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WI Meeting Update

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Hello everyone!

I've been tasked with writing a few notes about what we discussed last night. It was great to meet everyone. Sorry I had to dash off so quickly - got the in-laws staying and was having my dinner cooked for me!

Anyway...there are 2 things that we need to get decided before we meet next.

A regular venue - We discussed a few possibilities. Katiesa is going to contact a few venues and get back to us.

A regular time - We thought a Monday or Tuesday once a month would be best. When a venue is available might dictate when we meet. But otherwise, we thought it was a good idea to put this to the forum. Which is best...a Monday or a Tuesday?

Then we talked about a few other items;

Publicity - SE22 Magazine want to do a feature. Katiesa is in contact with one of the writers. Re a website, Ruthmct offered to set up a blog. She'll link to it on this forum. We will need to set up a 'proper' werbsite and perhaps our own forum. Has anyone got any skills they can use for this?

We discussed the roles of President, Treasurer and Secretary. We're not really sure of what is involved at the moment. I'll contact the Fulham and Islington branches to see if they can give any useful info. I'll also contact the Surrey WI. Anyone who wants to do it can volunteer at the next meeting.

Next meeting - (this is venue dependent) - the date of 21st May was put forward. If we get the venue for this, we'll meet. If we can, we'll get someone from the Surrey WI to attend. It will probably consist of more admin - ie sorting out the roles and perhaps responsibilities for organising events?

Contacts - I've got a list of contacts (email addresses). I'll send this out via email. Anyone who wants to be added, please PM me.

Events - there were loads of ideas about future events. When we have more of a structure and the president, etc are in place, we can get going orgainising these.

Goose Green Fair - it was suggested that we try to have a small stall at the fair on 13th May selling cakes etc. Can anyone interested in helping get in touch? Tracey has some time, so perhaps she can co-ordinate this? (Email address to follow). Is this OK Tracey? Jenny is going to contact Mark from the ED Forum to see if we can link up with their marquee somehow.

Summer BBQ - this was briefly discussed. It might be worth talking ahout this at the next meeting.

Anyway, that's a brief outline. We'll keep you posted about the next meeting, regular meeting and regular time. I'll be sending out a list of contacts soon. (And a scanned copy of the leaflets sent to me from the WI).

See you soon!

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hi there

crikey you got through a lot last night.

I can certainly make 21st may.

As for regular meetings tues are best for me.

Also happy to make cakes for the east dulwich fair should a stall materialise.

how do i send you my email address?

thanks for organising all this.


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Glad it all went well last night, how many members do you think you'll have? Anyway, drop me a line about the fair and let me know if I can help with the website and/or setting up a forum specifically for you.


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Ok - didn't realise there is a new post - thanks Lucy. I have emailed Mark as receiveed an email from him and asked him abotu us having our own tab obn this site - as it is difficult to track all of these conversations otherwise. I will post when I have contacted venues.


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Mark from this forum has said that although he cannot set up a W.I tab on this forum as too specific he can help on the website - so whoever ends up organising this please do get in touch with him


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Ok great news - I have been in touch with the owner of the Magdala - Reg Buckley and he has said he would be more than happy for us to have free use of the upstairs space once a month on a Tuesday night (Monday's are currently the Salsa nights)There is a bar up their for us to buy drinks (and maybe we could eventually have some drinks for each meeting paid for from the fees each week) and the space can fit up to 60 people. What does everyone think?

It means the next meeting cannot be Monday the 21st but could be the 22nd or any Tuesday thereafter. On a selfish note the first Tuesday I can do is the 5th June so it would be great if we could make it then - but understand it is a wait. If it wasn't too soon we could do another Green and Blue meetup with the W.I woman on Monday 14th - get all that sorted and then start our proper meetings on June the 5th and make meetings the first Tuesday of every month. Sorry just thinking aloud.

Anyway it is great news about the Magdala and if we are all in agreement then I can go and check out the space this Saturday am and we could crack ahead.

Please all let me know what you think.

Katie x

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Tuesday 5th June is fine with me. As is first Tuesday of every month. Gives us a bit more time to get something organised. I'll call the Surrey WI and ask them what they're expecting. Then we have more time to get something sorted. Well done! The room sounds fab!
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Hi all - I have contacted Tom so will let you know what he says - I have invited him to the first meeting if we hopefully have it beginning of June.I will wait to hear from Angela - SE22 and then update her when I do. If anyone has a contact in a national paper then we should think about getting in touch with them when we have had our first meeting maybe - it would make a great feature.


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I've emailed Thelma from the Surrey WI regarding the meeting on the 5th. I've asked her to clarify what's expected. I've also PM'd the 2 contributors from Islington and Fulham re the roles and what's involved. Hopefully, we'll have a better idea by 5th June.
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very excited as free 5th june - PM coming your way Elfy!! Unfortunately working the w/e of the fair otherwise would have loved to help.

Is it worth me requesting the first Tue of July off for the next meeting (sorry have to think this far in advance - joy of the job!)

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Hi, I'm happy to coordinate cake baking for the festival. Will be needing some details about the stall from Mark /Jenny etc. Will need to check about health & safety issues with other WIs. Shall I contact Surrey WI myself or not? Don't want to confuse them with too many contacts. What do you think?


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I've been a viewer of this forum until now when I've felt the need to put finger to keypad and type a reply. This is a fantastic idea and I'd love to come to the meeting on the 5th June. Please count me in (and my equally keen pal Kirstie).
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An excellent first meeting - thank you to all especially katiesa and Elfy. June 5th will be fine for me, and first Tuesday of the month sounds a good idea.

I've just started the EDWI blog which you can find at http://eastdulwichwi.blogspot.com/ (I did want edwi.blogspot.conm, but someone called Edwin has already got that!). At the moment it's a default layout, but over the next week or two I should be able to make it look a bit more interesting and locally relevant. Ideas for improvement are welcome, as long as they're not too complicated.

I've also created myself a new e-mail account at edwi (at) sky.com Please Katie and Elfy, could you let me have your e-mail addresses?


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Well done Ruth! The blog looks fantastic! I'll aim to email out a contact list today..as I'm off to Marrakech later (yay!) I'll also try and locate the scanner so I can email off the WI bumpf.
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Oh dear. Just checked my diary and realise that I can't actually make 5th June...I think it should go ahead though. I can definitely help get things sorted before the meeting, ie get in contact with the WI, etc. And I'm around on 13th May pm, so can help with that.
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hey ruth the blog looks really cool!

Argh though have just realised 1st tuesday's aren't great for me - work cpd night that was cancelled this month. Maybe can try and change though if its good for everyone else. Can do the 13th prob from about 2pm onwards...and the mother in law is up next weekend so I'll get her to do cakes (less chance of poisoning general ED public!).

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Hi, yes the blog looks brill. I can make Tues 5th and can make cakes for the fair too ( I can't actually make the fair unfortunately). It was good to meet everyone at G & B's on Tuesday, see you all on the 5th x
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Tues 5th is fine with me! Looking forward to it! I was thinking of dabbling in some breadmaking in which case I could perhaps provide some for the fair- people could always use it as a football if it does not serve its purpose as a foodstuff :-)
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