I have a very small garden with a "pond" in an old Belfast sink and a couple of other small water containers used by birds and sometimes frogs.
I have had frogspawn, but it usually gets eaten by something (no idea what. Cats?) though I have had tadpoles and froglets in the past.
I had never seen any newts until a couple of years ago when I opened the door of my tiny shed and found a pile of eggs just inside and a newt hastily scarpering out of a hole at the back of the shed.
The eggs must have only just been laid. Had I not seen the newt, I would have had no idea what they were. It seems a strange place to lay them.
Sadly they didn't come to anything, they just sort of dried up.
Malumbu, I would like some of your frogspawn if you have any to spare?
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