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There was a Ray who drank in the Palmie who was commonly known as Razors, not, I think because he was handy with a cut throat but because he rarely shaved. He was also referred to sometimes as the 'old man'. I would on occasion score a bit of puff off him. Nice fella.

Fox - nobody is bullying you.

It's simple. You and Louisa have it all in your power* to bring more to this forum than the constant repetition of veiled gentrification critique that so many (old ED residents and new) have had enough of.

*anything else at all would be welcome and would make things more readable for all.

You have both failed to acknowledge my earlier offer and so I will double it - ?200 split between charities of your choice if you can both resist any more gentrification change related topics /trolling for at least the next 6 months...

DulwichFox Wrote:


> I'm beginning to feel not for the first time

> That Louisa and myself are the only 2 people

> Here on EDF that really remember what

> E.D was really like.

> I have clear memories of most if not All pubs in

> The area going back 35 years


> Foxy

No, you're not.

MrBen are you suggesting we just brush gentrification under the carpet? If it's a crucial issue which determines so much about our neighborhood how can we just ignore its effects? I do not only talk about this topic, I've got form talking about other interests such as spiritualism, history, alcohol consumption, to name but a few. I even suggested yesterday that some of the new things have been good for the area (eg more pedestrian crossings and cleaner streets, tidy front gardens).

What more can I physically do?


Jeremy Wrote:


> Forresters was better than the Bishop cos you

> could use the pool cues to bash your mates over

> the head. Them was the days.

It was better than The Bishop because The Bishop is shit.

And that's not anti gentrification, that's just me thinking the Bishop is shit. Basically all fur coat and no knickers. Scratch the surface and it's the foresters with higher prices.

I like the Bishop. There, I've said it...mostly there from lunch till 6 on a Saturday though (Later I dont think I'd like it). I like sitting outside when the suns out, watching the world go by. I've moved away so not there as often as once was, but its my starting point when i'm back through. Then head toward Peckham..

Louisa Wrote:


> If you genuinely believe I link pizza to the

> serious issue of gentrification then I'm not the

> only one who's barking round these here parts!

Then why do you go on about it all the time!

To have a bit of a laugh and wind a few people up?


Louisa Wrote:


> Don't you personally think it's a shame Otta, that

> when you're back down this end, you can't go to

> old haunts because they've changed so drastically?

> The CPT had so many characters over the years and

> the Great Exhibition just feels soulless.


> Louisa.

I don't know that "shame" is the right word. I do know what you're saying, and I do miss the great times that I had in the CPT, but the fact is that the people are gone (either moved away or dead), so if the CPT was back tomorrow there would be no one in there.

But yeah, TGE is not my bag, but they seem to have found enough people that want to eat their Sunday lunch with some jazz, so good luck to them. (bunch of wrong'uns)

Alan Medic Wrote:


> Even The Palace of Peace has gone. Were you ever

> in there Louisa or DF? Would have made a change

> from a pub fight.

I went in there once. They thought I was one of the chosen ones. I quickly got out of there before a cult formed around me.

Doesn't this just translate to:

1. From my memory I reckon I had a great time back in the day.

2. You lot who haven't lived round here as long as me will never understand that.

3. Only I can really appreciate the way things were, once, according to my memory.

4. No matter how much you like ED at the moment, my memory tells me that it was better back in my day, according to my memory, regardless of who you are and what you know.

5. The best time has gone and all that's left is shit.

6. I am unable to move on, times have changed, but I cannot and will not adapt to it.

7. I can blurt-out whatever I like to talk-up the past / put-down the present, but you can't challenge my view, because you're not me and only I know the truth.

8. You're all wrong and I'm all right.

9. If you challenge me then you're a bully and part of a clique.

10 If you challenge me have no grounds to do so because you're not me.

11. Back to 1. And Repeat. Ad Infinitum.

Alan Medic Wrote:


> Even The Palace of Peace has gone. Were you ever

> in there Louisa or DF? Would have made a change

> from a pub fight.

The Palace of Peace ?? Oh yes .. I gave the guy running it all my worldly goods and life savings

in exchange for a Spiritual Cleansing.. Eternal Devine Thoughts (EDT) and some free joss sticks.

MMhhhm (EDT) So that's where the name came from...

Devine Fox. Sounds Good.

Palace of Peace...

It was a scam. Guy (Guru) was a fraudster...

Way back in 1974 when London had the highest premie population of any city in the world the word got down to Oztralia that Utopia had already manifested there by the Grace of Prem Pal Singh Rawat.

Unfortunately when Rawat sent David Lovejoy to England to enjoy that utopia he found there was very little love and joy and a mountain of debt.

So he fired everbody that could be fired and sold everything that could be sold and then he saw the light, moved back to Australia and never practiced Knowledge again. Some of you may have been in that blissful utopia.



*Bob* Wrote:


> Otta Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> Basically all fur coat and no knickers.



> I've never really understood this phrase. What's

> wrong with a fur coat and no knickers? Sounds like

> a winning combo to me.

Haha, it's one of the phrases (along with "have a word with yourself" that I've inherited from the wife.

Personally I prefer no coat and fur knickers. Keeps things snug.

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