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Anyone watch this documentary on channel 4 las night,It was about the kids who developed narcolepsy after having the swine flu vaccine. It was so sad to watch these children and families lives changed forever.

It makes me wonder what people who believe

vaccines should be mandatory feel about this.

Glaxo Smith and Klines refusal to look at the possibility it could be connected with vaccine was

In my view criminal, regardless of the goverment

Covering them from taking any responsibility for

individual claims for vaccine damage.

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I think it should be looked in to, but if it's proven that there is no link, that should be well advertised.

Lots of people still believe that their severely autistic children were "totally fine" before having the MMR Vaccine, and are completely convinced that this caused it. This has been proven to be total bollocks, but that is not a juicy headline, so no one shouted about it and the myth lives on.

Just read this


"The government U-turn follows a major study of four- to 18-year-olds by the Health Protection Agency which found that around one in every 55,000 jabs was associated with narcolepsy. A spokesman for GSK said it had details of around 900 people from 14 countries who had narcolepsy and were vaccinated."

I'm sorry but I think I'd take those odds.

david_carnell Wrote:


> Can you find a link to peer-reviewed studies on

> this?


> Seriously - this is MMR all over again. Stop it


There's more at bottom of this link. Although you seem to have made your mind up.

There is no question of the link with this vaccine, the question was up till recently looking at a certain filler

in the vaccine,this study is looking at the H1N1 antigens and the manufacturing components. I'm no scientist but would appreciate anyone translating the differences between the making of the two different vaccines Arepanrix and Pandemrix.

I would have thought there would have been some explanation in laymans term, from manufactures or maybe there hoping

people will just see it as these anti vacs again, maybe even believing some may see it as an mmr thing again, seriously

david get a grip.

The mother who said even if someone said sorry, just to show there human.

Otta Lucky you and me to have a choice, at others expense,

As the likely hood of the two scientists Stephen Krahling and Joan A Wlochowski court case against Merck draws closer,

(no hurry there then 2010)I've noticed sensationalist reporting is encouraging passing the blame to people who choose not to vaccinate,yet time and time again these companies break the law, get a slap on the wrist a $3billion fine and

contract for the next new vaccine.

TE44 Wrote:


> The mother who said even if someone said sorry,

> just to show there human.

I'm sure the substantial financial payout they'll receive will more than make up for lack of apology.

I do have sympathy with the unlucky ones, but at odds of 1 in 55k, I would call the risk pretty insignificant.

> Otta Lucky you and me to have a choice, at others

> expense,

Being as my family and I all had thinning 2009 I'm not sure what you're saying. I do remember that injection really hurting as they pressed the plunger, and I'm fine with needles.

Otta, did you watch it, i'm taking it you didn't

Or maybe you just couldn't understand the nightmare these people are going through, a pay out may

Compensate you in that situation but the mother

I was refering to has spent years watchin her childs life deteriate, no explanation or compassion

Has been shown. But hey no big surprise that people not in that situation cAn believe money would be enough.

I agree, terribly sad.

Always so difficult especially with new vaccines - as is pointed out above, do you take the risk of a potentially fatal illness or risk suffering side effects?

Personally, I'd rather wait and see with a vaccine. I did not take the whooping cough vaccine when pregnant (brand new recommendation) as who knows what the risks are yet. The doctor's receptionist gave me a very hard time but it is down to personal choice at the end of the day and for me there was not enough info out to know what to do, so I did not have it.

The difficulty with diagnosing narcolepsy must also be recognised here, unfortunately a major study to

Helping with a diagnosis was retracted. Link below.


There seems to be a problem with being able to

Translate findings into a language parents can understand. It makes it difficult for people to

Find info without going to sites that have been

Accused of manipulating facts, facts that are often

Hidden from the public through language.

I understand many people have neither the time or

Inkling, and may feel safe enough knowing the experts will take the care for there safety. Companies have been fined time and time again for

Not putting safety first, protecting there own interest. GSK were practically forced into doing a

Study on this link, after pressure from other countries, who had listened to the people on there streets protesting. It was not enough for GSK who may have save others from this nightmare condition

If they'd listened to the first findings.

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