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Is Alleyn's School a cuckoo?

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  • 4 weeks later...
It does add one thing to our lovely area- traffic. Coach after Coach lining the area, parents double parking to tip their kids into the streets. Why dont they dig up some of that green land they have and put the buses and coaches there and let us locals move around the area without being inconvenienced.
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Hi brummie,

The green open spaces you see around such schools in Dulwich area are classified as Metropolitan Open Land and would need planning permission to build over and building car parks would be against stated Southwark policies. The coach service moves lots of kids to these schools without a seperate car for each kid. They avoid a lot of cars on our roads.

As a member of Southwark Cyclists/Dulwich Safer Routes to School several years ago I helped analyse where kids come from for one of the large schools and the CO2 of getting them to/from school. That school had 2/3rd of its kids living in Southwark/Lambeth. I suspect extrapolating that to this school would show predominantly local kids.

Hi Zebedee Tring,

The coaches are not supposed to leave engines running. If you (or anyone else) witnesses this please note the time, date and vehicle regiration and tell me. I've been assured by the school in the past they don't want this to happen and with this information can and will act.

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  • 3 years later...
There is no doubt that they contribute something to the community ? I mean it would be a pretty sad state of affairs if they didn?t right? Even the local estate agents sponsor community events, I mean that?s just basic civility right? It?s not too much to expect an organisation of their size to occasionally open up their facilities, or reach out to those in the local area in some way. The fact that people seem to consider that this amounts to significant acts of charity is actually pretty sad.
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miga Wrote:


> They contribute an education to those that can

> afford it. Life's not fair sometimes.

Yes, it's not fair cos these parents who pay the fees (out of their after-tax incomes) don't get a tax credit in respect of their kids not being in State education and hence not be a cost burden on the State.

I guess anyone would pay for private education if they could afford it ( eg Clegg and Dionne Abbott et al) so I hazard a guess you are actually saying it's unfair because your income doesn't cover this on top of all the things you want including holidays, car, fashion, mobiles, meals out etc etc.

We skimped, skivvied and saved for 20 years to pay for our kids to go to Alleyns. When they get on the career ladder I will consider it money well spent.


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Green Goose Wrote:


> We skimped, skivvied and saved for 20 years to pay

> for our kids to go to Alleyns. When they get on

> the career ladder I will consider it money well

> spent.

So no pressure, then.

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*Bob* Wrote:


> Green Goose Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----


> > We skimped, skivvied and saved for 20 years to

> pay

> > for our kids to go to Alleyns. When they get on

> > the career ladder I will consider it money well

> > spent.



> So no pressure, then.

Plenty pressure but we look on it as an investment in our children for their benefit and all investments involve risk. Reward comes when the risk pays off.


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Green Goose Wrote:


> >>>Does Alleyn's allow local schools to use the

> Michael Croft theatre?


> Why don't you ask Alleyn's direct rather than get

> information from third parties?


> GG

They (charitably) allow use if you pay and it's not being otherwise used. First hand experience.

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Our son went to a good comprehensive school. When he left Dulwich Hamlet, he was on the same level as two of his friends who went to Alleyns. However, he did just as well, if not better, as them at "A" Level and is now on the academic ladder after getting a first, MSc and PhD. Several of his comprehensive school friends achieved good degrees.

The money spent on private education is just not worth it. In essence it's a case of the apple not falling far from the tree; family background (and I don't mean poshness) is just as important as dosh spent at securing privilege.

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Green Goose Wrote:


> Plenty pressure but we look on it as an investment

> in our children for their benefit and all

> investments involve risk. Reward comes when the

> risk pays off.

It is your kid though, not stocks and shares. I find the analogy icky, tbh.

Don't think I'd lay that kind of sacrifice/expectation thing on mine, but each to their own ways.

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