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As I cannot post on the thread, I felt I needed to put my tuppence worth in on this.

Going back to the days of Bejam and even before that, this site has been one of my main shopping destinations locally. If you're a regular, like me, you'll know how much of a community spirit there is in that shop. Ignoring the chain aspect for a second, I genuinely feel like that shop and most of the friends I've made over the years in there (Elsie RIP) are like an extended family to me and I'm sure others.

Loiking at the human aspect, I do hope that some of them will be able to keep their jobs after the refit and M&S takeover. Another generic bland supermarket chain would be a huge loss to the community of it didn't contain some of those great faces.

Whether we like it or not, a large number of Iceland shoppers who contributed to the local economy will be a lost footfall for LL in general now this store is closing. I know many people who primarily go up the lane just to get some bits in Iceland, and as a result occasionally use other businesses in the area. Without this store, some of those people will be less frequent visitors and that's a real shame. I hope it doesn't further transform the mix of faces we see along the lane most days.

I wish everyone at the store all the success for the future and I will still be using your OKR warehouse store fear not.


Oh robbin why don't you just stick your nose out of it, or even better, not respond to my posts at all EVER. You come across as nauseating with your constant goading of anything I say, even if it's positive. You promised once before to never reply to me again, how about sticking to that promise? Im wishing the staff well and pointing out that many of the demogrpahic that use the store will reduce visits to LL because it was their primary reason for going up there. That is all.


mcnipper Wrote:


> I can't wait for Iceland to close, it is cheap,

> poor quality rubbish. Bring on M&S

There are some things worth buying - just be selective

I like Young's Gastro fish - and it's half price at the


For the sake of convenience and in a vain hope of avoiding going over old ground, I have copied a link to the other 64 pages of M&S related hoo-hah (and corresponding 170k+ views) below.

Please read all 64 carefully before deciding if there is really anyfuckinthing possible more to say on the subject.


Counter reverse snobbery with snobbery. What a great idea.

"Crap supermarket chain" - nice one. Forget all the people on a budget who rely on it, let's get some good old fashioned snobbery in there to make those people that use it feel really shit about not being able to afford to shop elsewhere.


Maybe we could all have a whip-round and see if we can squeeze a tenner together for robbin to go and buy a meal for two at the new M&S to celebrate the removal of one "crap supermarket chain" with another. Oh I mean, with the up market retailer known as Marks and Sparks over the crappy working class generic dump used by poor people. Anyone?



I used to think the Iceland store was a bit beneath me, but having seen the EDF thread espousing it's benefits I paid a visit. I was pleasantly surprised they sell a lot of the same processed tosh that stores such as co-op sell, but there are some useful items. The fruit can be ok, frozen stuff if you like that sort of thing (I get frozen fish for the cat), the usual basics such as teabags (more expensive than waitrose), butter, milk, eggs.

Try it. You might surprise yourself. You twat.

MrBen Wrote:


> The best thing they ever removed from this forum

> was the "Hide Poster" option. You could activate

> it for anyone and -behold!- otherwise unreadable

> threads were cleared of dross.

Wouldn't that be just wonderful.

Iceland does some OK stuff. Their milk is cheap. But mainly it is processed food, cheap but not great value. It's a massive chain same as MandS. I have a lot more sympathy with independent places in Peckham being driven out (who generally sell good quality, low cost produce than Iceland. lm not much of a fan of marks, but probably would use it more than Iceland.

robbin Wrote:


> Unhelpfully.

Wind your neck in robbin. Louisa's post was not remotely negative, it didn't mention blow ins, it didn't slag anything off, it just said nice things about a shop and it's staff that she missed, and wished the staff well for the future. Sharing that is not unhelpful. What is unhelpful, and as boring as Louisa's worse blow in post, is your constant coments on Louisa's posts.

Lots of people, not just Louisa and not just older residents, have said they like Iceland or at least some stuff about it. Why can't you just let them have their say without belittling them and their feelings about it?

In short, have a bloody word with yourself. It'll be gone soon, then you won't need to worry anymore.

I'm not a huge fan of either M&S or Iceland, so don't have any particular axe to grind. However, I do think that Louisa makes a good point in hoping that the Iceland staff get to keep their jobs in the new M&S - a shop with lovely, friendly staff who've been working in the area for a long time and know lots of local people is surely a good thing? Even if the stuff they specialise in is generally done better these days by Sainsbo's, or Tesco or Waitrose, or just about anyone else with an 'upmarket' range.

I shop in Iceland, M&S and Waitrose, depending on what I need to buy and where I am.

I hope that the staff all get to keep their jobs. They have always been exceptionally polite, helpful and courteous...and that includes the checkout staff, floor & stockroom staff and the security.

It will be a shame to see them go as there are lots of old-timer ED locals that have used Iceland for years, because of it's prices and it's convenient location for those that can't travel further.

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