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Hi, Clock is on order, however in the mean time I will place a temporary one in the booking hall, this will take a few days


tommy Wrote:


> Great to see some money spent on Peckham Rye

> station - the screens are now in a much better

> position and easier to read. Definitely need a big

> clock as Nero mentioned


> Thanks Barry for all the work

Hello, can't see this as having been discussed, sorry if it has...

Not being able to use my oyster card at Peckham because I don't have (or need) a weekly travel card, is extremely frustrating! Why is it that I can't use it? If I forget, or don't have time to get a travel card, I have a choice of three long queues to get a ticket. This must be the same for a lot of occasional users, who live in London and have a charged oyster card. If I don't have a travel card, I pay for the return train ticket and the equivalent of a travel card for travelling on the buses and tubes using my oyster. Doesn't seem fair to me.

Hi, Your Oyster Card will be valid from January 2010, so not long to wait.

Also and you will note from other stations, that the equipment is still being installed, it would be easier to finish all of the installations and go live across the entire network at the same time.


joom Wrote:


> Hello, can't see this as having been discussed,

> sorry if it has...


> Not being able to use my oyster card at Peckham

> because I don't have (or need) a weekly travel

> card, is extremely frustrating! Why is it that I

> can't use it? If I forget, or don't have time to

> get a travel card, I have a choice of three long

> queues to get a ticket. This must be the same for

> a lot of occasional users, who live in London and

> have a charged oyster card. If I don't have a

> travel card, I pay for the return train ticket and

> the equivalent of a travel card for travelling on

> the buses and tubes using my oyster. Doesn't seem

> fair to me.


Not sure if you still participate on this forum, however on the 7th May you requested handrails for East Dulwich, very pleased to report that the quotes are in and they will be installed before Autumn, I am hoping by September at the latest

The rails will be on both footpaths to the station platforms


SMBJones Wrote:


> Hi Keef


> I have my maintenance team going to East Dulwich

> tomorrow to highlight the steps in yellow. In

> addition, I have spoken with Southern's Facilities

> Manager and he has agreed to get a quote for the

> railings. This may take a week or two, however I

> will ensure I keep you updated through the forum


> I do apologise for this and I should have noticed

> this before on my safety tours


> Kind regards


> Barry





> Keef Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Hi Barry, only just seen this thread, and

> haven't

> > read all 4 pages, so sorry if I'm repeating a

> > request. Would it be possible to do something

> > about the steps at the bottom of the slope at

> ED

> > station, at least repainting the edges, maybe

> > putting in a rail? I don't have the best

> eyesight,

> > and I find them really dangerous, particularly

> > after dark. I think it's because they're

> shallow

> > and uneven. I'd imagine even people with good

> > eyesight struggle, must be a nightmare for a

> lady

> > in heels! Many thanks, Keith

Hi Barry. You're doing a great job.

I'm impressed with the new bits at Peckham Rye but the barriers are causing a problem. I turned up at the station at 13:30 today to get a 13:42 train. The ticket office was closed and with only one ticket machine and a looooong queue I had no alternative. I could in the past have bought a permit to travel and got a ticket later but now I'm stuck. I missed my train.

Could we at least have another ticket machine please for when the office is closed. An the young man attending

the barriers wasn't exactly sympathetic to my plight.

If Ken can get through without a ticket exceptions can clearly be made. This was a situation that I felt

merited one.

Am I being unfair? Clouded by the moment?


Another ticket question. On Saturday I was going to St Pancras catch the Eurostar and coming back Sunday. I was able to buy a single to get up there and hoped to be able to buy a single to get back the next day but that wasn't possible. I have been able to do this sort of thing before at London Bridge when catching a train out into Kent. Is it because London Bridge is a main ticket office or is the problem that the journey back from St Pancras meant using the tube first? I hope that makes sense...

But generally another satisfied customer...East Dulwich station is noticeably improving!

Hi and apologies for the inconvenience today

I was aware of some issues with the IT in the ticket office today hence the windows being closed, however there should have been a notice informing the passengers of this. I will chase this up tomorrow with the staff.

Once the Oyster Pay As You Go is introduced next year, I can assure you the queues will be a lot less, in view of this there will be no need for an extra Ticket Vending Machine, although I will be monitoring this situation once we go live, I am afraid I wil not be installing an extra machine at this time.

I am not sure I understand the Ken comment so please elaborate?? and no you are not being unfair, I think today was just bad luck with timings and IT issues



david_carnell Wrote:


> Hi Barry. You're doing a great job.


> I'm impressed with the new bits at Peckham Rye but

> the barriers are causing a problem. I turned up at

> the station at 13:30 today to get a 13:42 train.

> The ticket office was closed and with only one

> ticket machine and a looooong queue I had no

> alternative. I could in the past have bought a

> permit to travel and got a ticket later but now

> I'm stuck. I missed my train.


> Could we at least have another ticket machine

> please for when the office is closed. An the young

> man attending

> the barriers wasn't exactly sympathetic to my

> plight.


> If Ken can get through without a ticket exceptions

> can clearly be made. This was a situation that I

> felt

> merited one.


> Am I being unfair? Clouded by the moment?

I think I understand, just need to clarify one thing, did you try to purchase the ticket from ED? once I have this information I will come back to you ASAP



Izodia Wrote:


> Barry,


> Another ticket question. On Saturday I was going

> to St Pancras catch the Eurostar and coming back

> Sunday. I was able to buy a single to get up there

> and hoped to be able to buy a single to get back

> the next day but that wasn't possible. I have been

> able to do this sort of thing before at London

> Bridge when catching a train out into Kent. Is it

> because London Bridge is a main ticket office or

> is the problem that the journey back from St

> Pancras meant using the tube first? I hope that

> makes sense...


> But generally another satisfied customer...East

> Dulwich station is noticeably improving!

Thanks for getting back so quickly Barry.

Whilst a sign up informing passengers of "IT problems" may have been informative it wouldn't have alleviated the situation.

My "Ken comment" was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Our former Mayor was allowed to pay for his journey at his destination due to having been "in a rush" to get on a train. I too was in this situation today and even had allowed myself 10 minutes to get my ticket in the middle of the afternoon (hardly a peak hour). I had an appointment to get to and just wondered if sometimes some sympathy with customers plights might not go amiss with barrier staff.

There were even inspectors on the train I did manage to get asking to inspect my ticket when I'd got on at Peckham Rye - I could have bought a ticket from them given the chance - but these days that isn't allowed. A silly situation.

Anyway, no real harm done just a petty annoyance. Keep up the hard work and thanks again.


I have to take credit for this, not sure if you were aware I have employed a mobile cleaning team that clean four stations that do not have platform staff


Jeremy Wrote:


> Just wanted to say how much cleaner the areas next

> to the paths are these days. Not sure if it was

> your guys Barry, or someone else... but it's a lot

> better now. It used to really stink when walking

> up to the platform on a hot day!


If you post or send me a PM I will deal with your issue, my colleague in that area is away on leave at present


dbboy Wrote:


> What is the name of Barry's counterpart Station

> Manager responsible for Honor Oak Park station?


There was no reason for the staff member not to sell you the return ticket for the next day. We shall ensure that this does not happen again, maybe some confusion not sure but we will have a chat with him. Sorry for the inconvenience



Izodia Wrote:


> Barry,


> Another ticket question. On Saturday I was going

> to St Pancras catch the Eurostar and coming back

> Sunday. I was able to buy a single to get up there

> and hoped to be able to buy a single to get back

> the next day but that wasn't possible. I have been

> able to do this sort of thing before at London

> Bridge when catching a train out into Kent. Is it

> because London Bridge is a main ticket office or

> is the problem that the journey back from St

> Pancras meant using the tube first? I hope that

> makes sense...


> But generally another satisfied customer...East

> Dulwich station is noticeably improving!


sorry to moan but i was very angry today when still before 9.30 there were 8 inspectors (4 on each platform) doing very little but chatting. but downstairs there was one ticket machine out of action due to lack of tickets and a long queue (i missed 2 trains to London bridge) at the ticket office as the woman behind the counter struggled.

i really was not impressed: if they are going to check tickets at a time when still charging rush hour prices then all facilities should be working.

the station is looking better and i love what is happening at peckham rye but that really annoyed me this morning as normally i would have jumped on the train and simply bought my travel card at London bridge.

Hi, not what Southern likes to portray, I will speak with the revenue manager tomorrow

Apologies or this


plimsoul Wrote:


> hi


> sorry to moan but i was very angry today when

> still before 9.30 there were 8 inspectors (4 on

> each platform) doing very little but chatting. but

> downstairs there was one ticket machine out of

> action due to lack of tickets and a long queue (i

> missed 2 trains to London bridge) at the ticket

> office as the woman behind the counter struggled.


> i really was not impressed: if they are going to

> check tickets at a time when still charging rush

> hour prices then all facilities should be working.



> the station is looking better and i love what is

> happening at peckham rye but that really annoyed

> me this morning as normally i would have jumped on

> the train and simply bought my travel card at

> London bridge.

plimsoul Wrote:


> that really annoyed

> me this morning as normally i would have jumped on

> the train and simply bought my travel card at

> London bridge.

...and London Bridge would then have fined you ?20 Plimsoul. At least, they fined me ?20 at the London Bridge booth the other day. I had jumped on the train because there was a 5 minute queue at the East Dulwich machine and the train was leaving in 2 minutes. I was told that unless tickets are not on sale at the original station, you have to pay the fine. Long queues are not an excuse, apparently.


A couple of requests from me, one minor one regarding ED station, and one more significant issue regarding Southern's operating practices, which I'd be grateful if you could pass on the the appropriate person in Southern.

At ED station, can you remove the faded property advert board nailed on to the fence on the path up to Platform 2. It's been there for around 5 years or more, and has graffiti on it. The houses it was advertising have long been sold, and the sign was simply left there by the developer.

Regarding operating practices, I would like to see a change in customer management when tickets are not properly available at stations. There needs to be a pro-active process where Southern identifies problems (ticket machine faults and ticket sales staff absenteism) early, and then puts in people either at the station itself or at London Bridge to help customers buy tickets. I would like to see a major shift from the attitude of "Why haven't you got a ticket? We don't know that station has a problem. Join the queue and wait your turn" to "We know there was a problem. We are sorry we did not provide the ticket sales facilities we should have done for your journey. We are here to help deal with that issue, and to quickly and efficiently sell you a ticket". This would require (1) a process whereby Southern checks in with each station routinely every day and uses that information to manage its London Bridge and other staff, and (2) a change in behaviours and roles, when appropriate, by ticket sales staff. These would lead to much better quality of customer service.

I would also like to add my thanks for all your recent efforts and the very welcome tangible improvements at ED and Peckham Rye.

i definitely think that if you have got to the station and present yourself at the fares to pay kiosk you should not be fined. fair enough if you are trying to get through the barrier without at ticket but not if you are being honest. that is quite incredible that you had to pay ?20 for your honesty and to make up for the appalling ticket facilities at ed.

when one considers the through traffic of the station one ticket machine (often out of order) and an ad hoc open ticket office simply is not enough. and before anyone suggests making the extra time i do!

Hi James

First of all I will look at the property board and see if I can have this removed.

With regards to your other point, I would like to answer this two ways, firstly... If a ticket office is closed or a machine is defective, a pager messge is sent to the Revenue Protection Officer advising them to use discretion when passengers turn up without tickets. If for some reason that message has not been sent and a passenger states that reason for not having a ticket, then the RPO can check with people like myself (station managers) or our control centre and confirm that this is the case. If this process is not working then I agree that the process needs to be looked at and I agree with your comments.

Secondly, before writing this I have already been on the phone to a colleague of mine at HQ and we will be having a meeting to discuss this further, I can see from previous postings that this is a common issue and is something I would like to see resolved. Unfortunately the revenue side does not come under my remit, however I will ensure on my part that I will keep the Ticket Machines maintained and the Ticket Offices open, and where they are not, i.e. illness for example I will do my best to get cover to ensure passengers are not without these facilities, this will be discussed at a team meeting that I am facilitating on Monday.

You can quite clearly see from my thread that I do deliver and do not promise what I cant, so you have my word this will be taken further and I will post accordingly



james_r Wrote:


> Barry,


> A couple of requests from me, one minor one

> regarding ED station, and one more significant

> issue regarding Southern's operating practices,

> which I'd be grateful if you could pass on the the

> appropriate person in Southern.


> At ED station, can you remove the faded property

> advert board nailed on to the fence on the path up

> to Platform 2. It's been there for around 5 years

> or more, and has graffiti on it. The houses it was

> advertising have long been sold, and the sign was

> simply left there by the developer.


> Regarding operating practices, I would like to see

> a change in customer management when tickets are

> not properly available at stations. There needs to

> be a pro-active process where Southern identifies

> problems (ticket machine faults and ticket sales

> staff absenteism) early, and then puts in people

> either at the station itself or at London Bridge

> to help customers buy tickets. I would like to see

> a major shift from the attitude of "Why haven't

> you got a ticket? We don't know that station has a

> problem. Join the queue and wait your turn" to "We

> know there was a problem. We are sorry we did not

> provide the ticket sales facilities we should have

> done for your journey. We are here to help deal

> with that issue, and to quickly and efficiently

> sell you a ticket". This would require (1) a

> process whereby Southern checks in with each

> station routinely every day and uses that

> information to manage its London Bridge and other

> staff, and (2) a change in behaviours and roles,

> when appropriate, by ticket sales staff. These

> would lead to much better quality of customer

> service.


> I would also like to add my thanks for all your

> recent efforts and the very welcome tangible

> improvements at ED and Peckham Rye.

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