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Dulwich & West Norwood Results

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There are two issues about city centres - one they tend to have a mix of younger people, idealists, left-wing, well educated, together with a residue of 'traditional' working class. These are more likely to support Labour (and socialism more generally - see 'Scotland') Two - these constituencies are often small(er) than rural ones (population, not area) so there are more of them. So a smaller electorate can elect more MPs (per 100,000 head of population), which tends to exaggerate the first effect mentioned above. That is what the electoral reforms which the Lib Dems scuppered in the last parliament were about addressing.

What is interesting is the effect you mention has only worked for Labour this time in London - basically Labour won London, Conservatives won the rest of England, Scots Nats won Scotland, Labour won Wales and the DUP won Ulster. Bit of a divided country, if you're thinking of the UK as a country.

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Im afraid James and others in "Dulwich & West Norwood" will have been disadvantaged by the previous Gerrymandering by the labour party (key being that the East Dulwich Tory/libdem district is merely swamped by the lumping in of West Norwood which gives the easy Labour vote).

I believe the conservatives will be looking to rectify that shortly (re-gerrymandering?!) so I dont doubt we will see a new outcome in future elections

Keep going Mr Barber...whats her chops is invisible in ED

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Penguin - I agree with your summary of Labour voters in cities (i.e. mix of educated professionals, young idealists, working class and the disadvantaged) but I disagree that it's only worked in London. There seems to be pronounced Labour support around most bigger cities.. Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Birmingham, etc.
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I voted Lib Dem. First time ever (always been a labour supporter) and firmly in the champagne socialist camp. However I see nothing wrong with that. I personally wanted a Lab-Lib government to initiate a transfer of wealth that is long overdue.

Bloomberg headline today ''bankers dodged a bullet in UK election''


So are we to expect social unrest and riots as a direct result of this grossly unfair world? Do kids in london state schools really think politics is an option for them?

Right now it's a completely different world. It's a different world to most people on this forum (those that are currently in power that is). It feels like a hundred years ago elite, so outdated and backward. What will become of the NHS??? The tax cuts have to be funded from somewhere.

I don't see what we gain from the richer getting richer. It feels very short sighted and frankly irresponsible.

I'm exhausted and bewildered... rant rant

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holloway Wrote:


> I really feel for James Barber, always struck me

> as a good bloke and a visible presence in Dulwich.

> Hope he isn't part of the Lib Dem exodus.

Absolutely, I'm a Labour supporter generally, but James has done a lot locally and seems genuine and passionate.

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Was back in the 80's when I did a processional dance with the Blackheath Morris Men..

from the Bricklayers Arms Flyover - Elephant - Camberwell - Peckham finishing on Peckham Rye.

Simon Hughes was there at the start to set us all off.

He had a VERY weak handshake.. Can't trust anyone with a weak hand shake.


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What tax cuts? The conservatives increasedthe highest rate of income tax from 40 percent when they took office to 45 percent now (they were temoparirly 50 percent) but are still 5 percent higher than when they took office. On top of that higher earners lost their tax free allowance which increased their tax bill by 4,500 per annum on top of the 5 percent increase in the marginal rate.

northdulmum Wrote:


> I voted Lib Dem. First time ever (always been a

> labour supporter) and firmly in the champagne

> socialist camp. However I see nothing wrong with

> that. I personally wanted a Lab-Lib government to

> initiate a transfer of wealth that is long

> overdue.


> Bloomberg headline today ''bankers dodged a bullet

> in UK election''


> Great.


> So are we to expect social unrest and riots as a

> direct result of this grossly unfair world? Do

> kids in london state schools really think politics

> is an option for them?

> Right now it's a completely different world. It's

> a different world to most people on this forum

> (those that are currently in power that is). It

> feels like a hundred years ago elite, so outdated

> and backward. What will become of the NHS??? The

> tax cuts have to be funded from somewhere.


> I don't see what we gain from the richer getting

> richer. It feels very short sighted and frankly

> irresponsible.


> I'm exhausted and bewildered... rant rant

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northdulmum Wrote:


> I voted Lib Dem. First time ever (always been a

> labour supporter) and firmly in the champagne

> socialist camp. However I see nothing wrong with

> that. I personally wanted a Lab-Lib government to

> initiate a transfer of wealth that is long

> overdue.


Now where's my tin hat?

Very admirable, but as the rising tide of national wealth floats more peoples boats further up the wealth scale, these same people don't want their hard-earned grabbed by the state only to be handed it out in the form of excessive benefits to many who don't need it.

State benefits were originally intended to be a safety net for the unemployed, disabled and disadvantaged - not a lifestyle option for the feckless and work-shy.

It has got to the stage now where some receive more in benefits, totally free of tax, than the national average wage gross. There was a case recently where of one such recipient treated himself, his bride and family to a wedding reception in the Caribbean.

Safety nets , yes. Lifestyle choices, no. Wealth distribution is so so Old Socialism.

GG puts tin hat on!

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