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What East Dulwich needs?

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Bawdy you have hit the nail on the head,There have been whispering about this shop,and i have been told there are people walking around ed researching whether we need a maternity shop,traders being questioned.We have everything in the area,to cover babywear,maternity and etc.We dont need another one.Someone please open a sushi bar,thats what we need,sushi and plenty of it.
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I would like a late night venue, but maybe we could shake up the Bishop/Black Cherry night-life a bit by having wine at reasonable prices?

As unlikely as it looks, there are people living on LL who don't earn a mint,lounge in coffee shops all day and would also like to enjoy a few after work drinkies without putting myself into poverty.

I'm quite keen on having something a bit more up beat than the trendy wendy "we love 1970's wallpaper and dark wood" stuff that has leaked in from soho...like Tiki bar.

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Sushi would be good, I have to say I think William Rose and Moxon's are missing a trick by not selling any 'food to go', traditionally of course butchers and fishmongers did not do this but things change. I would like Chener Books to expand into larger premises, to know what is going into the premises just before the turning for Pellatt Road, to know what Park Hill Properties' intentions are, somewhere to buy clothes (no not White Stuff), a branch of Hotel Chocolat. Yes, yes I know, no chains, but they are so yummy!
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...definately less estate agents....or at least move up the lane a bit to make way for some more lovely shops...and car spaces for us to park in so we can shop...why on earth do we need them all back to back..yes E D is booming for house sales but mainly because of the great shops and the agents are stifling them...ridicilous...they would do the same business if they were out of the way a bit..they are established and people would still go to them...I think we should try and do something about them and get them to shift
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Lovely ED residents you may be glad to know that I have it on good authority that the old 'Two Trees' on Forest Hill Road is, as we speak, being turned into a family-run Italian restaurant...! Looking forward to seeing if my info is correct as it's just what we need locally.
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why am I always so suspicious when someone turns up saying things like this ...?

Thing is, I'd be less rankled if they just came out and said they're opening up / thinking of opening up a new place

Hurrah for a family run italian restaurant.

Boo hiss to the alienation induced by the revelation of one's place in the commercial scheme of things - passive gaping maw to the low-brow plankton of sub-standard "stealth" marketing.

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If you go back earlier in this post you'll see that the Italian restaurant in question opening up on Forest Hill Road is the good people of Lorenzo's in Crystal Palace who are opening a new branch of their esteemed eatery where the Two Trees used to be and Hurrah! to that.(tu)
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Any evidence for such a wildly and misguidedly conflated assertion before you panic half the families in ED? You might as well say too much school dinner and being shot can be fatal.

And 'that man down the pub with a wooden leg told me' doesn't count as a peer reviewed scientific authority!

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louisiana Wrote:


> A lido.


> A beach.


> Pan-ED free public wi-fi.

Ooh yeah! Free wi-fi would be great. Though it might be harder to get away from work if I could sit in a cafe with my laptop.

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Do you have any direct links to evidence from recognised health bodies rather than the Daily Mail and the the association for the electrically hypersensitive?

There is that great big aerial on top of Somerfields, does anyone here get affected by that?

[edited once]

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Like I say, peer reviewed proof.

Proof is not provided by asking someone to prove that something doesn't exist. Your electrosensitivity dot org doesn't offer anything in the way of hard evidence or empirical study, it's the internet equivalent of the man down the pub with the wooden leg told me. In fact it has something of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists feel about it, and conspiracy theorists are exactly the sort of people who post things like:

"do you have evidence that wifi does not damage health?"


And as for the daily mail... " A teaching union fears...that it may cause a risk..." oh yeah, definitive there!!! Classic Daily Mail scaremongering.

As I said, I've read scientific articles that have found some correlation between living in proximity to overhead electricity cables and a possible causal link to some cancers, but there is absolutely zip out there about wi-fi. It's radio for goodness sake batdog, you might as well say The Archers is scrambling your brain (actually there might be something in that).

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Unfortunately my little dog brain is not as strong as yours mockney and eventhough I agree that cellphone masts are far more dangerous and there is actually scientific evidence ( WiFi research are ongoing and soon will be proved ), I also know that extended exposure to Wifi frequency are not reccomended. Wifi frequency is much lower than mobile phones.

my point is that I am not the scaremonger, the world media and press ( not only the daily mail, the times and the bbc...everyone else has indeed published such articles/news ) are the scaremongers, so refer you conspiracy theories to them.

...and mobile phone + masts....for goodness sake mockney, it's radio.... (tu)


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East Dulwich and the world does not need mobile phone masts or anything similar close to schools, hospitals and indeed not on top of somerfields frying people as they walk past and whilst they work.There is indeed a town in england that has managed to get the masts removed due to many illnesses possibly connected to that technology that is under review.

There is however a solution to this alleged problem of masts and its being rolled out as we speak in miami,Florida and will eventually conquer the world of wireless and wired technology. It uses a small amount of energy to send a massive amount of data that requires only one small base station (size of home phone base station) per 18 square km of area.It uses a patented unique technology for the future of mobile broadband and voip that is energy efficient .It will hopefully revolutionise the way masts and mobile tech works. Don't take my word for it though..... You can find out more on http://www.xgtechnology.com] .The technical information is there and in various magazines,newspapers. It has recently floated on the AIM market in London by the way and shares are still very cheap despite the fact it has trippled in price recently.;-). Thats not inside info, this information is simply there for everyone to see.


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