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dulwichdoll Wrote:


> I find it worrying that bullying on a forum is

> acceptable and no poster should be forced to

> defend herself for such posts that can neither be

> proved nor disproved.


> Is Louisa really a Dominatrix ? Who are we to

> query if her visits to Ann Sunmmers were in vein

> (sic) or not. Because Poppy has not defended

> herself does that make it ok to vilify her.

> Clearly for some of the regular formurites the

> answer is yes. And that doesnt make me angry it

> makes me feel sad.

You are of course, and joking aside, quite right, bullying shouldn't be accepted by anyone.

Sadly Poppy has the reputation for the girl who cried wolf once too often, and I think people are just pulling her up on this fact.

As for the bullies, Louisa you are the ringleader so please see me after school and remember to bring that extra tight UPVC nurses outfit this time...

....I have lost weight so it should fit me by now


dulwichdoll Wrote:


> The agression in this post is once again worrying

> and again from a regular poster. So yes I do

> 'capiche'. But not the point you are trying to

> make. Just the one this post has illustrated about

> a minority of forumites

Brilliant, I've always been remarkably restrained and sensible on here, even when I've wanted to call someone a right fucking cunt fucker, so I'm pleased to have shed my nice girl image. Even if it is only to someone as wilfully contrary as your good self.

I'm going down the Lodge tonight to see if the Pink Ladies will have me, and if not them, maybe the T Birds.

One by one suggest more than 3 or 4 DD.

Why are you here DD? I don't mean on the forum - I mean in life?? sucking up oxygen from the planet which could be better used by anyone else. I suspect you have registered before and worked yourself up into a tizz then as well before either abandoning that persona or being banned - and yet you come back and lecture other people on their lack of lives?

You also lay claim to the fact that others, the clique etc etc stand in judgement yet what is "But one by one you are outing yourselves.....


other than a judgement?? Not only that but you aren't being explicit in what the crime is

One by one denotes..... guess what ? More than one ! And I thought I was clear. Outing yourselves as the clique to which you belong that thinks it has the right to bully and intimidate other posters. Nice comment about the wasted sucking up of oxygen. What did I ever do to you Sean ?

What did you ever do to me apart from throw around scurrilous accusations and contribute in no meaningful way to a forum you claim to despise?

Apart from that not much - but it's enough to maybe tip the balance agin you in my (clearly deluded) mind

People continuously try and engage you in meaningful debate and you ignore every sensible suggestion put your way. Your behaviour has, to date and by any internet definition (nothing to do with any cliques here) been troll-like

I could be wrong - maybe you will take a breath and come at this from a different angle and prove yourself to be a lovely soul. But I doubt it

Are you saying you can read Poppy's threads and say you can't even SMELL a rat?

I have to back up Dulwichdoll here because there is a mob mentality to discredit people without legitimacy and when challenged you try and undermine that poster too, so you see you're all (and by you I think you know who you are) a bit delusional I'm afraid. If it is just for fun then fine but there have been times when it's been a serious post and the mob's turned really nasty and a mob is still ugly even when you can't see their faces (though let's be thankful for small mercies there).

I guess knowing when to have your fun and knowing when to hold your tongue is a skill only a a few people acquire in life.

Now if I start talking dirty will I get the bully boys on side? It seems to work wonders for some, I can crack a whip too you know. Seems it's the part of the clique initiation ritual I missed.

If you lot prove anything it's George Orwell's theory that Sanity is not Statistical. There may be safety in numbers but there's also madness.

who_cares - the only dishonest discrediting is by you and dulwichdoll

Are we just talking about Poppy's post again? Have a read of all of them and if you can't tell me there is something wrong with them then I hope you aren't a lawyer

As for other instances of mobs turning really nasty - can you provide examples? Or are you happy to throw accusations without backing them up?

These are polite questions - I would hope for similar answers

I really don't get this at all op definetly appears to be fantastic in the true sense of the word unless the dog owner was 11 I very much doubt poppie gave him a tongue lashing unless poppie is one big bloke. I can not why Dulwich doll is so keen to defend her nor whocares for that matter unless they have formed a clique of their own. Dulwichdoll said she was going to drinks at Phoenix on 9th January was she given a hard time to be so antagonistic.

Ahh the incredible quoting man is back....

Why are you asking about her attendance at EDF drinks tonight Xena? Are you insinuating that there might be a gang of people (dare I say clique) there who might have a go at her or worse, or maybe even ignore her for not thinking like them? What would you do to her if she turned up? I'm keen to know.

So just because you dont agree with me that means that I have not contributed anything as far as YOU are concerned

I do not despise this forum just bullies like you and they can be found anywhere.

What meaningful debate have I not responded to even the clearly agressive ones like yours?

And if you mean by being a lovely soul being more like you, no thanks. And as for there being a rat or not, I think the smell is coming from elsewhere. Maybe we have found the thuggish dog fouler!! wheres that oxygen. I need to waste some more.

I've read through all three pages, and I'm amazed that, in a thread about dog poo, no-one has asked the most crucial question of all - what has happened to the white dog poo that used to litter the streets when I was young? You could never go anywhere without passing pile upon pile of white doggy turds. Where have they gone? :-S

Why are you here DD? I don't mean on the forum - I mean in life?? sucking up oxygen from the planet which could be better used by anyone else.

That Sean is abusive and insulting and what you wrote to me and more. This was your first post to me and yes I find it threatening. But you know that dont you.

Get back in your box Sean, all your nasty stuff gets removed. If I could be arsed I'm sure I could find some but unlike you I don't have this obsession for endlessly quoting people, out of context or otherwise.

This isn't really about Poppy, it's about the limp characters on here who thrash around claiming to be on some "free speech" crusade while treating anyone who thinks differently to them like a leper.

Oh but do come to EDF drinks..., now there's a warm welcome if ever I saw one. Thanks but no thanks.


Just posted a long, considered response to this and it disappeared into the ether.

I hate it when that happens*.

The short version is this, there is no issue here dulwichdoll and who_cares, apart form the one you are creating.

Luckypoppy has started several threads, usually in the early hours, that don't quite ring true and sometimes contain outright incosistences, so quite a few people don't really believe her. The response to this thread has reflected that, but hasn't been malicious and certainly not bullying or vilifying. It's more the online equivalent of a bunch of people rasing an eyebrow and saying "Yeah, right." before going back to what they were doing. I don't know if poppylucky's stories are true or not and I don't much care, but I do know that the people on this thread throwing around insults and accusations are the two of you. What I don't understand is why.

As for forum drinks, who_cares, even they are not a clique. I've been going regularly for over a year and still almost always don't know everyone there and meet new people. They are always full of new faces and as far as I know, no-one has ever been made to feel unwelcome. In fact, it is often the people who have the fiercest debates on here that end up chatting away all night.

* but I understand that it's just a computer blip and not "the man" trying to surpress my opinion...

Dulwich Doll it's not my first post to you at all. We have conversed on other threads. But yes my first to you on here was aggressive, given the nature of your posts over the 3 pages. You are being needlessly antagonistic

who_cares - if two people come on to a thread which most people think is a fabrication and then tell everyone who says it's a fabrication that they are bullies, then why is it not about Poppy's post?

And what exactly are you talking about "all my nasty stuff gets removed"? Explain please?

You don't have an obsession for endlessly quoting people but you appear to have an obsession for mean-spirited accusations with no evidence

Sean I don't know you but enjoy reading your posts as your view point is normally very well balanced. I have noticed lately that there are people who seem to be trying to goad you to get you to react in a way you wouldn't normally for what reason I don't know,but it does appear somewhat vendictive my advice for what it's worth would be do not respond to them and hopefully they'll go away.

cheers OtE - I'm aware of it too but like the bully I am, if it's a name I don't recognise I give them the benefit of the doubt

I think people plural might only just be technically correct - I'm guessing it's the same one or two

Time to give up on this one...

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