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Tiny Little Things That Cause You Irrational Rage


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The selfish whiney Scottish bitch who, having kept half the neighbourhood awake til gone 1 a.m by sitting in her garden banging on about how crap men are and her idiot ex whilst apparently knocking back most of a bottle of a gin, decides it would be a good idea to continue the discussion at 7.30 on a Sunday morning. This woman is the single reason I dread the summer every year (five fricking years she's been doing this - costing me a fortune in ear plugs and many lost nights sleep)

Hurry up and drink yourself to death, you selfish pathetic dullard.

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Tempting to go at her with the hosepipe, KK, but let's face it, if appealing to common decency (and shouting out of the window at her to "shut the fck up, it's half past fcking three!") hasn't make a difference in 5 years, I rather think we are dealing with the kind of person who is liable to throw shit over your fence in response.

Did I mention that she is sometimes accompanied in her all-night whinging sessions by a bloke who only knows one song on the guitar ("No Woman No Cry") and insists on playing it ad finitum, despite the fact that his guitar-playing abilities are somewhat akin to a five year old on their first ever lesson, and his singing is not much better. I have a feeling he might be the idiot ex.

There is not much worse than being kept awake by someone performing inept reggae in the wee small hours.

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Ah, but he keeps coming back. I imagine because both of them are such appalling individuals that no-one else will put up with them. The man-hating whiner probably puts in a late-night booty call and the weak-minded fool comes a-running, guitar in hand. Perhaps she only puts out for a bit of Bob Marley. I don't like to think about it, to be honest. It's clearly a deeply sick and twisted relationship they have going on.

And BBW: that was roughly 46736928522895628499999 times better than what I have to listen to.

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PinkyB Wrote:


> Ah, but he keeps coming back. I imagine because

> both of them are such appalling individuals that

> no-one else will put up with them. The man-hating

> whiner probably puts in a late-night booty call

> and the weak-minded fool comes a-running, guitar

> in hand. Perhaps she only puts out for a bit of

> Bob Marley. I don't like to think about it, to be

> honest. It's clearly a deeply sick and twisted

> relationship they have going on.

I've just read my copy of the News Of The World and it seems you're living next door to Peter Andrews and Jordan 'Name Your' Price.

I'd get in touch with their Pee R insultant Mux Clifford. Heel tell yu what t'do.

You all could end up on the cover of Hate magazine.

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Jah Lush Wrote:


> British people using Americanisms like "garbage"

> instead of "rubbish." It's rubbish I tell you.

> Rubbish!

And "runway" when they mean "catwalk". Catwalk seems to have disappeared from the vocabulary of British journalists.

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The message "Buffering..." when you're trying to watch something on i-player or 4od. Yes, I do want to watch this programme in 3 second intervals with five minute periods of buffering between them. Thank you, modern technology!














for ever

and ever

and ever

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Right, apart from petty annoyance this combined hatred of two things is highly justified and I think a lot of you will agree.

Road safety.

I'm not picking on the motorist here as my rage is directed against the pedestrian. I don't drive a car but I ride a motorbike and over the years I've noticed how gormless today's pedestrian is becoming in their attitude to crossing the road. Do they still teach road safety in schools today as I was taught to look left, look right and at a busy junction look behind you. Today people just step out into the road causing me to hit the brakes hard and for those of you who know doing this on two wheels and 30-40 mph is a whole different ball game to 4 wheels and it scares you senseless. Do you know what often causes this lax attitude to life and death?


I can't stand these things. When the listener is 'plugged in' they're automatically cut off from the world around them where fast moving vehicles cease to exist. Don't get me started when they hold up the queue at the ticket barrier on the tube because they're 'shuffling'. Another reason I can't stand these digital attachments is that in my line of work the make the situation all the more difficult. Before the whole credit crunch hit I and a lot of the foremen were getting pissed off at this so we held a mock fire drill. I'd say about 25% of the work force heard the claxon and air raid siren and when we went around the site asking people why they hadn't left the building guess their reply? "what, I was on my pod". "No young man you were in a different universe and it quite clearly states on your induction they're banned, get your belongings out get off this site and find someone else to work for". That may seem petty and harsh in my campaign against the pod but it's a dangerous enviroment enough already without having a bunch of zombies there as well.

Rant over.

Entirely with you on the buffering Pinky.

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50-50 agreement with the wolf -

I used to be terrified on a regular basis by suicidal pedestrians, and lemming lane was possibly the worst, day or night: trendy chaps in flip-flops popping between the bank and smbs by day, drunken chaps spilling out of the bishop by night. Also found that motorcycling actually gets the worst of it rather than it being easier, because the same lemmings start to cross when they see a bike and only leave 2ft of the lane for the bike to slot through, then they can nip over the rest of the road. I once accidentally mugged an annoying city lady who did this so close that her bag strap caught on my wing mirror and I took her bag with me for a few yards!

But since temporary fiscal belt-tightening involved flogging the bike, surviving on public transport involves religious adherence to the ipod. But only on the commute. People missing safety drills because of them goes one over, though, and must be a real pain in the arse.

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louisiana Wrote:


> Jah Lush Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > British people using Americanisms like

> "garbage"

> > instead of "rubbish." It's rubbish I tell you.

> > Rubbish!


> And "runway" when they mean "catwalk". Catwalk

> seems to have disappeared from the vocabulary of

> British journalists.

And especially agonizing, 'Can I get a latte' when they mean 'May I have a latte'. I've noticed the majority of people in Nero's do this.

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