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Bike shed in front garden? (Do I need planning permission...)

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Hi, am hoping more experienced people might give me their advice here...

We're a semi and share the side return with neighbours, so 5 wheeelie bins there between the 2 households. We used to have the bikes in a shed at the back, but just never used them, as we'd have to bump them down 5 steps to the back gate, move 5 lots of wheelie bins, just a massive amount of palaver with 3 kids in the morning.

We've had the bikes in the living room for a few weeks (nice!), and it has been life changing. Son cycles off to school by himself, younger 2 and I get our bikes and mooch off to school/ preschool. It's great. 5 bikes in the living room is not so great. We have space in a our front garden,and I am looking at something like Asgard or Protect-a-cycle (which has a high wall it could go against)>

My 2 main worries are:

1. Do I need planning permission for a bike shed (I am sure I have seen these in people's front gardens...). I have heard that 'many London boroughs don't let you put a shed in your front garden' - any one in Southwark who have one?

2. Is it a hopelessly naive invitation to burglars? (Does a Fort Knox bike shed just look like a challenge to break in?)

This is all fuelling DH's drive to move to the shires, so I am desperate to find a solution so I can cling on to the Big Smoke for a bit longer!

Any words of wisdom gratefully received.

I can't comment on the planning permission point, but I have a brick built bike shed with wooden door secured by a padlock on my front drive which was there when I moved in so I presume Southwark allow them - either that or the previous owners did something illegal!

It hasn't attracted any burglars so far - admittedly it mainly sits empty, but you can't tell that from the outside, and my boyfriend has used it a number of times for his bike.

Depending on how busy your street is, you may be able to get the council to install one of these:


(Fill in the "Suggest a Location" box).

Friend of mine who lives in Bromley just got one on his road. Looks absolutely gorgeous with planters along the sides. Am decidedly jealous.

I wouldn't worry about it... When we were living in a Southwark conservation area, the neighbours built a truly hideous shed right on their front boundary. No planning permission! It's still there - I see it from time to time. Must be at least 3 years it's been there now. Zero enforcement - just like fly-tipping!

Thanks all, love this forum!

The way our drive way works, you wouldn't really be able to see if from the kerb, as we have a very high brick wall (6 ft or so) that runs in front, broken only by the drive way... Was surprised that planning permission submission was ?170ish - making a bike store for 3 bikes increasingly pricey!

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