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fazer71 Wrote:


> I have not and would never compare the holocaust

> to aircraft noise.

> IMO I'm due an apology.


> Please STOP your absurd insulting OT posts!

You made a crass and insensitive comparison which involved the holocaust. Who on earth owes you an apology? You really do have problems fazer.

edcam Wrote:


> fazer71 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > I have not and would never compare the

> holocaust

> > to aircraft noise.

> > IMO I'm due an apology.

> >

> > Please STOP your absurd insulting OT posts!


> You made a crass and insensitive comparison which

> involved the holocaust. Who on earth owes you an

> apology? You really do have problems fazer.

I did nothing of the sort. !!!

It was you who made out that I compared the holocaust to aircraft noise UC.

Disgusting !

And for that you owe me an apology !!!

*Bob* Wrote:


> I suppose it could be


> 'understanding chocolate'


> or even


> 'underarm clippings'



> But I doubt it..

Could be

You See

You Clown

You Cock

endless possibilities UC.

But let's be clear I never called anyone a Cu?T..

edcam Wrote:


> fazer71 Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> >> It was you who made out that I compared the

> > holocaust to aircraft noise UC.

> > Disgusting !

> > And for that you owe me an apology !!!



> You're deranged.

No NO no

You deranged my post into something ELSE !!!!

You are a deranger ... You seeeeee ... UC


This is so comical

I'm deranged amongst may other things.

Yet someone who says

I am supposedly a fan of Thatcher (which I?m not) I should be happy to be bombarded with aircraft noise!


the brains of holocaust deniers with the brains of aircraft noise deniers,,


Apparently the same as comparing aircraft noise to the holocaust.

I say UC and apparently it means I?ve called someone a cu&t.

As I?m driven to distraction by the aircraft noise I?m an angry LITTLE man.

The list of deranged interpretations is almost endless.

When I stand my ground I?m apparently being the aggressor!

Couldn?t make it up ?

What a nonsense

Utter Cobblers

edcam Wrote:


> ....and delusional.


maintaining fixed false beliefs even when confronted with facts, usually as a result of mental illness:

Ties in quite nicely with my comparison of deniers.

How about this for me.

Q. Are our ED skys silent and void of considerable aircraft noise?


Q. Is ED off the Heathrow Flight path?


Q. Did I compare aircraft noise to the holocaust?


Q. Have I said capitalism before humanity?


Q. Have I called anyone a cun$?


Imho A. No to all the above? Looks like I?m not delusional.

Can we say the same for a few others on here?

Fazer in all seriousness, comparing the denial of one thing to the denial of another thing is indirectly comparing those two things.

Holocaust has no business being mentioned at all in a thread about noisy planes.

No doubt you'll dismiss this and call me a moron or worse, but facts are facts.



You know I'm not playing with the aircraft noise issue, it affects my life every day.

I can?t see how comparing the denial of one thing to the denial of another thing is indirectly comparing those two things.

If that were the case no one would ever compare anything for fear of confusion.

Comparing oil to water and saying they are liquids.

Isn?t saying water is flammable like oil, or that water is clear and oil is black it?s just saying they are both liquids if that?s the comparison being made.


Comparing the thinking of holocaust deniers to the thinking of aircraft noise deniers.

Is not the same as comparing the holocaust to aircraft noise not even close!

If there were another suitable comparable I would have used it but I couldn't think of one at the time, I still can?t, can you?

I had never heard the term birthers so wouldn't have used it, even now I don't think it?s a suitable term as few people know what a birther is, so it would have required further explanation, not good for comparison purposes.

I don?t see any reason not to mention the Holocaust War Thatcher or anything else in a thread if it helps the conversation and adds to the debate.

Unfortunately / Sadly in this instance the comparison has overshadowed the conversation as some readers bizarrely view any mention of the holocaust as politically incorrect and see it as a taboo subject.

Is it taboo? It?s not like a cartoon of Allah is it?

If you or anyone else is offended by my holocaust denier?s comparison then you are offended through choice, not by me!

Agreed facts are facts.

Very annoying when others deny the facts.

I think, outwith linking your own, frankly, in the grand scheme of things (in which I include the Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS), somewhat petty problems with aircraft noise to the holocaust being over-egged and distasteful - the point many, including me, have been making is not that the aircraft noise doesn't exist, of course it does, but that it doesn't disturb us in the way it disturbs you. So we are not denying anything, not even that you are clearly very disturbed by the noise. We just don't share your level of angst. So your accusation of 'being like' holocaust deniers doesn't even make sense. We are denying nothing, just not sharing your levels of pain. The noise is there, it really doesn't bother me. If anything, what you are implying is thus that not being bothered by the aircraft noise is the equivalent of not being bothered by the holocaust. And if you think that...

fazer71 Wrote:


> Is it taboo? It?s not like a cartoon of Allah is

> it?

It should be discussed, it should never be forgotten. But it shouldn't be raised to make a point about noise.

Anyway, this is silly, I won't post again and add to your issues. Unless you imsult me, in which case I'll be back :-)

Hope you sleep well tonight.

Penguin68 Wrote:


> I think, outwith linking your own, frankly, in the

> grand scheme of things (in which I include the

> Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS), somewhat

> petty problems with aircraft noise to the

> holocaust being over-egged and distasteful - the

> point many, including me, have been making is not

> that the aircraft noise doesn't exist, of course

> it does, but that it doesn't disturb us in the way

> it disturbs you. So we are not denying anything,

> not even that you are clearly very disturbed by

> the noise. We just don't share your level of

> angst. So your accusation of 'being like'

> holocaust deniers doesn't even make sense. We are

> denying nothing, just not sharing your levels of

> pain. The noise is there, it really doesn't bother

> me. If anything, what you are implying is thus

> that not being bothered by the aircraft noise is

> the equivalent of not being bothered by the

> holocaust. And if you think that...

Well put. I'm with you in that it doesn't annoy me as I said a few pages ago whilst also accepting that fazer71's perception is their reality, just like mine.

fazer71, please read this and stop steaming in to people, it's not helping anyone.

Penguin68 Wrote:


> I think, outwith linking your own, frankly, in the

> grand scheme of things (in which I include the

> Syrian civil war and the rise of ISIS), somewhat

> petty problems with aircraft noise to the

> holocaust being over-egged and distasteful ? the

This is insane!


Please stop saying I did!

In the grand scheme of THINGS apparently the only thing that matters is freedom to fly ,, Quality of life takes second place!

That is the view from many of the responses to aircraft noise on this thread?

(Live with the noise even if it fu$ks up your quality of life be thankful you are still living and breathing.! We don?t have a problem with IT! So why would anyone else!)

> point many, including me, have been making is not

> that the aircraft noise doesn't exist, of course

> it does, but that it doesn't disturb us in the way

> it disturbs you. So we are not denying anything,

I?ll accept that is the case for some and I?m delighted for you and them.

But others deny it could be a problem, read through the thread.

Comments like ?perceived noise? and others are clear imo.

Maybe I have misconstrued the comments as you and others have misconstrued my denier?s comparison?

If I have and you and others are able to explain as I have then I would accept any misunderstanding and apologize.

Would you do the same for me?

> not even that you are clearly very disturbed by

> the noise. We just don't share your level of

> angst. So your accusation of 'being like'

> holocaust deniers doesn't even make sense. We are

> denying nothing, just not sharing your levels of

> pain. The noise is there, it really doesn't bother

> me. If anything, what you are implying is thus

> that not being bothered by the aircraft noise is

> the equivalent of not being bothered by the

> holocaust. And if you think that...

There you go again putting words in my mouth and misconstruing what I have said and getting all offended by your own warped interpretation.

To be very very very clear

I do not think that if you are not bothered by the aircraft noise it is the equivalent of not being bothered by the holocaust.

For you to suggest that is a disgusting insult!

Anyone who came to that conclusion from my comparison can only be described as a deranged na?ve nasty individual, especially as I have made it very clear my only intention was to question the thinking attitude and mindset of those who come onto this thread to question the existence of aircraft noise and question how it could be problem or anyone.

Noise affects everyone differently but at some point it reaches a level which will annoy everyone (other than the deaf).

We are sleepwalking into a 3rd Heathrow runway which would increase aircraft noise levels for all.

So if you currently don?t hear the aircraft noise it is only a matter of time before you do as the number of flights will increase and in time flights will run 24/7 because as we have seen it?s the right of everyone to fly no matter what damage it does to the environment and how miserable it makes the lives those who live under the constant noise!

Can we please draw a line under my comparison it has overtaken the subject of the thread clouded the thoughts and emotions of those who are unable to see it for what it is and insist in reading a nonexistent subliminal message.


Zebedee Tring

Thank you for you practical suggestion.

I have covered this before to recap.

I have tried ear plugs after trying foam and wax earplugs which hurt I paid ?200 at a Harley street specialist for a custom made pair of ear plugs

BUT the problem with all ear plugs even ?200 custom ones is after four hours or so my ears begin to ache the pain become unbearable and it?s the pain from the ear plugs that wakes me up before the 4am flights so unfortunately they are not a solution.

I?ve also tried white noise machines but they don?t block out the aircraft noise and they kept my O/H awake.

Fazer me old China, you are between a rock and a hard place

" I have tried ear plugs after trying foam and wax earplugs which hurt I paid ?200 at a Harley street specialist for a custom made pair of ear plugs

BUT the problem with all ear plugs even ?200 custom ones is after four hours or so my ears begin to ache the pain become unbearable and it?s the pain from the ear plugs that wakes me up before the 4am flights so unfortunately they are not a solution.

I?ve also tried white noise machines but they don?t block out the aircraft noise and they kept my O/H awake."

Completely unrelated but I love this song

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