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The study referred to excludes any analysis of Southwark - and shows that the levels of experienced noise drop off considerably as you move eastwards towards the uncovered area. The 'high' levels of noise which are health effecting are not (to extrapolate from the areas actually studied) over ED. And the fact that by no means all of those at least on this and sister threads perceive 'high levels of aircraft noise' would suggest that this is not an absolute impact - unlike for those actually living close to Heathrow - which was the determinant of this study. The actual title of the study is Aircraft noise and cardiovascular disease near Heathrow airport in London: small area study

Again - I do not want to belittle the perceived impact on those who are sensitive to the noise, just to suggest that there may be coping remedies available where the closure of all airports around London is unlikely.

pop, I thought there was one earlier, either way, it came out of the east, was v loud and heavy, and the noise woke me, still awake (obviously) now going to close the window. It is cooler out there now, we will be complaining of the cold before you know it.

Hi Pop,

You are not alone!

Like you, and many others, I have noticed a huge increase in aircraft noise locally over the last few years.

Forgive me if I repeat anything from previous posts, but I personally am hopeful that we can find a voice on the issue, so if anyone has any pointers, please share them.

This is an interesting article on the airportwatch site.


There's a fair amount going on on the HACAN site, some of which is relevant to our area. Check the Blog.


HACAN released this initial study a few years back, when the authorities began looking into changing the London flight paths:


38degrees have been on the case.



There have been changes to flight paths relatively recently, so logic would dictate that given sufficient voice, an issue could be raised to encourage the CAA to look at changing flight corridors again.

These days, the noise often starts at 4:30, where I believe regulations used to prevent night flights coming over before 6:00 am

This seems to me a very valid issue, especially when consultations for UK airport expansion are still open.

Flight paths have been adjusted before, so logic dictates that they could possible be altered again!

Anyone interested in getting their voices heard on this issue?

Nutmeg Wrote:


> I was surprised to find threads on aircraft noise

> as its never bothered me before (after 9 years in

> ED) but I was woken up this morning by a low

> flying aircraft at 6.15 and then there was a

> succession of them so I thought I'd see if anyone

> else noticed a particular problem this morning?

For what it's worth, I've noticed that the noisiest aircrafts by far are 747s. Since BA is still the world's largest operator of 747s, there is a good chance that a string of them will land in succession, especially early in the morning when most long-haul flights land. But as far as I know there is no rule as to what type of aircrafts land when.

787s and A380 are much quieter so the noise will reduce over time, as BA renews it's fleet.

The planes start at 04:30 and continue throughout the morning with less than a minute gap which when you take into account the noise from their approach and departure over East Dulwich means you have around 20 seconds of peace and quiet.

I appreciate that living in London will be noisy and am not particularly sensitive to this. However, the aircraft noise is beyond the normal and has deteriorated in recent times and is beyond what I believe is acceptable.

If you download any number of apps including Flightradar24 (free) you can see that East Dulwich gets planes converging from both the Greenwich direction and up from Croydon. I appreciate that planes are a necessary but surely it would be better to have them take different routes as opposed to the same route from 4:30 until late evening like a conveyor belt.

I have emailed Helen Hayes MP who has written to the Department of Transport. I am still awaiting their response despite chasing. If you are also concerned about the noise please do the same and raise the issue with our MP.

I think they sound louder today. Although I hadn't really thought about it until I saw this post. Now if i sit and listen for them I can hear them. It must be the wind or something. But best just to try and not think about them I still say, then they become pretty much invisible :)

Fellow sufferers,

Absolutely sick to death of continuous aircraft noise and have written to Boris Johnson in the past about not wanting the third runway at Heathrow. Have sent off a similar letter to our new mayor, but just read somewhere that he's for the expansion of the airport. I also read that when the development does go ahead the increase in business and tourism will 'make every family in the country ?24,000 a year better off' Well that's all right then. Although things will be much worse, at least I will have a nice big check coming through the post!

Hooray for Khan- saviour of the common people of London!

i*Rate Wrote:


> Fellow sufferers,


> Absolutely sick to death of continuous aircraft

> noise and have written to Boris Johnson in the

> past about not wanting the third runway at

> Heathrow. Have sent off a similar letter to our

> new mayor, but just read somewhere that he's for

> the expansion of the airport. I also read that

> when the development does go ahead the increase in

> business and tourism will 'make every family in

> the country ?24,000 a year better off' Well that's

> all right then. Although things will be much

> worse, at least I will have a nice big check

> coming through the post!


> Hooray for Khan- saviour of the common people of

> London!

I don't know where on earth you're getting your information from - didn't the ?24K claim alert you to the fact that it's bollocks? - but Khan supports expansion at Gatwick and opposes the third runway at Heathrow.


Why is it that plane noise is loud this morning when there is dense cloud and they are above it? 6.10/12 ish this morning I was awakened by a large plane coming in from the east, the direction my open window faces. It isn't the

noise of planes flying over that disturbs and wakes me, as the occasional screaming sound of the engines as they ponder over

Barry Road.

When I moved to CPR I was astonished that planes were flying overhead, disconcerted and anxious.

Obviously this is another noise and situation we are required to tolerate - as posters here have pointed out,

some days are worse than others.

The noise does not unduly affect me, apart from the pitch as they come over Barry Road, as though they are

in the wrong gear, or if they are especially loud large and heavy.

There is one screaming over now, a lighter plane, 7.13, a high pitched volume, this is what bumps up my 'alert'

senses. The windows are firmly closed, double glazed, heavy curtains, the noise penetrates.

I subscribed to MissKing's theory of invisible noise but this morning it is simply not working.

Saturday 10th there was a low flying helicopter hovering over my house I looked out of the window and it hovered there for a while, then circled for a bit and flew off. It didn't have any markings it was all black. It was very loud and as if it was going to land on the house it was so close.
Just a thought - it's particularly frustrating when both Heathrow and City are landing overhead. This shouldn't really happen ie both into the wind, but it seems that City is less sensitive to wind direction. I think Dulwich is probably the only area where both approaches fly over. Maybe worth seeing if the CAA could force them to coordindate
So you moaners don't make any noise and I presume you don't fly away on holiday causing noise for others. Yea right you don't. I hate the following car door slammers/drunks/loud music racket blaring out from cars/ignorant people swearing every second word and also disgusting foul smelling barbecues. Being a pilot I absolutely love aeroplane sound which is music to my ears and shame we don't have good old DC8's 707's and Trident's passing overhead. Now they would give you cause to complain well that's if you need any.
(BTW I don't fly because I am happy to holiday in the UK.)However, the noise of aircraft is unnoticeable these days for all the reasons Ron stated AND the constant noise of power tools from building works, and the dust and pollution the building works create, and the awful carbuncles appearing on many dwellings in ED- not to mention the increased pollution from vehicles as each house is transformed into 3 rabbit hutches.... which is affecting the health of ,especially, school children according to Southwark today.

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