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What East Dulwich needs?

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BD, that's expecting MP to meet the old 'absence of proof is proof of absence argument'... unless he can prove it's safe it must be dangerous...?

*Sideways glance before pulling cape over lower part of face and scurrying to shadows*

That'll be the old ED Batluddite

Bah! Edited upon realisation that I was 346th in line to the mental death squad brain fry widget-poking washing up cloths are filled with death and my button is whizzing your brain stuff thing is that a controlled parking zone or a brain scanner? there's people looking at my shoes...

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BTW I guess it was a joke? Do you really believe that xG?

Please K, as an epistolic mate, I can assure you that any sales pitch that talks about 'sinusoidal' impact (PHY) is talking about a bad cold and a hammer, not your next million.

These gambits are created by witless and illiterate thieves who make their pennies from day-trading. They bank on conning enough willing and enviro-conscious chaps like ourselves that the share price doubles and they walk with their booty from gullible punters who can scarce afford to lose it.

Please, let none of us join their ranks (either criminal or victim).

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Well strictly speaking there isn't a 'singular'. The '-ism' derives (action) nouns from verbal stems. It's derived in this case from some chap called Onan who..

"...was the second son of Judah. After his older brother Er died, Onan was required by the tradition of levirate marriage to marry Er's widow Tamar. According to Genesis 38:7-10, when he had sexual intercourse with Tamar he "spilt his seed upon the ground" because the resulting child would be considered his late brother's, not his. In response to the transgression of disobedience, God killed Onan"

But that seems more like Coitus Interruptus than well, you know...

And actually, come to think of it, a sound thrashing was always considered a good solution to inappropriate hand shandy in the schools I went to - but capital punishment seems a bit strong.

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East Dulwich needs wider pavements on Lordship Lane, ok it doesn't need to but it would be nice to have. Just like it would be nice to have a death slide* from Dog Kennel Hill and Dawson's Height to Goose Green.


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Does anyone else start singing "What a girl want, what a girl needs ... " (but quietly inside your head) when you see this thread?

Huguenot - you should start your own online encyclopedia. How do you know so much?!

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Loving the death slide idea, Mark.

Wifi frequency is much lower than mobile phones.

Batdog, mobile phones operate either at 900MHz, 1800MHz or 2.1Gz depending on what operator/ service you are using. WiFi is typically in the 2.5GHz and 5GHz unlicensed freqencies. So actually much higher frequencies.

As for xG/ xMax. Yes its claims are impressive but are basically untested (not saying they're untrue, btw. Just untested). And yes, the company floated on AIM last year and raised the grand sum of...no money. No wonder the shares are cheap.

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Ted Max,

Thanks for the infos; I know the frequencies, I "made" a typing mistake on my previous post, eventhough a wifi frequency is higher therefore a larger emission of electromagnetic energy, on a wifi point there is usually less concentration of transmitter/receiver "devices" at any one time whereas on a single mobile phone mast there are usually hundreds of mobile phones at the same time so the emission concentration is much higher.

So if we install let's say 4 wifi points within few hundred yards from eachother in the Lordship Lane area and each point has 30 computer on at the same time, the total will be 120 devices at any one time = same average on a phone mast but with a wifi higher frequency though more energy radiation. That's why full public wifi coverage is very unhealthy.

Anyway NO FEAR = it's only radio waves !!! (tu)

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I think we'd best leave it, then, BatDog. We'd only get this good thread lounged.

My selfish What East Dulwich needs agenda = more actual wildlife in the Wildlife Garden, more number 37 buses at the weekend and on Thursday evenings, Cheeseblock's amazing samosas to be made less frighteningly moreish, Deuchar's IPA widely available.

That'd be a start.

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Huguenot,,it wasnt a sales pitch ;-).Anything that will save the environment from simple recycling ...... to the biggest tech firms in the world offering to save energy.!

Xg floated yes and raised no money but is worth alot of money and has no revenue just yet that makes it even more unique at this time. The big players wish to buyout xgt as they are terrified but the owner will not sell out. The technology works,is working now, is cheap, saves energy and hopefully will not need these these masts that hover above us in the future . Get your wallet out Huguenot ....

Yes Mark, ED needs a wifi xmax signal that is free and safe. Maybe they could put the base station on the top of your block of flats ? (Dont worry it wont fry your brain) :)-D

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I am intrigued by the statement that shares in xG Technology are cheap. This statement implies that the company is undervalued meaning that it has greater value than is currently reflected in the share price. I take it this is a tacit endorsement of the company. The company floated at $4.50 and is currently over $13. An impressive movement in a matter of a few months. It is true that the company raised no money at float however they have just completed a $40 million fundraising through a convertible preference share option. The company at flotation had made it clear that they did not actually need to raise any money to execute their business plan - the attempt to raise money was simply a function of the IPO. There was considerable interest in the company from the very outset - conservative fund-management appears to have discouraged actual investment until initial commercial network was up and running, which is now happening in Daytona, Florida. Many people may make vast amounts of money from this company. Many others may come to regret not taking a punt.
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