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Hi everyone,

New Survey for St George?s Day

Today we?re launching our latest independent survey. With St George?s Day just around the corner we wondered what your views were about it.... (and my good friend Mark was happy for us to to canvas anyone here who fancied sharing their view!)

There?s always a chorus from a variety of unofficial groups wanting the day to be England?s Bank Holiday, but do you agree? Why should it be and what would you do on the day itself? Anything, or is it merely an excuse for an extra day off?

We?re giving you the chance to have a say, and what?s more? you?ll also have the chance to petition for a Bank Holiday if you?re so inclined. The petition and the results will be sent to Downing Street. Obviously to have any clout with the powers that be, we?ll need to get a decent volume of responses so we?d like you to pass this e-mail onto your friends, family and colleagues. They can have access to all the results and headlines too while being able to voice their views.

You can complete the survey by clicking on this link, http://live.claritysurveys.co.uk/TakeSurvey.aspx?SurveyID=l8KJl82.

You can be assured we?ll never sell any personal data or share it with any 3rd parties (well apart from Gordon on this one occasion!).

Finally, a personal thank you from me for taking part, and we hope you?ll be taking part again soon. Remember you can register and see the full results by visiting our website, www.clarityuk.net/register.php


Clarity UK.net

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Why are you posting a link to a commercial organisation here, under the banner of a poll ?

is this what you call an opportunity ?

market research is another parasitical so called profession that is partly responsible for the ills of this consumer culture we call society.

be off with you and your uselsss kind - you add nothing and make me feel soiled

Clarity - seeing as you use this forum to promote your money making agenda, can you explain what this garbled shit actually means on your site ?

"Technical Director - James Atkinson

Since James was introduced in 2007 the delivery and efficiency of what Clarity does has soared. He's a pea in Paul's pod too. "Similar to Paul, I think strategically. See the big picture rather than doing things for the sake of it. But I love detail too. Making things work better, understanding something inside out. Mind you, since knowing Paul my eyes have been opened. There's so many companies whose eyes are firmly shut. Missing vital information right under their noses. Doing it badly but making a few quid so it's ok. For now. Such a shame. If only they were a bit more proactive!"

I feel a ban coming, but I will take it with my head held high

I am losing the will to live. Oh my aching fucking head. when will it ever end....

"Debate - why are people being paid for their views?

It's becoming more commonplace (no names) to encourage people taking part in surveys to do so for a financial incentive. Is it right? Does it distort the results? And should we encourage people who don't care about a topic to have a say?

Educating people is good isn't it? Look at all that "chicken television" on earlier this year. That must have seen a shift in chicken sales because of it.

So can we educate people in the survey sector? We believe... hand.... heart.... that many are encouraged to complete surveys to capture their personal details. Usually to be paid for their responses, or maybe even win a prize of up to ?1,000.

Let us ask....why is that? Maybe because you're being treated like one of those battery hens. In a box, you're a piece of meat, seen as something that can be sold for profit. Because that's what you'd be if your details were being sold to other companies. Those companies would stuff your letterbox with needless offers and fill your inbox with spam. All because you forgot to tick an ambiguously labelled box.

Sadly it's common. And people could stop completing surveys due to apathy. That would be like not eating chicken anymore. So instead why not take part in surveys where information and individual data is protected. And our promise to anyone completing surveys with us.... We promise...hand...heart, your data will NEVER be sold, never ever."

bigbadwolf Wrote:


> I'll be the first on the forum to say it. I think

> Saint Georges day SHOULD be a bank holiday.

dont fall into their crude trap of creating a lively debate to get the detials of more consumer victims

Start a new thread about bank holidays

snorky Wrote:


> I would like every saints day to be a holiday,

> just like in Spain & that ilk

I agree.. list of saints and associated bank holiday dates should be as follows:

St. Abdon (07/30)

St. Abraham (03/16)

St. Adrian (03/05)

St. Agatha (02/05)

St. Agnes (01/21)

St. Agnes of Monte Pulciano (04/20)

St. Agapetus (08/18)

St. Albert the Great (11/15)

St. Albinus (03/01)

St. Alexius (07/17)

St. Alfred or Aelred (01/12)

St. Aloysius Gonzaga (06/21)

St. Alphonsus Liguori (08/02)

St. Alphonsus Rodriguez (10/30)

St. Ambrose (12/07)

Blessed Bishop Ambrose Leblanc (02/13)

St. Anacletus (07/13)

St. Andrew Apostle (11/30)

St. Andrew Avellino (11/10)

St. Andrew Bobola (05/21)

St. Andrew Corsini (02/04)

St. Andrew Kim (09/16)

St. Brother Andrew of Mount Royal (03/20)

St. Angela of Foligno (01/04)

St. Angela Merici (06/01)

Angels, Holy Guardian (10/02)

St. Anicetus (04/17)

Bl. Anna-Maria Taigi (06/09)

St. Anne (07/26)

St. Anselm (04/21)

St. Anthony Abbott (01/17)

St. Anthony of Padua (06/13)

St. Anthony-Mary Claret (10/23)

St. Anthony-Maria Zaccaria (07/05)

St. Antoninus (05/10)

St. Apollinaris (07/23)

St. Apollonia and the Martyrs of Alexandria (02/09)

St. Apollonius (04/18)

St. Athanasius (05/02)

St. Attalus (06/02)

St. Augustine (08/28)

St. Augustine of Canterbury (05/28)

St. Avitus (06/17)

St. Bademus (04/10)

St. Barachisius (03/29)

St. Barbara (12/04)

St. Barbatus (02/19)

St. Barnabas (06/11)

St. Bartholomew (08/24)

St. Basil the Great (06/14)

St. Basilissa (01/09)

St. Bede the Venerable (05/27)

St. Benedict (03/21)

St. Benedict of Anian (02/12)

St. Benedict of Palermo (04/04)

St. Benedict-Joseph Labre (04/16)

St. Benezet (04/14)

St. Benjamin (03/31)

St. Bernadette Soubirous (02/18)

St. Bernard (08/20)

St. Bernardine of Siena (05/20)

St. Bertha (07/04)

St. Bertilla (11/05)

St. Bibiana (12/02)

St. Blaise (02/03)

St. Blandina (06/02)

St. Bonaventure (07/14)

St. Boniface (06/05)

St. Brendan (05/16)

St. Bridget of Sweden (10/08)

St. Bridgid of Ireland, Abbess (02/01)

St. Bruno (10/06)

St. Cajetan of Thiena (08/07)

St. Callistus I (10/14)

St. Camillus of Lellis (07/18)

St. Canutus (01/19)

St. Casimir (03/04)

St. Catherine of Alexandria (11/25)

St. Catherine of Genoa (09/15)

St. Catherine Labour? (11/28)

St. Catherine of Ricci (02/13)

St. Catherine of Siena (04/30)

Bl. Catherine of St. Augustine (04/12)

St. Catherine of Sweden (03/22)

St. Cecilia (11/22)

St. Celestine (04/06)

St. Celsus (07/28)

St. Charbel Makhlouf (12/24)

St. Charles Borromeo (11/04)

St. Christina (07/24)

St. Chrysanthus (10/25)

Bl. Claire Gambacorti (04/17)

St. Clare of Assisi (08/12)

St. Claude Apollinaire (01/08)

St. Claude of Besan?on (06/07)

St. Clement I of Rome (11/23)

St. Clement Mary Hofbauer (03/15)

St. Cletus (04/26)

St. Clotilda (06/03)

St. Cloud or Clodoald (09/07)

St. Colette (03/06)

St. Columba or Columkille (06/09)

St. Conrad of Piacenza (02/19)

St. Cosmas (09/27)

St. Crescentia (06/15)

Sts. Crispin and Crispinian (10/25)

St. Crispin de Viterbe (05/23)

St. Cunegundes (03/03)

St. Cyprian of Carthage (09/16)

St. Cyprian, martyr (09/26)

St. Cyriacus and his Companions (08/08)

St. Cyril of Alexandria (02/09)

St. Cyril of Jerusalem (03/18)

St. Cyril, martyr (05/29)

St. Cyril and Methodius (07/07)

St. Damasus (12/11)

St. Damian (09/27)

St. Daria (10/25)

St. David (03/01)

St. Delphinus (12/24)

St. Denis or Dionysius (10/09)

Bl. Didace Pelletier (02/21)

St. Didacus or Diego (11/13)

St. Dionysia (05/15)

St. Dominic (08/04)

St. Dominic Savio (05/06)

St. Dominic of Silos (12/20)

St. Donatian (05/24)

St. Dorothy (02/06)

St. Edmund of Canterbury (11/16)

St. Edward (10/13)

St. Eligius or Eloy (12/01)

St. Elizabeth of Hungary (11/19)

St. Elizabeth of Portugal (07/08)

St. Elphege (04/19)

St. Eleutherius (09/06)

St. Emiliana (12/24)

St. Emily de Vialar (08/24)

St. Engratia (04/16)

St. Ephrem (06/18)

St. Epiphanius (05/12)

St. Etheldreda (06/23)

St. Eubulus (03/05)

St. Eucherius (02/20)

St. Eugenius (07/13)

St. Eulalia (12/10)

St. Eulogius, martyr (03/11)

St. Eulogius of Alexandria (09/13)

St. Euphrasia (03/13)

St. Eusebius, martyr (08/14)

St. Eusebius of Vercelli (12/16)

St. Eustachius and his family (09/20)

St. Evaristus (10/26)

St. Fabien (01/20)

St. Faustinus (02/15)

St. Felicianus (06/09)

St. Felicity and her Seven Sons (07/10)

St. Felix I (05/30)

St. Felix of Cantalice (05/18)

St. Felix of Valois (11/20)

St. Fiaker (08/30)

St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen (04/24)

St. Finan or Finian (12/12)

St. Finbarr (09/25)

St. Firmin (09/25)

St. Flavian (02/17)

St. Frances Cabrini (12/22)

St. Frances of Rome (03/09)

St. Francis of Assisi (10/04)

St. Francis of Assisi, the Stigmata of ... (09/17)

St. Francis Borgia (10/10)

St. Francis Caracciolo (06/04)

Bl. Francis de Montmorency Laval (07/21)

St. Francis of Paula (04/02)

Bl. Francis Regis Clet (02/17)

St. Francis de Sales (01/29)

St. Francis Xavier (12/03)

Blessed Father Frederick Janssoone of Ghyvelde (10/27)

St. Frumentius (10/27)

St. Fulbert (04/10)

St. Fulgentius (01/02)

St. Gabriel Archangel (03/24)

St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows (02/27)

St. Gal (07/01)

St. Gall (10/16)

St. Gatian (12/18)

St. Gemma Galgani (04/11)

St. Genevieve (01/03)

St. Geoffroy or Godfrey (11/08)

St. George (04/23)

St. Gerard, abbot (10/03)

St. Gerard Majella (10/16)

St. Germaine Cousin (06/15)

St. Germanus of Auxerre (07/30)

St. Germanus of Paris (05/28)

St. Gertrude of Eisleben (11/16)

St. Giles (09/01)

St. Goar (07/06)

St. Godfrey or Geoffroy (11/08)

St. Gontran (03/28)

St. Gregory I, the Great (03/12)

St. Gregory VII (05/25)

St. Gregory, Bishop of Langres (01/04)

St. Gregory the Miracle Worker (11/17)

St. Gregory Nazianzen (05/09)

St. Guy of Anderlecht (09/12)

St. Hedwig (10/17)

St. Hegesippus (04/07)

St. Helen (08/18)

St. Heliodorus (07/03)

St. Henry II (07/15)

Bl. Henry Suzo (03/02)

Bl. Herman Joseph of Steinfeld (04/07)

St. Hermenegild (04/13)

St. Hilarion (10/22)

St. Hilary of Poitiers (01/14)

St. Honoratus (01/16)

St. Hospitius (05/21)

St. Hubert (11/03)

St. Hugh of Cluny (04/29)

St. Hugh of Grenoble (04/01)

St. Hyacinth (08/17)

St. Ignatius of Antioch (02/01)

St. Ignatius of Loyola (07/31)

St. Imelda Lambertini (05/12)

The Holy Innocents (12/28)

St. Irenaeus (06/28)

St. Ischyrion (12/22)

St. Isidore of Madrid (05/10)

St. Isidore of Seville (04/04)

St. James the Greater (07/25)

St. James the Less (05/11)

St. James of La Marcha (11/28)

St. James of Nisibis (07/11)

St. Jane Frances de Chantal (08/21)

Bl. Jane Leber (10/12)

St. Jane of Valois (02/04)

St. Januarius (09/19)

St. Jeanne-Antide Thouret (05/23)

Bl. Jeanne-Marie de Maill? (03/28)

St. Jerome (09/30)

St. Jerome Emilian (07/20)

St. Joachim (08/16)

St. Joan of Arc (05/30)

St. John, Apostle and Evangelist (12/27)

St. John, Apostle, Before the Latin Gate (05/06)

St. John the Baptist, Nativity of (06/24)

St. John the Baptist, The Beheading of (08/29)

St. John-Baptist de LaSalle (05/15)

St. John and St. Paul, martyrs (06/26)

St. John the Almsgiver (04/09)

St. John Berchmans (11/26)

St. John Bosco (01/31)

Bl. John de Britto (02/16)

St. John Cantius (10/20)

St. John Capistran (03/28)

St. John Chrysostom (01/27)

St. John Climacus (03/30)

St. John of the Cross (11/24)

St. John Damascene (03/27)

Bl. John the Discalced (12/15)

St. John of Egypt (03/27)

St. John Eudes (08/19)

St. John Francis Regis (06/16)

St. John Gabriel Perboyre (09/11)

St. John of God (03/08)

St. John Gualbert (07/12)

St. John Joseph of the Cross (03/05)

St. John of Matha (02/08)

St. John Nepomucene (05/16)

St. John of Sahagun or of St-Fagondez (06/12)

St. John the Silent (05/13)

St. John Vianney (08/09)

St. Jonas (03/29)

St. Josaphat (11/14)

St. Joseph (03/19)

St. Joseph the Worker (05/01)

St. Joseph-Beno?t Cottolengo (04/29)

St. Joseph Calasanctius (08/27)

St. Joseph of Cupertino (09/18)

St. Joseph Benedict Cottolengo

St. Jovita (02/15)

St. Jude, Apostle (10/28)

St. Julia (05/23)

St. Julian the Hospitalarian (01/09)

St. Juliana Falconieri (06/19)

St. Juliana of Mt. Cornillon (04/07)

St. Julius (04/12)

St. Justin (06/01)

St. Justina (09/26)

St. Kateri Tekakwitha (04/17)

St. Ladislas (06/27)

St. Lambert (09/17)

St. Laurence O'Toole (11/14)

St. Lawrence, martyr (08/10)

St. Lawrence Justinian (09/05)

St. Leander (02/27)

St. Leo the Great (04/11)

St. Leo II, pope (07/03)

St. Leocadia (12/09)

St. Leonard (11/06)

St. Leonides (04/22)

St. Liberatus and his companions (08/17)

St. Linus (09/23)

St. Louis Bertrand (10/09)

St. Louis, King of France (08/25)

St. Louis Mary de Montfort (04/28)

St. Louis of Toulouse (08/19)

St. Louise de Marillac (03/15)

St. Lucian (01/07)

St. Lucy (12/13)

St. Ludger (03/26)

St. Luke (10/18)

St. Lupicinus (02/28)

St. Lydwina of Schiedam (04/14)

St. Macarius (01/02)

St. Magloire (10/24)

St. Malachi d'Armagh (11/02)

St. Mammertus (05/11)

St. Marcellinus (04/26)

St. Marcellinus (04/20)

St. Marcellus, Pope (01/16)

St. Marcellus, the Centurion and his children (10/30)

St. Marcus and St. Marcellianus (06/18)

St. Margaret of Antioch (07/20)

St. Margaret Bourgeois (01/12)

St. Margaret, queen of Scotland (06/10)

St. Margaret-Mary (10/17)

St. Marguerite d'Youville (12/23)

St. Maria Goretti (07/09)

St. Mark (04/25)

St. Mark, pope (10/07)

St. Martha (07/29)

St. Martin I, Pope (11/12)

St. Martin de Porres (11/03)

St. Martin de Tours (11/11)

St. Martina (01/30)

Holy Martyrs of Japan (02/05)

The Holy North American Martyrs (09/26)

Holy Martyrs of Uganda (06/03)

Holy Martyrs of Saragossa, The Eighteen (04/16)

Holy Martyrs of Sebaste, The Forty (03/10)

Bl. Mary Assunta (04/08)

St. Mary of Egypt (04/09)

St. Mary Euphrasia Pelletier (04/24)

St. Mary of the Incarnation, Ursuline in Quebec (06/02)

Bl. Mary of the Incarnation, Carmelite (04/18)

St. Mary Magdalen (07/22)

St. Mary Magdalene of Pazzi (05/29)

St. Mary of Oignies (06/23)

St. Mary Micaela (08/24)

St. Matthew, apostle (09/21)

St. Mathilda (03/14)

St. Matthias, apostle (02/24)

St. Maurice and the Theban Legion (09/22)

St. Maurilius (09/13)

St. Maximilian Kolbe (08/14)

St. Maximin or Mesmin, abbot (12/15)

Bl. Maximin Giraud (09/20)

St. Maximus (11/27)

St. Mechtildis of Hackeborn (02/26)

St. Medard (06/08)

Bl. Melanie Calvat (12/14)

St. Mello (10/22)

St. Methodius (07/07)

St. Michael the Archangel (09/29)

St. Michael the Archangel, The Apparition of (05/08)

St. Michael Garicoits (05/14)

St. Michael de los Santos (04/10)

St. Modestus (06/15)

St. Monica (05/04)

St. Narcissus (10/29)

St. Nazarius (07/28)

St. Nemesion and companions (12/19)

St. Nicasius (12/14)

St. Nicholas of Fl?e (03/31)

St. Nicholas of Myra (12/06)

St. Nicholas of Tolentino (09/10)

St. Norbert (06/06)

St. Odon of Cluny (11/18)

St. Olympia (12/17)

St. Omer (09/09)

St. Onesimus (02/16)

St. Oswald (02/28)

St. Pachomius (05/14)

St. Palladius (07/06)

St. Pamphilus (06/01)

St. Pantaleon (07/27)

St. Pant?nus (07/07)

St. Paphnutius (09/11)

St. Paschal Baylon (05/17)

St. Paternus (04/15)

St. Patrick (03/17)

St. Paul (06/29)

St. Paul, The Commemoration of (06/30)

St. Paul, The Conversion of (01/25)

St. Paul of the Cross (04/28)

St. Paul the First Hermit (01/15)

St. Paulinus (06/22)

St. Perpetuus (04/08)

St. Peter (06/29)

St. Peter's Chains (08/01)

St. Peter's Chair at Antioch (02/22)

St. Peters' Chair at Rome (01/18)

St. Peter and St. Paul, Dedication of the Basilicas of (11/18)

St. Peter of Alcantara (10/19)

St. Peter of Alexandria (11/26)

St. Peter Canisius (04/27)

St. Peter Celestine (05/19)

St. Peter Chanel (04/23)

St. Peter Claver (09/09)

St. Peter Damian (02/23)

Sts. Peter and Dionysia, martyrs (05/15)

Bl. Peter Favre (08/08)

St. Peter Gonzales (04/15)

St. Peter Julian Eymard (08/03)

St. Peter Fourier (12/09)

Bl. Peter of Luxemburg (07/05)

St. Peter Nolasco (01/28)

St. Peter of Verona

St. Petronilla (05/31)

St. Philip, Apostle (05/11)

St. Philip Benizi (08/23)

St. Philip Neri (05/26)

St. Philogonius (12/20)

St. Philomena (08/11)

St. Pius I (07/11)

St. Pius V (05/05)

St. Pius X (09/03)

St. Placid (10/05)

St. Polycarp (01/26)

St. Porphyry (02/26)

St. Pothinus and his companions (06/02)

St. Primus (06/09)

St. Prosper of Aquitaine (06/25)

St. Quentin (10/31)

St. Radegundes (08/13)

St. Raphael the Archangel (10/24)

St. Raymund Nonnatus (08/31)

St. Raymond of Pennafort (01/23)

St. Remi or Remigius (10/01)

St. Richard of Chichester (04/03)

St. Rita of Cascia (05/22)

Bl. Robert of Arbrissel (02/24)

St. Robert Bellarmine (05/13)

St. Robert of Newminster (06/07)

St. Roch (08/16)

St. Rogatian (05/24)

St. Romanus and Lupicinus (02/28)

St. Romanus (08/09)

St. Romuald (02/07)

St. Rosalia (09/06)

St. Rose of Lima (08/30)

St. Rose of Viterbo (09/04)

St. Sabas, abbott (12/05)

St. Sabas (04/12)

St. Sabina (09/03)

St. Sabinus and his Companions (12/30)

St. Sanctus (06/02)

St. Saturninus (11/29)

St. Scholastica (02/10)

St. Sebastian (01/20)

St. Sennen (07/30)

St. Seraphia (09/03)

St. Serenus (02/23)

St. Servulus (12/23)

The Seven Holy Servite Founders (02/12)

St. Severianus (02/21)

St. Severinus (02/11)

St. Silverius (06/20)

St. Simeon, Bishop (02/18)

St. Simeon Stylites (01/05)

St. Simon, Apostle (10/28)

St. Simon, Infant Martyr (03/31)

St. Simon Stock (05/16)

St. Simplicius (03/02)

St. Soter (04/22)

St. Stanislaus of Cracow (05/07)

St. Stanislaus Kostka (11/13)

Blessed Stephanie Quinzani (01/16)

St. Stephen, first martyr (12/26)

St. Stephen, first martyr, Finding of his Relics (08/03)

St. Stephen I, Pope (08/02)

St. Stephen, King of Hungary (09/02)

St. Susanna (08/11)

St. Sylvain (02/17)

St. Sylvester (12/31)

St. Symphorian (08/22)

St. Tarachus (10/11)

St. Tarasius (02/25)

St. Tarsilla (12/24)

St. Teresa of Avila (10/15)

St. Thecla (09/23)

St. Theodore Tyro (11/09)

St. Theodoret (10/23)

St. Theodosius (01/11)

St. Therese of the Child Jesus (10/03)

St. Thomas, Apostle (12/21)

St. Thomas Becket (12/29)

St. Thomas Aquinas (03/07)

St. Thomas More (07/06)

St. Thomas of Villanova (09/22)

St. Tiburtius (08/11)

St. Timothy (01/24)

St. Titus (02/06)

Bl. Urban V (12/19)

St. Ursula and her companions (10/21)

St. Valentine (02/14)

St. Valery (12/12)

St. Venant of Camerino (05/18)

St. Veronica of Milan (01/13)

St. Victor of Marseille (07/21)

St. Victorian and his Companions (03/23)

St. Vincent, martyr (01/22)

St. Vincent Ferrer (04/05)

St. Vincent de Paul (07/19)

St. Vincent Strambi (09/25)

St. Vitalis (04/28)

St. Vitus (06/15)

St. Wenceslas (09/28)

St. Wilfrid (10/12)

St. William Berruyer (01/10)

St. William of Vercelli (06/25)

St. Willibrord (11/07)

St. Wulfran (03/20)

St. Zachary (03/15)

St. Zephyrinus (08/26)

St. Zita (04/27)

I think the main reason things like Paddies day and Australia day are big events now is more to do with them being under the cosh for so long that as they fled various countries/prisons/jobless hellholes they clung to that national identity in a way that ruling nations, such as England, never had to. Teh ris of English patriotism therfore seems a bit forced to me.. but I'll never say no to a day off or a party

Of course NOW it is all about marketing, but the reason the money men were able to tap into those days is because of the culture behind them


St. George is the patron saint of Aragon, Catalonia, England, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Lithuania, Palestine, Portugal, and Russia, as well as the cities of Amersfoort, Beirut, Bteghrine, C?ceres, Ferrara, Freiburg, Genoa, Ljubljana, Gozo, Pomorie, Qormi, Lod and Moscow, Scouting, as well as a wide range of professions, organizations and disease sufferers

As with England, he'd probably never been to any of those places either.

Silly choice.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


Teh ris of English patriotism therfore

tseems a bit forced to me..

Well I admit that I want to be in a more proud England, but unfortunately it's hard to be proud when the rest of the world judges us by the standards of the English stag / hen parties around Europe! There is a lovely old man living next door to us, and he has an England flag in his window. My first thought when I saw it was that I didn't want to move in next to a racist skinhead. That is sad.

I hope that was a 'copy and paste' job *Bob* or else business must be slow....

No objection to another bank holiday (although as a self-employed person they make no diff to me) but I wonder how many people in England could name the date off the top of their heads or who know anything about him other than he slayed a dragon (allegedly).

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> I think the main reason things like Paddies day

> and Australia day are big events now is more to do

> with them being under the cosh for so long that as

> they fled various countries/prisons/jobless

> hellholes they clung to that national identity in

> a way that ruling nations, such as England, never

> had to. Teh ris of English patriotism therfore

> seems a bit forced to me.. but I'll never say no

> to a day off or a party


> Of course NOW it is all about marketing, but the

> reason the money men were able to tap into those

> days is because of the culture behind them


I expect they are celebrated more as a result of their national drinks "Guinness" and "XXXX/Fosters" Sadly warm ale doesn't seem a good beverage to celebrate with and neither does Mead “I’ll have a pint of Mead for St. George” sounds wrong but I expect it will end up with a serious hang over the following day

Maybe we need to find a drink that we can associate with St. Georges day, get the company (or companies) behind it to promote it and Voila

Suggestions in my head are

Mead (see above)

Warm Ale (ditto)

Light and Stout (potential but flat caps and Whippets required)

Gin (ah Proper ‘London Gin’ as drunk in the slums of London)

Meths (not practical but interesting form of population control)

Cider (Bit west country but serious potential)

So what other choices of alcoholic drinks could we use to promote St. Georges Day? remembering that they have to be ‘English’ (therefore Vodka is Russian and out of the equation)

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