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binmen actually putting bins back to where they were


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As I have noted in another thread, the binmen in my street (and I suspect many others) work by a forward man pulling bins into the road, consolidating bins (turning two half-empty bins into one full one) and so on - up to 5 minutes later the lorry pulls through, the bins are emptied and returned, broadly but often not exactly to where they were taken from - the lorry men not seeing this part of the collection to exactly where they originated. If your bins have the street number painted on, then you get your own bins back, if not, then it's possible you might get another bin, particularly where houses are very close together, and there may not be a lot of road space for the pulled-out bins. When a bin is emptied during consolidation it will normally be replaced pretty close to where it was left. That's particularly true of the brown bin collection - the green/ blue bins (in my road) have forward men much closer to the lorry. When the men have time (i.e. the lorry is stalled in traffic) they can be much neater, but they have a lot of work to get through. If there are 'obvious' places for bins then they are more likely to be returned there (i.e. special enclosures). Some houses will pull bins from the back of the house to the front, for collection, so returning bins into the front garden or area may be the best the binmen can do anyway. They (normally) try not to leave them out on the pavement, unless there's nowhere else to go with them.
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I have also contacted the council about this as ours is left on our path nearly every week and I get home carrying a baby and have to try to move bin with my foot or squeeze past (neither easy) and I can't put baby down as she's not walking yet.

Council replied and said message has been passed on so we'll see.

I'm actually home today so may get to see them in action so could speak to them if it's done again.

I pointed out in my email that there are other people out there who wouldn't be able to move their bin at all so some consideration is needed. A couple of inches to the side and the path is clear. I don't think I expected them to be put back exactly where taken from but if they wanted to it's obvious as there is always one bin type not collected each week so you can see where they all "live".

We're in Ondine Road.

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In my road there is often a gap of 1-2 hours between the guy who sorts and the actual collection. The sorter also has an unpleasant habit of chucking on the ground anything he doesn't think should be in the bins. As I'm usually around during the day and these are shared bins, I generally end up tidying up after them and recovering the bins that have ended up over the road. All a bit boring, but as long as they manage not to scatter broken glass all over the place - a real problem when the bigger bins started and the cause of many a puncture on my bike - I'm OK with that.
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When Southwark Council first distributed wheelie bins, I guess over 20 years ago now, a leaflet was also distributed that instructed residents to wheel their bins to the boundary of their properties on each collection day. Clearly this turned out to be a bit of a lost cause but as regards returning bins to their proper places, the refuse collection service outline http://www.southwark.gov.uk/a_to_z/service/357/refuse_-_household_waste_-_collection states "collectors will put your bin back within the boundary of your property after emptying it", nothing about returning it to their correct places. It's reasonable to expect though that they are not left in such a way to cause an obstruction.
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nxjen Wrote:


> When Southwark Council first distributed wheelie

> bins, I guess over 20 years ago now, a leaflet was

> also distributed that instructed residents to

> wheel their bins to the boundary of their

> properties on each collection day. Clearly this

> turned out to be a bit of a lost cause but as

> regards returning bins to their proper places, the

> refuse collection service outline

> http://www.southwark.gov.uk/a_to_z/service/357/ref

> use_-_household_waste_-_collection states

> "collectors will put your bin back within the

> boundary of your property after emptying it",

> nothing about returning it to their correct

> places. It's reasonable to expect though that

> they are not left in such a way to cause an

> obstruction.

Or advertise that there is no one in all day to one and all.

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I think we're actually fairly lucky that in Southwark we have a service whereby binmen come and collect bins from our properties in the first place. They are under no obligation to do so and most other councils across the country require you to present the bin for collection. In addition, they are not your bins; they belong to the council so does it matter which bin you get back? Again, the council is under no obligation to provide waste containers and a lot of other local authorities either don't provide them or charge residents to buy them. I sympathise with people that need assisted collections but really I think we're expecting too much of the service here!
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Can I just point out that prior to the provision of "wheely bins" most of us in Southwark had our own bins. It was the council that decided to issue these new bins for their convenience of emptying once per week and at the same time decline to empty any other type of bin or plastic bag. At that time we all had the use of our front yard, however small it may have been and didn't have to put up with the eyesores of streets of wheely bins of assorted colours. And yes, as I have put No. stickers on my bins and pay to have them cleaned, I do expect to get the same ones back everytime and not to have to go down the street swapping with neighbours. This is after all a paid for service included in our rates and taxes not something provided out of the Council's goodness of heart.
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Mustard Wrote:


> Someone with a baby can't move her bin or her elderly neighbour's bin? Seriously?

The post actually said "heavily pregnant mum-to-be". So clearly should not be pushing full bins around!

willow Wrote:


> they are not your bins; they belong to the council so does it matter which bin you get back?

Yeah it matters, when you've spent time cleaning your own one, only to be given someone else's stinking filthy bin in return!

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Jeremy Wrote:


> Mustard Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > Someone with a baby can't move her bin or her

> elderly neighbour's bin? Seriously?


> The post actually said "heavily pregnant

> mum-to-be". So clearly should not be pushing full

> bins around!


> willow Wrote:

> --------------------------------------------------

> -----

> > they are not your bins; they belong to the

> council so does it matter which bin you get back?


> Yeah it matters, when you've spent time cleaning

> your own one, only to be given someone else's

> stinking filthy bin in return!

|I was referring to Ginster's post.

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Wow thanks Mustard, so understanding(!)

Moving a large wheelie bin (even an empty one) one handed while holding on to a heavy baby with little room to manoeuvre is no mean feat! Clearly if it was easy I wouldn't have bothered posting in the first place!

And if you read my post correctly I was commenting about other people in general who might have mobility issues or not be very strong having a problem. Clearly if I had an elderly neighbour with this problem I'd help them when I could.

Not sure your post added anything. No wonder so many posts on the EDF descend into arguments!

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But just because you choose to put a sticker on the bin and clean it doesn't make it your property. Council tax is for the collection and disposal of waste, not the provision of receptacles. We get a service above and beyond what the council is obliged to provide. Think a bit of perspective is needed.
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Jeremy Wrote:


> Recently returned from holiday to find ours

> exceptionally neatly lined up in the front

> garden.

I've always applauded people who always take their holiday in early December. A sure fire way to a month long piss up.

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Speaking of holidays, the bin men provide a wonderful visual incentive to potential burglars by not returning bins to their proper place. One may as well hang a sign saying 'we're away, fill yer boots!' Same goes for postpersons and flyer droppers who don't push the mail right through the letterbox.
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