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North X Road Market - more road closures proposed

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In June's issue of SE22 magazine, on page 44, James Barber writes that council officers have asked that the road closure be extended to Fellbrigg Road on Saturdays. Some of you will remember that this is what was proposed about five years ago but those living in the vicinity were against it. James is canvassing local opinion and is asking:

1. Should we relax North Cross Road parking restrictions on Friday (Yes/No)

2. Should we extend the Saturday market road closures, currently Lordship Lane to Nutfield Road, to either Archdale Road, Fellbrigg Road, or leave as is?

3. And to let him know if your're a local resident of the market or a regular user.

He ends his piece by saying it's "really important you share your views before I comment to council oficers and they take anything further".

He gives his contact details as: [email protected], telephone 07900 227366.

(Apologies if this has already been posted about on the Forum, I couldn't find anything)

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Why would Council Officers ask for this just like that?

Is this do do with proposed revamp of pavements around Lord P Pub at great expense for no reason

Perhaps Cllr Barber could throw some more light on this and who has requested Cllr Officers to raise this

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As nxjen says this has been the market team's plan for some years. More pedestrianisation = more pitches = more revenue. I do think this needs v careful consideration in terms of traffic. The corner of North Cross and Fellbrigg would become a real pinch point under this plan. It's already quite difficult to turn right out of Fellbrigg onto North Cross when someone is turning left into Fellbrigg from North Cross, with the built out pavements. I think it would get very congested and awkward for drivers and pedestrians. I don't think there's much benefit in making Archdale a dead end and then stopping just before Fellbrigg. It will just drive more traffic round the North Cross/Fellbrigg corner.
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That's no to increasing road closures and no to further parking restrictions.

On another note 20mph is an absolute fiasco and Councillors should take a good look at what their meddling has achieved there. It is not adhered to. Buses are worst offenders, I would guess they have been told to ignore it.

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Wouldn't the bigger impact be on Lacon Road, rather than Felbrigg? Presumably those coming down NXR wanting to turn left already do so into Felbrigg. But those wishing to turn right (currently down Archdale) would simply route through Lacon instead?

There'll be a small handful who're traversing the streets to get across LL rather than on to it, who might also use Felbrigg/Shawbury, but surely not that many?

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This suggestion came in response to my and Cllr Rosie Shimell request for the Friday parking restrictions to largely be removed - they're pointlessly catching people out when the Friday market barely exists.

So far Nutfield Road residents who've responded to me are in favour IF it's made clear at the other end that the road is closed and not a through route - keen to avoid lots of reversing vehicles.

What do people think?

THANKS nxjen.

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spider69 Wrote:



> If it had not been posted on this forum would we

> have been told before it all went ahead.

It was in SE22 magazine, which presumably every house in SE22 gets a copy of?

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Only 14 so far spider69. Most living on roads that would be affected and positive which surprises me.

And yes SE22 goes to all local houses to North Cross Road and for some distance around. But Cllr Rosie Shimell and I will also be door knocking and leaving a letter asking for views.

IF most people are interested or against we'll explain that to officers who THEN would go through a formal consultation. This would be reported to the Dulwich Community Council for a local decision. Then if recommended it would have formal consultation on the traffic order.

spider69 it is likely you'll be sick of the subject before anything happens.

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MarkE, yes I'm sure it would affect Lacon Rd and possibly Ulverscroft but it depends which way vehicles are coming and when they realise the road is closed. Coming down North Cross from CP road, if drivers don't know about the closure they will take the last possible turning, which in this proposal would be Fellbrigg. If drivers are coming along Lordship Lane from the Goose Green end and want to turn into North Cross, they can't and then go left up Shawbury, left onto Fellbrigg and right - this is already happening of course and there was a noticeable increase in traffic after the initial closure. But at the moment people trying to get from Lordship to North Cross can still do so via Archdale Rd and so cutting off that road will I think inevitably put pressure on other roads feeding into North Cross including Frllbrigg and Lacon.

MarkE Wrote:


> Wouldn't the bigger impact be on Lacon Road,

> rather than Felbrigg? Presumably those coming

> down NXR wanting to turn left already do so into

> Felbrigg. But those wishing to turn right

> (currently down Archdale) would simply route

> through Lacon instead?


> There'll be a small handful who're traversing the

> streets to get across LL rather than on to it, who

> might also use Felbrigg/Shawbury, but surely not

> that many?

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Pleased to see common sense and and a removal of parking restrictions is happening at last.

relaxed parking increases non-local visitors and helps the wider community.

James Barber Wrote:


> This suggestion came in response to my and Cllr

> Rosie Shimell request for the Friday parking

> restrictions to largely be removed - they're

> pointlessly catching people out when the Friday

> market barely exists.


> So far Nutfield Road residents who've responded to

> me are in favour IF it's made clear at the other

> end that the road is closed and not a through

> route - keen to avoid lots of reversing vehicles.


> What do people think?


> THANKS nxjen.

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