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I'm trying here to see if anyone has any ideas/advise they can offer regarding a situation I've come up against a brick wall with. I'll keep it as brief as possible

My aunt is a Oap ,recently widow and her self in remission from cancer.Her southwark council owned property is in need of a good update,but our main issues are her windows, these are single glazed with rotten frames and most have the old fashioned plastic round air vents in. The house is freezing due to these and totally unsafe. She nows sleeps on a sofa in her sitting room due to the coldness and is extremely nervous regarding intruders etc.

Southwark council have twice sent the same rude obnoxious and totally unprofessional building inspector, who claims the windows are "fine";despite the fact workmen couldnt fit safety lock due to rotten timber. He even had the nerve to suggest we were only "after new windows for the way they look"

All we want is a safe, warm environment for an old lady. I have contacted Age uk and whilst they are very sympathetic, don't appear to have the power to help. Have also contacted her 3 local MPs,to which 1 replied he would "look into it"(3 months ago ).The other 2 didnt reply at all.

Sorry to ramble, but really need some advise on where to turn now

Many thanks

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Dear Jules,

I have nothing constructive to add but just wanted to say the treatment your aunt has received sounds awful and totally lacking in any compassion or decency.

I really hope James can guide you to a good resolution. Please do report back as I'm really concerned about your poor Aunt.


The police advise on security issues, don't they?

I realise this is a warmth as well as security issue, but a note from the police to Southwark Council to the effect that the house is vulnerable to break-ins might also add weight?

And when it's all sorted (hopefully soon) a complaint to the council about the vile building inspector might help others in the same sort of situation in the future.

Good luck.

Very best of luck to you. Your poor relative must feel very anxious.

Could you just tell us which three MP's you contacted, which of these bothered to answer and what they advised? It will, of course, be clear which two did not bother. This is precisely the sort of 'unsexy' issue that will show politicians in their true colours and is useful to have on the record.

I hope you have also reported what sounds like a truly disgusting attitude from a council employee.

It looks like the OP contacted councillors not MPs, but for the record, MPs can only take up cases for people living in their constituencies normally, unless there are extenuating circumstances. So I wouldn't expect one contacted about a case elsewhere to do much, but their office should at least let you know they can't help. Councillors are a different matter!
Hope you get on well with help of James . Southwark council does not seem to hurry themselves . I've been trying to help elderly neighbours move since last sept as one is 84 with arthritis the other 63 who has had stroke and just be diagnosed with lung cancer , they live on 3rd floor no lift 35 stairs to climb. 5 weeks ago they were given a ground floor flat but the council has failed to do work that needs to be done. Sadly the older lady fell on stairs and broke her femur in 3 places :( Southwark council knew of the continuing DIFFERCULTY but failed in their duty of care. They started work 2 hours after I reported accident bit late. They have sent a fruit and chocolate basket to hospital , maybe feeling a little guilty.they also had a front door that did not lock for 2 years good job they had security gate.

Just to add that the level of cuts councils are facing are phenomenal. Now this is in no way an excuse, but I for instance made 8 people redundant in a local authority last week in a department that is hugely overstretched. Madness really but that's the way it is. like, I say, no excuse but the government has deliberately destroyed services for the vulnerable by slashing the money councils have.

Councillor enquiry however on this case is exactly the right way to go. Good luck!

Here we go with the political footballs - Southwark is well known for directing money away from front line services when Labour are not in central government.

You may want to have a look at the schedule for major works- the WDS or Warm, Dry, Safe should tell you if your area is due for work


Is your Aunt's property a flat or a house? Southwark bangs on about its commitment to Cleaner Drier safer nice warmer yadder housing but missed the last deadline in 2010 and has never achieved it 5 years later. if your Aunt is in a flat and the windows to the flat are replaced any time soon (unlikely) she will then of course be liable for the charges. Secondly of course I worry for her that social services may come along and decide she would be safer in sheltered housing for which she would have to sell her house, if she is deemed to be able to live more safely in such a place. It is a horrible situation; I feel for you and hope for the best for your Aunt. And yes, it is a political situation. Everything is.

Is your aunt still being seen by a MacMillan or Palliative Care Nurse or is her cancer being monitored by GP?.

Some years ago a client was living in appalling conditions and his MacMillan/Palliative Nurse (from St. Christopher's Hospice), wrote a letter to Southwark Council and also made several phone calls to Housing Department and got urgent repairs done in less than a week. A letter to the local papers also seem to help in some cases especially with an election coming up.


Just an update on situation.

We have a visit scheduled from the local police and also Southwark pensioners services.

Southwark council sent another inspector, useless and he let it drop he was "best mates" with the original one .

Thanks for all suggestions ,most extremely helpful. ..apart from one ..advising me not to take "angst" with the council but instead invest in an electric blanket and nail down the windows !!!

Once again thanks all

Ps never heard from James Barber

Just being dealing with a guy who had a collapsed ceiling, hole in floor, no hot water, electrics partially working, exposed wires, unhygienic kitchen and bathroom, damp and mould. Most of the damage had been caused by council contractors who have over past few months installed new water tanks (which both leaked and caused collapse), Wiring was being replaced so they removed floor boards after cutting a hole in his carpet and then disappeared for last 3 months. The guy was placed in hospital by Police and LAS as they feared for his and carers safety in the property. Hopefully, the work will commence again next week after several of us contacted Housing and he is to be rehoused in temp accommodation whilst the work is completed.

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