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Tiny Little Things That Cause You Irrational Rage


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Peckhamgatecrasher Wrote:


> Electric blue water in the fountain at PRP. What's

> that all about? It looks ridiculous. Harrumph!

It may not be intentional. It was a common schoolboy prank of ours to dye the water in the school fountain various colours. Gentian violet was good for purple.

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Why Oh Why in any petrol station can I not find a cold drink which is actually COLD ?

The drinks are installed in a 'fridge' labelled 'cold drinks' but they are positively UNcold to my touch.

If I question the 'coldness' of drinks, however politely, it's taken as some kind of insult or the staff act like the drinks really are cold but it's only me that doesn't realise.

Emperor's new clothes or something like that...

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When your pudding doesn't come, even though you've asked twice. So you leave, wondering what that cheesecake would have tasted like. The wife doesn't understand, but then, her pudding came, so why would she?
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Ah, but when your pudding doesn't come but they still try to charge you for it...grrrrrrr!!

And, of course, the only place for electric blue water is the toilet, courtesy of that nice Mr Duck or Mr Harpic.

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Ah, but when your pudding doesn't come but they still try to charge you for it...grrrrrrr!!

I was actually hoping they would, so I'd have the excuse to have a hissy fit, but alas they just claimed I'd never ordered it.

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HonaloochieB Wrote:


> Christ, I don't ask for much. Would a ring-pull

> bloody kill you?

I think ring pulls are outside of Christ?s remit. He?s more for water-into wine, fish sandwiches and leprosy that sort of stuff.

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not noticing any aircraft noise (after 6 months of living in ED).

reading all about it on here.

then noticing LOTS of aircraft noise in ED.

wondering if they have recently changed their flight path to specially fly over my bedroom window at 5am (6)

aren't they supposed to fly in a certain way that minimises noise? i read that somewhere so it must be true.

bring back the lovely noisy garden birds please.....

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Keef Wrote:


> Having to let TEN trains go by at Canada Water,

> then the train you manage to get on throws

> everyone off 2 stops later! Then the DLR is

> buggered. Grrr!!!!!! (6)

Hmmm... I warned people that changing at Canada Water was not going to be easy...

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Agreed Jeremy, but I think that day there was some big exhibition going on at Excel, so more people heading towards Canning Town for the DLR.

I may try staying on the overground til Shadwell and getting DLR from there, although I think it'll take a bit longer.

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That this is even a topic for discussion: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/magazine/8730106.stm

A man should always offer a lady his seat regardless of whether she is pregnant or not. Likewise men should stand aside for women to get onto the bus or train.

Where I grew up this was just normal practice but after moving to London 9 years ago I soon learned that the much touted term, English Gentleman is one of this world?s biggest misnomers.

As if there isn?t enough in this fucking world to make me fucking angry.


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People getting off the front of the bus pisses me off. We have a system that has worked well for scores of years, but some people just want to be different. If you have a very bulky item with you and it makes sense to hang around the front to keep it safe, then fair enough, getting off at the front is reasonable, but otherwise....Grrrr!
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A man should always offer a lady his seat regardless of whether she is pregnant or not. Likewise men should stand aside for women to get onto the bus or train.

Yeah, and then be accused of being a patronising Chauvinist pig.

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