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Southwark's (lack of) Consultation process: eg CPZ; Speed limits; Restricted parking; Cycling etc

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hopskip Wrote:


> This is a good clear piece from Bristol City

> Council on consultations and sets a clear

> statement of intent. We should look to Southwark

> for their equivalent.

> _____________

> Whenever we make a decision about improving or

> changing services, we need to be confident the

> decision is properly informed by public opinion.


> For nearly ten years, the council has maintained a

> corporate consultation strategy setting out the

> principles that should underpin consultation and

> engagement with the people of Bristol. Those

> principles remain true today and this new code of

> good practice seeks to reaffirm and refine them -

> and strengthen their consistent application.


> http://www.bristol.gov.uk/page/council-and-democra

> cy/code-good-practice-public-consultation


> Our seven consultation principles

> 1.Time consultations well and allow sufficient

> time to respond.

> 2.Clearly present relevant information and

> encourage informed opinion.

> 3.Be well targeted and reach out to seldom heard

> groups.

> 4.Offer genuine options and ask objective

> questions.

> 5.Be well planned, managed and co-ordinated.

> 6.Be listed on Consultation Finder and be well

> communicated.

> 7.Provide fair, accessible feedback.


> We will use these principles whenever we run

> public consultations.

These look really useful Hopskip. Do we know if Bristol adhere to these? Certainly seem like the right way to head.

rodneybewes, good question. I don't know - I am not from Bristol. They do have a Citizen's panel however of 2000 people (as do many other Councils). Their consultation website is very clear - all the open, closed and feedback reports and also links to the other relevant parking and traffic management consultations are made more obvious. It is not clear how they establish any prioritisation of the consultees input from the quick look I took.


Consultation Hub

Welcome to the Bristol City Council Consultation Hub. This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you. Recently updated consultations are displayed below; alternatively, search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

To keep up-to-date of new consultations, subscribe to our automated email notifications or 'Like' Ask Bristol on Facebook.

If you are looking for advertisement of Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO's) or Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTRO's) you can find them on the council's website.

Residents Parking Schemes (RPS)- please visit our dedicated web pages for what's happening in your area

If you would like information on any of our consultations in another format, including paper copies, please

telephone ................

Thank you @hopskip. I like the look of Bristol's consultation process, particularly: "Be well targeted and reach out to seldom heard groups." Which I don't think Southwark has been doing...

I looked back at @Dadof4's post on February 9. Compare his summing-up of Southwark's approach with Bristol's seven principles...

I also attended the consultation on the New Southwark Plan at the Dulwich Picture Gallery. We all commented on how badly the meeting was advertised and the officers offered to come back for another local session if councillors requested, so maybe James can try to set something up in East Dulwich, maybe at the Library (which is easier to get to than the Picture Gallery)??

Some of the policies that are being proposed will have a significant impact on Dulwich unless we stick together and object in unison. The One-Size-Fits-All policy approach simply doesn't work down here as we have totally different parameters than the north of the borough.

In the meantime, one of the things that came out at this meeting was yet another Revised Parking Standards policy that will further reduce numbers of available parking spaces in addition to the one-hour parade parking proposals. This is something that I fought for Dulwich to be exempt from for many years, but it looks like it could slip back in.

Here's a link:-


Something like this should be held at the weekend when the bulk of the population might have a chance to attend. What earthly point i. Having it in e middle of the day mid week. That is a rhetorical question, of course.


I have taken a look at this link and it is difficult to interpret for residential. What does PTAL stand for.

Correct me, but the link seems to be agreement to go out to public consultation on these revised standards for parking on residential streets, new build, residential institutions, shops etc restricting space particularly for existing residential in favour of space for cycle parking.

No details are provided about anticipated volume of demand for cycle parking or impacts for car parking restrictions.

How did you interpret it and when does it go out to formal consultation? I think that we should start a thread here anyway so that people can start to associate with the issues before it is being consulted on. If it is like the one-hour parking consultation document which has masked (intentionally or not) some of the actual details of the changes, this will be a problem.

I used this address ([email protected]) and did not get a bounce back. As you know, this alternative address was not provided on or alongside the consultation form.

I have also just rung Southwark and been told this is correct. In addition I was given the name of the head of department:

[email protected]

I have resent my earlier email also cc'ing him and asking for acknowledgment of receipt and confirmation that my input counts as part of the formal response. I'll PM you if I get a reply.

@Woodwarde, many thanks. It is quite extraordinary the degree of effort that is required to try to get some movement in what is termed a consultation. There are so amny issues on here where people are feeling thwarted and viewing/experiencing the consultation exercise as a barrier, where neither structure or process are transparent or helpful.

If each consultation was pursued and challenged, in a way that certainly seems necessary to get any kind of voice, there would not be enough hours in the day to do anything else. This cannot be right.

first mate

the parking projects (statutory and non-statutory) are on this link:


You will note that contact details are given on this page - and they should have appeared on the underlying consultation pages - but certainly did not for the one-hour shopping area parking changes that finished on the 9th.

Parking review

Tel: 020 7525 2021

Email: [email protected]

I have phoned that number and got through to voicemail and left a message to call me as my two earlier email submissions have not been acknowledged.

I have spoken to Southwark parking this morning on 02075252021 number.

The consultation is progressing and the view expressed is that the form is the best that can be achieved given the limitations of technology. The changes are believed to be clearly indicated.

The one hour proposal (one size fits all) is a manifesto item and also therefore a Strategic project.

It goes therefore as an IDM to the Cabinet Member (presumably Mark Williams) for decision and that decision would be subject to call in (ie it could be referred for scrutiny if so requested within 5 days of the decision.

I was advised that local businesses and residences within 50m radius of each parking area would have received a letter to their postal address with the consultation document. That is worth pursuing if you were not notified.

I just wonder about the point of any kind of consultation if the response to objections is to state that in the eyes of the council there is no problem...as seems to be the case here.

Thanks Woodwarde for keeping on with this. I hope others are also taking note as before we know it there will be big changes on the high street and it will be too late to change things.

@holymoly PTAL = public transport access level. It's a single-number measure from 1 to 6 of public transport provision in an area. Used by planners to decide how much parking they should or shouldn't provide for a given development.

Map here - not sure how up to date.


Obviously one number isn't going to capture the complexity of individual peoples' travel needs, how far they're willing to walk etc., but it's a reasonable guide to how easy it is to get from A to B without a car in any given area.

wolfhound, thank you, get it now.

If I read this correctly then East Dulwich and Dulwich are a low PTAL score = very little public transport provision.

Hence the need for a mix of transport.

Depends where.. much is a middling 3 or 4 out of 6, but some areas over towards Honour Oak / Forest Hill are indeed very low. Areas south of the Village too, but most of that is parks and sports clubs. It does rather highlight how poor the public transport is on the Kingswood Estate though.

I'm not sure what the criteria are but it seems to penalize walking distance quite heavily. For example Rye Lane is 5's and 6's, you only have to go a couple of hundred metres west to reach 1's and 2's around Chadwick Rd. You'd have to be either severely mobility impaired or bone sodding idle for that to be in any way comparable to being marooned in the public transport deserts of Zone 6.

  • 1 month later...

Has anyone encountered situations where the DCC reports have been changed retrospectively? I have seen that this has happened for the final DCC report on Townley Rd. Originally it stated under the list of Stakeholders consulted that the Dulwich Society has approved the development. This was pointed out as incorrect at the 17th March DCC meeting. Looking at the document on the website now, the statement has disappeared rather than the error being noted and annotated.

This seems to be extremely poor practice because it is changing reports and records issued into the public domain, with no traceability of that change.

I wondered how prevalent this is.

  • 3 months later...

This seems to be in limited email circulation. However - it provides an opportunity to comment on the effectiveness and procedures of the Dulwich Community Council generally and on any specifics of conduct.

Note deadline of Weds 15th July for responses.

Dear resident

This is a gentle reminder to ask you to give us your views about your experience of Community Councils to help us improve them- if you have not already done so.

We would therefore appreciate it if you could please take a few minutes to give us your views by answering the questions on the online questionnaire by going on this link (Just press the control button and click on the link)


All responses are anonymous and the deadline for answering the questions is Wednesday 15th July 2015.

We are writing to you because your name is on our list as having attended one of our community council meetings and/or activities and regularly receive information about community council activities from us.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your cooperation.

All the responses are anonymous. The last section of the questions asks people to provide information about their age, gender etc. This is because Southwark Council holds equality as central to the day-to-day delivery of its services and engagement with our diverse communities, and this information helps us measure and analyse how well we are engaging with all those who live and work in the borough. This also forms part of our legal responsibilities under the Public Sector Equality Duty of the Equality Act (2010). So, for example knowing that people from a certain age group are not attending the meetings, can help us adapt our meetings accordingly. Please also remember that this information is very useful for our work but you are not obliged to answer or complete any or all of it.

Please be assured that London Borough of Southwark holds and manages data in strict accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998. Southwark Council is the data controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. No personal information you have given us will be passed on to third parties for commercial purpose.

Correspondence Address:

Grace Semakula

Community Council Development Officer for Dulwich I Southwark Council

Housing & Community Services Dept, I Community Engagement Division I P.O.Box 64529 I London SE1P 5LX

TEL: 020 7525 4928

Mobile: 07852 334 065

Email: [email protected]

You can now be involved in community council discussions online, please go to https://forums.southwark.gov.uk or visit In My Area web page for Dulwich

Be involved in consultations: http://www.southwark.gov.uk/consultations

Follow us on facebook. http://www.southwark.gov.uk/residentinvolvement

The date of the next meeting Dulwich Community Council is Wednesday 9 September 2015, 7pm. Venue tbc

Copied for adjacent thread: Re: Dulwich Estate - fit to run conservation? new

Posted by DulvilleRes Yesterday, 11:14PM

The Planning Decision from the SG Smith workshop/ garage development will be made this coming Tuesday 14th July by Southwark Council Planning Committee.

The Committee are meeting at 7 pm in room G02, 160 Tooley Street, London SE1 2QH.

Local representatives from Gilkes Crescent and Calton Avenue Residents Associations, along with others, will raise concerns about this huge - scale highly disruptive development and it's environmental and road safety implications for Dulwich children. The future of the stocks plaque will also be on the agenda.

If you want to support them, join them on July 14th at North Dulwich Station at 5.50pm for the 6.01 pm train to London Bridge.

The application reference is 14/AP/3104, and it will be first on the agenda.

See SG Smith petition on Change.org for more information.

A local show of concern and support can really help make a difference. Many thanks.

Has anyone spoken about the lack of a consultation regarding plans to cut down the 10 acres of wood in Camberwell Old Cemetery (woodvale) and other woods in Camberwell New Cemetery (Brenchley Gardens). The council says they consulted in 2011 but I have heard there was only one reference to "trees" in their papers.

There will be a meeting Wednesday at 7:30 PM at The Rose Pub, 108 Forest Hill Road, SE22 0RS where we would appreciate someone expertise as we try to save the trees and the heritage.

Lewis Schaffer

Tree and heritage lover.

  • 3 months later...

Please see this email asking for views on Southwark's consultation methods:

From: Sangweme, Dennis On Behalf Of Planning.Applications

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2015 9:01 AM

To: Sangweme, Dennis

Subject: Have your say on the future of planning consultations - 21st Century Public Notices Survey

Dear Resident/Customer,

The planning division is taking part in a Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) pilot aimed at making public notices, including public consultation on planning, more accessible and attuned to the new ways people consume information in the 21st century. You will find more information on this pilot via the following link: 21st Century Notices.


We would like to further understand your needs and preferences regarding consultation on planning applications following an earlier survey in June 2015. We are particularly interested in your views on the recent improvements on the consultation process, including changes made to site notices, neighbour consultation letters, online planning register and submitting comments online. The survey should take up to ten minutes to complete and all responses are anonymous. Please feel free to pass the survey on to others interested in participating.

Take part in the survey here


The survey will be open until the 31st of October 2015.

Kind Regards,

Dennis Sangweme | Group Manager ? Validation & Fast Track

Development Management | Planning Division| Chief Executive's Department

The London Borough of Southwark | PO Box 64529 | London SE1P 2QH

T: 0207 525 5419 | E: [email protected]

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