge train this afternoon at 12.14 - and

> the machine was being pretty tempremental to say

> the least - with 5 of us queuing trying to decide

> what to do, as the permit to travel machine wasnt

> working and there was no one in the office -

> eventually the machine started to work again, but

> would only accept cards and not cash....in the

> meantime, the train has come and gone.


> please can you let us know if there are any plans

> to have more than one, slightly dodgy, ticket

> machine at ED station - also, is there any update

> as to when the oyster pay as you go will be

> accepted at ED?


> Thanks again for your help in all this.


As per my previous posting regarding TVM's I am looking at this issue very closely, however in the meantime I am in the process of getting some extra help at Peckham, on Mondays and Tuesday from next week there will be some revenue staff to assist with ticket purchasing. I have also increased the window coverage at weekends. From April 2010 the station will become a 24 hour operation, this will include gating coverage from first to last service, we are working on these plans now.

There is more.., you may have seen I have now refurbed the waiting room on platform 4, I am also looking at the disused toilets on platform 1/2, we still have some decorating to do do around the station and canopies, you may have even noticed the grafitti removal from the roof of the station, which in my eyes looks great even with the scaffolding still errected. I have re positioned some signage to ease congestion on platform 1 and 2 and I am still working on the train stopping points on platform 1 so customers do not have to run half way up the platform. The second round of deep cleans are also scheduled very shortly.

There is more investment to come and I am working hard with my team to identify what my customers want.

We are getting there, slowly but surely, the difference in the last six months is very noticeable



ps Connex sign!!, I was not aware, I will look into this immediately



> Ticket Gates at Peckham Rye

> Barry


> Well done on the ticket gates and new info boards

> at Peckham Rye station - station is starting to

> look really good - and importantly for you I bet

> you are getting more people paying and earning

> more money (always welcome in a recession!)


> Are there any other plans for improvements at

> Peckham Rye? Some bits could do with a good

> clean!!


> However, All starting to make the place feel a

> little more loved and little more welcoming and

> safe.


> Re the gates - is it possible for the staffing

> hours of these gates to be altered and made a bit

> more random It is now becoming pretty well known

> when the gates are usually operational ( I have

> worked them out and sure as hell those not paying

> have). So is it possible to have them staffed

> later in the evening some days, perhaps saturdays

> and sundays too.....


> And another ticket machine ........?


> Oh and one final thing why does it still have the

> Connex sign outside the station on the main road

> under the BR sign .....always wondered why that

> was never removed!!


> Cheers

Hi Barry,

Thanks for everything you are doing to get things sorted out.

Having been a supporter of the barriers at Peckham Rye I realise that they've created a new problem: queues are longer at the window/s and at the one ticket machine both on Saturday morning, yesterday and today around 10am. I've learnt where possible to buy my ticket for the next day in advance however, it seems that the machine will only sell a full fare/anytime return and not a cheap day (or whatever the after rush hour ticket is called). I mentioned it to the helpful lady at PR and she said she'd have a look at the machine.

I travelled back from Waterloo East today, around 18.20 /London Bridge 18.38 / Peckham Rye the trains were unbearably crowded- I couldn't get on the 1st train at Waterloo East. I hope the authorities are aware of this when considering cutting the London Bridge -Victoria loop line?

Thanks again for your help.


Hi, thought I would get this in quick, please find the Xmas/New Year Services

Christmas Eve ? Thursday 24 December

A normal service, with an early service shutdown starting at 20.00, with all services terminated by 22.30.

Christmas Day ? Friday 25 December

A half-hourly Gatwick Express non-stop road coach service will operate service will operate during the daytime ? No other services will operate.

Boxing Day ? Saturday 26 December

Services will operate as follows:

Gatwick Express ? every 30 minutes, diverted via Herne Hill. These services will call additionally at East Croydon .

Victoria to Brighton ? hourly, calling at East Croydon, Redhill, Gatwick Airport, Three Bridges and Haywards Heath. Due to engineering work these services will be diverted via Herne Hill and will be unable to call at Clapham Junction ? no alternative service will be provided for stations between Victoria and Streatham Common.

London Bridge to East Croydon via Norbury ? every 30 minutes running non-stop from London Bridge to Streatham Common, then all stations to East Croydon. This provides stations between Streatham Common and Selhurst with a service to a London terminal as they normally receive on Boxing Day where possible. Due to engineering work no service is able to operate to stations between Victoria and Streatham Common - no alternative service will be provided for these stations.

London Bridge to East Croydon via Sydenham ? every 30 minutes, calling at all stations.

First Capital Connect do not currently plan to run services south of London on Boxing Day.

Services have been planned to use a single island platform at Redhill, Gatwick Airport, Three Bridges and Haywards Heath. Due to the volume of train services, this will not be possible at East Croydon, where platforms 1 ? 3 will be in use (platforms 4 ? 6 are closed for engineering work).

Sunday 27 December

A normal Sunday service will start up from around 04.00. Buses replace trains between Balham and West Croydon via Crystal Palace.

Bank Holiday Monday 28 December

A Saturday service will operate. Buses replace trains between Balham and West Croydon via Crystal Palace. In addition the fast lines are closed through Clapham Junction, which will lead to a reduced suburban service in operation from London Victoria as all services will be using the slow lines. Main line services are subject to minor retiming. Evening London Victoria to Horsham via Redhill services will run to / from London Bridge.

Tuesday 29 to Thursday 31 December

A Saturday service will operate. A number of additional peak services will operate to provide additional capacity, in line with previous years.

New Year?s Day ? Friday 01 January

A Sunday service will operate. Additional services will operate every 20 minutes between London Victoria and East Croydon calling at all stations via Norbury on behalf of TfL between 01.05 and 05.05. Buses replace trains all day between Balham and West Croydon via Crystal Palace.

Saturday 02 January onwards

A normal level of service will operate, with services amended for planned engineering work as required.

See you in two weeks


Hi Barry, once again thanks for being wonderful. My post is very similar to mammab's but since you said you might get the machine checked I thought I should mention my partners grr moment with the ED machine. Last night he missed a train while the machine kept freezing and seeing as it wasn't 'fully' out of order he decided the fare to pay boothe at London Bridge wouldn't believe and the permit machine again wasn't working so once again he ended up buying a travel card from the shop opposite instead of a much cheaper return to LB. So... please give the machine a check up although I think an additional machine is also called for and would still be used, although obviously not as much when oyster is launched. Thank you

Dear Barry

Hope you enjoy your 2-week holiday from all our complaining! Thank you for your continued responsiveness, although I have still not got over my disappointment re: your lack of resemblence to the Fat Controller..

Anyway. Could you please send out your cleaning teams again, as the spaces behind the fences at ED station are starting to fill up with cans and packets again.

Thanks very much!



I am very disappointed to hear about the rubbish behind the fences, I had the areas cut back to help I am on this now

Maybe at the next large event that the forum orgnises I will dress up as the "Fat Controller" just to please you


Moos Wrote:


> Dear Barry


> Hope you enjoy your 2-week holiday from all our

> complaining! Thank you for your continued

> responsiveness, although I have still not got over

> my disappointment re: your lack of resemblence to

> the Fat Controller..


> Anyway. Could you please send out your cleaning

> teams again, as the spaces behind the fences at ED

> station are starting to fill up with cans and

> packets again.


> Thanks very much!

> Moos


I am very sorry for the Grr moments being experienced, I have engineers on way to have a good look at this TVM, I have also just been informed that it may be a software issue

As for an extra TVM, I very much doubt it although as I have said before I will review this once Pay As You Go goes live in January 2010


sophiesofa Wrote:


> Hi Barry, once again thanks for being wonderful.

> My post is very similar to mammab's but since you

> said you might get the machine checked I thought I

> should mention my partners grr moment with the ED

> machine. Last night he missed a train while the

> machine kept freezing and seeing as it wasn't

> 'fully' out of order he decided the fare to pay

> boothe at London Bridge wouldn't believe and the

> permit machine again wasn't working so once again

> he ended up buying a travel card from the shop

> opposite instead of a much cheaper return to LB.

> So... please give the machine a check up although

> I think an additional machine is also called for

> and would still be used, although obviously not as

> much when oyster is launched. Thank you

Hi Loz

As you say I am only a Station Manager (Messenger) I wish I could comment further regarding your point about fares



Loz Wrote:


> I assume, Barry, that the standard Christmas/New

> Year London transport rip off will still apply??

> i.e. A Saturday service is run, but normal weekday

> peak fares apply??


> I know you're just the messenger, but it annoys me

> every year!!

Hi Barry

Just want to point out that the oyster readers at peckham rye still are not right.. It causes large queues of frustrated, angry, pushy commuters trying to get through and to be honest I just dont understand what the problem is.. I go through a lot of stations and hand on heart never have a problem with the oyster being read but go through PR and you get a red light 3 or 4 times, get called over the guy manning the readers who is quite obviously just as p*ssed off as we are having to deal with it and then he buzzes you through which whilst in the immediate terms is helpful as you dont miss your train long term it isnt.. Anyway we can get someone to look at the readers?


Hi Strawbs

It appears that the issue is still there, I am away for a few days and I will be returning next week. What I shall do in the meantime is ask the project manager to meet with me during the peak so we can look at this for ourselves, I shall also request the attendance of "Cubic" who maintain these gates for us

Bear with me, I am on the case


Strawbs Wrote:


> Hi Barry


> Just want to point out that the oyster readers at

> peckham rye still are not right.. It causes large

> queues of frustrated, angry, pushy commuters

> trying to get through and to be honest I just dont

> understand what the problem is.. I go through a

> lot of stations and hand on heart never have a

> problem with the oyster being read but go through

> PR and you get a red light 3 or 4 times, get

> called over the guy manning the readers who is

> quite obviously just as p*ssed off as we are

> having to deal with it and then he buzzes you

> through which whilst in the immediate terms is

> helpful as you dont miss your train long term it

> isnt.. Anyway we can get someone to look at the

> readers?


> thanks

Hi again

It was that quick, I have spoken with the project manager and he has instructed "Cubic" to re install the software and faciliate a complete system check

This will be done next week, hopefully this will sort the problem, fingers crossed!


SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi Strawbs


> It appears that the issue is still there, I am

> away for a few days and I will be returning next

> week. What I shall do in the meantime is ask the

> project manager to meet with me during the peak so

> we can look at this for ourselves, I shall also

> request the attendance of "Cubic" who maintain

> these gates for us


> Bear with me, I am on the case


> Barry



> Strawbs Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi Barry

> >

> > Just want to point out that the oyster readers

> at

> > peckham rye still are not right.. It causes

> large

> > queues of frustrated, angry, pushy commuters

> > trying to get through and to be honest I just

> dont

> > understand what the problem is.. I go through

> a

> > lot of stations and hand on heart never have a

> > problem with the oyster being read but go

> through

> > PR and you get a red light 3 or 4 times, get

> > called over the guy manning the readers who is

> > quite obviously just as p*ssed off as we are

> > having to deal with it and then he buzzes you

> > through which whilst in the immediate terms is

> > helpful as you dont miss your train long term

> it

> > isnt.. Anyway we can get someone to look at the

> > readers?

> >

> > thanks

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Barry,

Just wanted to say how helpful one of your staff at Peckham Rye was last week when my desperate-to-go-to-the-loo 4 year old son and I got off the train and asked whether there was a toilet we could use urgently! She walked us to the ones on the opposite platforms quick smart and without any rolling of eyes / I really don't want to do this attitude. which was nice.

Didn't get her name but she had blonde hair in a ponytail and was quite pretty!

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