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Its a hell of a community resource and I think that Mark & Co could do a lot worse than franchise out this particular format city, nay nationwide. Although I notice that The Bizarro world that is the West Dulwich forum is spookily free of any traffic...

The reason the EDF works is because there are:

1. A high percentage of home workers in SE22

2. Lots of mums and dads who don't get out much (enough!)

3. Its a friendly open bit of London with a reasonable sense of community.

It also has loads of gatecrashers!

I think it compares to a pub (as in a proper old school one with a mixture of clientele rather than just one demographic)when I first joined it was smaller and had the air of a local generally welcoming if you respected the local feel (which was occasionly the Slaughtered Lamb) so newbies were welcome if they made a 'proper' entry, nice, quiet buying eveyone an online round..noisy strangers were viewed with suspicion by some...as it's got bigger it's inevitably got louder and a bit less local..especially at the weekends, this means there's plenty of conversations, including many that you're not intersted in, but it's very noisy so finding the ones you like is more difficult as is finding your mates...like an old school pub it has characters, conventions, wind up merchants, occasional random strangers,,,,but I like it more and more


TJ - sorry to disagree but I reckon the 3 points you make apply to many other areas too

I think the recent lift in numbers is down to the EDF being a destination. It has become something "your mum" might even be aware of. And I reckon a large part of that is down to the people who frequented at the beginning - the keefs, the mockney piers, the huguenots and some others who have since drifted away. I read them all for ages before posting myself and the place stood out not as a local resource but a genuinely interesting place which happened to be in and occasionally about ED.

Their number has been swelled by several other regulars over the years - and it is these people that make it what it is, whether they joined 2 years ago, 2 weeks ago or haven't joined yet. Something other than just another forum. Lots of people come in and then drift away again but there is a core at the heart of this forum that doesn't exist elsewhere - and it is that which makes it different.

In my view anyway - it's what makes me keep coming back. Although I like quids description as well

weeellllll... I'm slightly in shock myself quids! I've always thought you have been too generous to people who like to "go fishing" or worse... even troll

But then you always thought I was too harsh. But when the upshot is as you describe....

what's even sadder than a middle-class tosser? Some loser who is middle class only in his fantasies and who can only afford to live in ED by getting into debt and yet still sneers at those who (he imagines) are 'less fortunate' than himself.

Brendan Wrote:


> Don?t we just do all of this to annoy Louisa?

Perhaps the whole of EDF is just a nightmare that Louisa had, and the whole of ED will be swept away to be replaced by Bromley High Street, when she wakes up.

FelicityNormal Wrote:


> what's even sadder than a middle-class tosser?

> Some loser who is middle class only in his

> fantasies and who can only afford to live in ED by

> getting into debt and yet still sneers at those

> who (he imagines) are 'less fortunate' than

> himself.

Do people actually do this? Seriously? I?ve never met anyone who sneers at those they imagine less fortunate.

In fact I don?t know anyone who sneers at anyone for any reason really.

Well except my uncle?s new wife but she?s the exception to a pretty constant rule.

louisiana Wrote:


> Brendan Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Don?t we just do all of this to annoy Louisa?


> Perhaps the whole of EDF is just a nightmare that

> Louisa had, and the whole of ED will be swept away

> to be replaced by Bromley High Street, when she

> wakes up.

I like to think of her as a kinda caricature reaction to the absurdity that sometimes manifests itself in London.

SeanMacGabhann Wrote:


> weeellllll... I'm slightly in shock myself quids!

> I've always thought you have been too generous to

> people who like to "go fishing" or worse... even

> troll


> But then you always thought I was too harsh. But

> when the upshot is as you describe....

But Sean it's not yours or mine it's a forum...it's not the Lodge (as it tried to be) it's the EDT...anyone can come and go and that's interwebby thing at its best with all the downsides...it's a big noisy pub now..

to illustrate the Lounge is clocking up a post a minute at the moment which means you can sit and post on here continoulsy if you want ...that's a pretty recent development but I guess it's lost some of its more considered and thought out posts

Very true quids, but whilst that allows anyone and everyone to post it should be equally true they have a responsibility to make some efforts to behave

The road to interwebby heaven is littered with the corpses of lively,s mart sites that became overrun by "barbarians"

If anyone wants an unmoderated, anything goes, East Dulwich specific site, may I point them in the direction of


Fascinating isn't it?

Sean M wrote,

Very true quids, but whilst that allows anyone and everyone to post it should be equally true they have a responsibility to make some efforts to behave.

The thing is Sean, there are specific longtime posters who are complete windup merchants, yet the Forum seems to approve of it? Some others are antagonistic derogatory and inflammatory.

The Forum doesn't "approve" of it Mikecg, you should report it. If you report it and it's malicious it will be dealt with by Admin and the team. If you believe posters are "antagonistic derogatory and inflammatory" report it, don't assume that the management "approve" of it because it's posted, they don't.

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