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" they were quite young, early 20s, no hoodies but one was wearing a bandana (black and white we think)".

Was the gang black, white, asian or a mixture?

I am really sorry this happened. It sounds awful. Did the gang actually take anything? You say they "seemed to want cash or mobiles" but don't say if they actually did make off with anything? Awful that they got physically abusive too.

A mate of mine was mugged just off Dog Kennel Hill, by the 24 hour shop, at around 1am on Sunday morning. Mobile phone again the target (not a particularly flash one, either), which surprised him as he was also carrying some kind of modern-day tapeless Walkman device (for listening to popular music).

Yes Sakwhita, it was SteveT's tone - and wilful misreading of the "bandana" description - that got my goat. He's clearly gagging to have his fears/desires confirmed. Very little said here will deflect him from that - and he must travel his own road with that.

BBW:My seventy six your old rather arthritic father found himself stranded with a flat tyre one evening. He was taken aback - ok scared - to see a gang of the sort of youths you describe, loping towards him. What happened next was unbelievable. They jacked the car up, changed the tyre, put the spare in the boot, and bade him farewell - not before telling him wryly " we're not all criminals."

MIkeG: No - anyone using force to defend themsleves will NOT be in trouble with the police. It' called self defence.Don't believe all you read in the Mail.

Deptford Diva: National Service - or an updated version thereof - is actually a good idea. The possibility of a compulsory scheme to instil discipline and municipal responsibility amongst the "yout" should be explored.

I am sorry to have gotten your goat northlondoner I had no ill intentions of harming a dumb animal.

I will not be travelling my own road with anything as it is illegal and I do try and stay within the law.

Why should the vast majority of law abiding citizenry, be persecuted by an unruly minority.

If by some chance any of the muggers were caught and sentenced what would happen to them, not nearly enough is the answer on most peoples lips.

My fears are confirmed each time a crime like this happens, and they happen all too regularly in my opinion.

If a deterrent was in place it would not happen, if they expected to lose a hand, it would stop immediately.

Opinions over? Here's some advice.

On Thursday 4th June at the Harris Sports Academy school at 7pm is the next Police Ward Panel.

Come along and tell the panel what has been going on.

Police, SCPOs or SPCOs or whatever they are, Community Wardens, indeed the whole Safer Neighbourhood Team, along with local residents and youth group leaders, as well as some kids themselves, turn up and talk about what is going on in the area at the moment. The meeting happens every two months. You hear what is going on and you TELL them what is happening that they (police and CWardens and SPCOs) tell you what is happening. Nilesh, the postmaster at the Forest Hill Road Post office is the chair of the panel.

Look forward to meeting you there.

lenk Wrote:


> Proposing the administration of various types of

> corporal punishment, the return of National

> Service and um, relaxed gun control to encourage

> vigilantism / taking the law into ones own hands.



> I fear that horrible dystopia far more than I fear

> gangs of teenagers.

You'll thank us eventually lenk.


Reading through this it sounds absolutely dreadful. Original Poster - really sorry to hear this happened to you. This all happened so close to where I live, and when I hear other people writing about similar occurrences it is easy to see how the "stay indoors and nothing bad will happen" mentality kicks in. I've actually had a really quiet bank holiday.

I think it takes a while to make sense of a seemingly random event.

I like what another poster said about being streetwise - having done a couple of self-defence courses I have learned to trust my instincts and do what I can to avoid any dodgy situations. Now, I probably don't even consciously think about some of the ways that I avoid trouble. For anyone that hasn't done a self-defence course, I'd recommend it - Southwark Council runs them free periodically.

My flatmate experineced an attempted mugging by 3 young lads on friday evening - thankfully they only appeared just as he was outside our front door and he was able to get inside without them taking anything. This was about 3am in Bassano st. The safer neighbourhood team said there had been a few recently, and it sounds the same MO as the original poster's experience.
The problem with doing self defence classes is that they can give a false sense of self confidence. I'm assuming the victims in this case got away relatively unscathed, even though the male may have got a couple of punches. If this is the case then they are extremely lucky. Imagine what could have happened if they had gone to a couple of self defence classes and thought they could 'have a go'? It's likely they would have come unstuck. Self defence classes do not replicate a real life threatening situation when all the senses are on overload and the fight or flight instinct kicks in. I'm sure they also don't teach self defence techniques against 5 assailants. Best simply to hand over your property and report it to the Police and your insurance company afterwards.

I am with jimmy two fingers on that one. hand over your stuff. You got plenty to loose, and some cash and a phone aren't worth risking your life. Hope noone got hurt.

I do train wing chun since a couple of years, and if I know one thing then its that when confronted with more than one guy you hardly stand a chance. Also just because you had some self defence classes doesn't mean you're a good fighter. I've never been in a fight, and even though I know how to handle myself in training, I am still afraid of a fight in a real environment.

But even if you are a mean fighter, as soon as a knife comes into play you're most likely to end up dead.


I know it hurts to just hand over the cash and then walk away powerless. I had three situations like this in my life. But in the end of the day I am still alive, I got plenty to loose, and the way I look at it is that I try to be more streetwise, avoid situations where there's no exit route, etc ... awareness (not paranoia though) ...

I don't think there's anyone who (after having been relieved of their possessions) wouldn't go to bed wishing they had THE POWER to floor the lot of 'em with, say, red lazer-beams zapping from the eyes, fists of iron pounding them through walls and a magic wand to make them go bald overnight.

But the reality of the situation is that it just isn't worth it. A phone and a bit of cash? Hand it over. You've still got your life, which - ultimately - is better than one they're liable to have. Sooner or later they'll get some karma, right up the ass.

I'm slightly suspicious of people who are 'good at fighting' anyway. Such skills tend to require practice.

*Bob* Wrote:


> Cassius Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > Am I right in assuming that ED police station

> has

> > now closed down? Where do we now go to report

> > crimes?


> You're on it.


Thats seems to be the raison d'etre of the self defence courses I go to (i've only just started this year - so would never have a go) - but after years and years of repeated practice every single day - preparing for just this, then the defence is possible.

The Sensei emphasisises getting away and running first mind, even at the cost of a phone and a few pounds - so if he does - so should I :).

jimmy two times Wrote:


> The problem with doing self defence classes is

> that they can give a false sense of self

> confidence. I'm assuming the victims in this case

> got away relatively unscathed, even though the

> male may have got a couple of punches. If this is

> the case then they are extremely lucky. Imagine

> what could have happened if they had gone to a

> couple of self defence classes and thought they

> could 'have a go'? It's likely they would have

> come unstuck. Self defence classes do not

> replicate a real life threatening situation when

> all the senses are on overload and the fight or

> flight instinct kicks in. I'm sure they also don't

> teach self defence techniques against 5

> assailants. Best simply to hand over your property

> and report it to the Police and your insurance

> company afterwards.

There's nothing bad about turning on your heel and legging it like a lunatic if the situation doesn't feel right -

I lived in Kensington in Liverpool for 3 years which makes some of the worse SE London estates look like Hampstead in comparison - a good breakneck sprint in the other direction got me out of loads of scrapes, I've never been mugged or given anyone the chance to try.

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