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just a pity there was no sound recording of what was said, it looks as though there were words being exchanged between him and the officer(s) to his right as he walks, be nice to know what that was, and would also be nice to see what went on in the seconds before the filming actually started. the bloke,s dead and yet again its a clear case of police brutality in the eyes of the world, but somehow i think theres a wee bit more to it than what meets the eye. he certainly looks unsteady enough on his feet before the push, so was he drunk and remonstrating, even threatening, in which case the response of the police could be seen to proportionate and justifiable and that what happened afterwards was just sheer misfortune. on the other hand may be he was entirely innocent in which case the police response was not acceptable.


There is thousands of hours of CCTV coverage from across all points in the City.

There is hundreds of hours of footage from the polices own dedicated 'video teams' the so-called Metropolitan Police Forward Intelligence Team.

And yet, and yet... nothing from the police to indicate the guy had done anything at all, and not a peep out of the police to suggest that he might have committed any offence of any description.

There is certainly more here that meets the eye: like the police behaviour and their subsequent claims.

Tomlinson left work at around 7, according to his work colleague, from south of King William Street.

By 7.15 he'd been hit at least once by a riot officer and was on the ground, in Royal Exchange Passage.

Having already passed two police cordons and been turned away at one.

JSW, he doesn't seem to have had time to have a drink. If he was wobbly on his feet, that could be for all sorts of reasons (feeling/being unwell etc. etc.)

Very sensible to be conducting a second post mortem.

just seen the video on the news, the guy clearly wraps him very hard round the back of the legs from behind with a big baton then assaults him again by shoving him really hard to the ground again from behind, manslaughter without a doubt. In the footage he can been seen walking quickly away and then talking to a superior officer, so the met knew from the beginning.

Amazing how the BBC seem to have mislaid all their footage and it was C4 who managed to obtain footage of him being clearly battoned around the back of the legs. But then again the BBC were basically told to ignore the G20 protests and focus on making gordon look good so he could rally the FTSE, its a war effort you know...........astounding !!!!

They were all over the story in Genoa carping on about how it would never happen in the uk or surbiton....no our lot will go all primal and beat and old guy to death from behind, then deny they touched him.

Embarrassing CCTV may have already been wiped. Participating officers would have already collaborated on their stories. If the fund manager hadn't filmed the incident, the Police would probably have stuck to their original denial. I doubt whether anyone will be prosecuted in this case. Even if someone is, the trial is likely to be halted before the matter is left to a jury. The truth rarely gets into the public domain in such cases.

The MET is very experienced at orchestrating cover ups.

The footage I saw sickens me.

An innocent man died. He may have had a pre disposed illness that may have brought on a heart attack but as the footage shows he was not acting in a way that would have in any circumstance made him a threat.

The fact that the police then, and after his death said that they were prevented from getting help for him has been proven as a lie.

The actual police officer?s have not come forward to say they were there and witnessed what happened.

They got caught on camera and that is the only reason that this has come to light (no CCTV oddly) would they have all huddled together? had this footage not come to light and stuck to a convenient and police pro story.

The police have a hard job at such demos but they acted as thugs and it seems to me that this particular officer acted in a particular and totally inappropriate manner. He wore a balaclava and thinks he is immune.

His colleagues as far as the last report have not come forward to report his behaviour at the time or since.

I do have respect for the police and the hard job that they do but from what I saw in two different sets of footage the Met have a long way to go in getting the trust of The Public.

The Family have a right to the answers. 47 is no age to die and in such a way it must be hard for the the family.

It doesn't seem to be consistent with a heart attack.

He was pushed from behind when his hands were in his pockets, and didn't seem to get them out in time to cushion the fall properly. He seemed to take a crack on the face/head as he rolled forward.

The medical student who first approached him said that he wasn't in pain, and he spoke for a few minutes before stopping responding.

It's more consistent with an internal head injury.

I'm not one to criticise police in general, as they're put under enormous pressure in violent and intimidating situations. However, this seems to be the action of a rogue lunatic who even had the temerity to adjust his balaclava after the event to ensure he couldn't be identified.

I trust that after the heat of the moment this lunatic's colleagues will recognise that it's in the best interests of their profession to weed out those who bring it into disrepute. This isn't a 'no grassing' thing.

I am wondering why, under any circumstances, it would be necessary or appropriate for an office on duty to cover his face... When on street duty one is a public figure and should be seen as such, there is (or should be) absolutely nothing to hide...

While on the march I do not recall seeing a single police office with a covered face, it was a coolish day but hardly arctic, so why was his face covered in the first place?

Can anyone explain... ???

I've just read that the police officer has come forward. There's also the suggestion that he'd removed his shuolder id number, as well as covering his face. Possibly the images in the video footage don't show the first time Mr Tomlinson was hit, which would explain why he appears unsteady on his feet. Truly shocking & sickening if it is as it appears. His poor family.

bawdy-nan Wrote:


> video was shown several times on newsnight - BBC -

> last night

Yep - nothing wrong with the BBC coverage as far as I can tell. Let's stop with all this conspiracy nonsense!

yep sorry - problem with my PC - I thought JSW's message

was the last posted

Anyway, why is everyone still talking about this - don't you know you have been "encouraged" to talk about something a bit more mob-friendly?

Bob be Quick

Huguenot Wrote:


> It doesn't seem to be consistent with a heart

> attack.


> He was pushed from behind when his hands were in

> his pockets, and didn't seem to get them out in

> time to cushion the fall properly. He seemed to

> take a crack on the face/head as he rolled

> forward.

The hands in pockets/heavy fall unbroken by arms to full effect, seems to be the case.


> The medical student who first approached him said

> that he wasn't in pain, and he spoke for a few

> minutes before stopping responding.


> It's more consistent with an internal head

> injury.

Second post mortem, asked for by family, sensible.


> I'm not one to criticise police in general, as

> they're put under enormous pressure in violent and

> intimidating situations. However, this seems to be

> the action of a rogue lunatic who even had the

> temerity to adjust his balaclava after the event

> to ensure he couldn't be identified.

He also removed his police number from the outside of his uniform, from what I'm seeing on some reports and photos.

I seem to recall police didn't use to wear balaclavas? Or perhaps balaclavas under riot headgear?

Or am I just being terribly old fashioned?

I mean, on a demo, what exactly is the purpose of a balaclava? Under riot (helmet) headgear? I can only think of one purpose.


> I trust that after the heat of the moment this

> lunatic's colleagues will recognise that it's in

> the best interests of their profession to weed out

> those who bring it into disrepute. This isn't a

> 'no grassing' thing.

As happened with Blair Peach. (Nobody owns up, nobody grasses on colleagues, nobody can be prosecuted.)

They now are contractually obliged to not cover up, as it were.

Is it surprising that coppers do this ?

the whole culture of copperdom is based on force and manipulation.

Of all the coppers I have met, not one would have been in radar of aquaintances, even if they were not coppers ( if you get what I mean ) - its takes a certain type of person to become a copper and this is hardly exceptional behavior for one of them.

Were they Met or City ?

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> Blimey JSW, despots across the world would LOVE

> you!

i somehow doubt that, and i,ll comment no more on the subject, however it will all come out in the wash, wait and see.

I also think this jSW and my thoughts on the day were *AVOID* jump on the tube and FOH. I didn't want to be anywhere near there because the possibility of getting caught up in something was too high.

JetSetWilly Wrote:


> my view on the subject is that tomlinson is not an

> entirely innocent party in this, and it will all

> come out in the subsequent independent and ipcc

> enquiries.

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