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I was just wondering if anyone knew anything about the following:

1) The shop that was Karavan and has now been painted a nice shade of yellow with strip lighting inside - what is it going to be?

2) The old glass/mirrors shop - is that still gonig to be a clothes company - the White Stuff I think?

3) The Jamaican Restaurant (near Moxton's) has closed - what is that going to be?

4) Any other new additions anyone knows about (Wasn't there a whisper of an M&S Simply Food?)

East Dulwich is great for all the exciting changes althoguh some are better than others - not sure how long that new kitchen shop is going to last down by the EDT.

Hi Katie!

Karavan remains Karavan, but they're going for a more Silk Road feel with imported chinese items.

The old glass and mirrors shop has been let to White Stuff with an opening date in a month or so. They're subletting one of the three units.

I've not heard about Jerk Rock, I think they ran out of cash.

M&S Simply Foods has no publicly stated desire to come to ED, and hasn't been associated with any of the current units, but is a focus for distrust amongst long term residents associated with arriviste yuppie interlopers (like me! ;-))

Thanks for that - not as exciting as I had hoped - would love to see a Wagamama style place or sushi, and somethign completely different as we have enough craft/gift shops. Love what they have done to Green and Blue's now and it makes an excellent place for lunch. Reading another post they are saying Bella Pasta in the Village is to be a Cafe Rouge!!!

I think M&S food would be great instead of Iceland - that isn't a very Dulwich place.

careful Katiesa - one mustn't exclude people because they aren't very "Dulwich". Iceland and it's customers have been around here for a lot longer than most of us and has been pointed out is a lifeline for people who don't have as much money... Now if the building didn't look so darn HIDEOUS that would help but hey....
I will do everything in my limited power to make sure Iceland is not forced out by bloody M&S.. I really do take offence to people who blindly come out with ill thought comments.. The store has been on LL for many years and it has a large customer base, i'm sure the yummy mummy community have more than enough overly priced indepedent food shops to buy organic produce at without forcing long standing locals into Peckham to buy their weekly groceries!
Sorry I didn't mean to sound snobby - just get excited by new places popping up - but you are totally right there are lots of places that have been there for a lot longer than any of us and should stay and they all are important - too many new places might ruin Dulwich and E.D is special as it is. Iceland and Somerfield are great for the weekly shopping.:)
I think I'm right in saying that before it was Iceland, that store was...wait for it...a Sainsbury's freezer centre. (Can anyone verify that, it must have closed in the mid 80s?) There were three stores clustered together competing for grocery customers, Sainsbury's freezer place, Gateway (?) (the predecessor of Somerfield), and across the road where Woolwich is now was the Co-op. Those were the days. Not.

According to a Lordship Lane business owner based nearby, the third unit of former Walsh Glazers (ie not White Stuff) is going to be a shoe shop.

He couldn't say what type, although I'm praying for a Clarkes rather than a Minalo Blahniks else I'll never get me missus out of there and we'll have to remortgage.

He seemed very believable.

I'd be surprised if White Stuff opens any time soon... there seems to be a distinct lack of action in there. Although saying that, these shop fitters can move at quite a rate once the wheels are in motion.

Iceland is good, you can get some excellent deals on beer and ice cream!

I remember Bejam! Yes, let's bring it back. What about a Wimpey? My mum used to take me there for lunch. I recall there used to be a burger called "Bender in a Bun" but nobody seems to believe me! Does anyone else remember that?

Hopefully the shoe shop will be something like Bullfrogs in Greenwich (bracing myself for shrieks of "A chain!")

Isn't there a greasy spoon up by AJ Farmer. We don't need another Wimpey.What's the most useless shop i LL? That you go into and say 'oohh look at the pretty things...' and then look at the price tag and leave. I would kick off with that new kithen shop down by EDT. How much for a blue plastic fish slice???!!
Alan so it's perfectly ok for the three-wheeled buggy brigade to only have to pop round the corner onto LL to get their weekly groceries in the small independents, but the other low income four-wheeled pram owners should have to like it or lump it by going a bus journey away to Peckham to stock their cupboards? Surely you cant have the whole of LL filled up with indepedents that cater for certain income groups as well as chains which do the same? I see no point in Iceland closing for M&S when you have one of those supposedly upmarket Somerfield stores already along the lane..
The place where the kitchen shop is had been empty for well over 2 years. So you don't like it? Would you prefer all the shops you don't like to be replaced by empty shells? It's easy to knock these places but I don't see lots of alternatives suggesting themselves.

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