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Hi, I'm expecting my first at the start of May. Is there anyone else out there? Would be lovely to chat to other first timers due around the same time or hear from those with experience! I'm very excited but feel a bit like I have no idea what's coming - no matter how much I prepare!!


I'm also expecting my first, due second week of May. It's been a very long road to get here, with some heartache along the way so we're cautiously over-the-moon and still can't believe it's real. Despite wanting to start a family for many years, I also feel a bit clueless but the benefit of having a baby after all my friends have had their children is that they can share their wisdom - and pass on their hand-me-downs!

Looking forward to chatting with you Red Pebble and anyone else who joins the thread!

Kaz x

Hi All

I'm expecting my second child at the beginning of May and it would be lovely to meet up with others going through the same thing. Although I'm not a first timer I can't seem to remember much of it, so in definite need of a recap and some moral support!

Look forward to hearing from other mums to be.


Hi Everyone!

I'm slowly growing a bump which is making it feel a lot more real but eagerly anticipating feeling baby's first movement - think that will be the reality check! Is your baby moving around yet Louise?

How organised are you all? I've kind of set myself the mental milestone of Christmas to not be too baby focused but from January, I'll start scaring myself with all the checklists and to do lists.

Unlike you Kaz, I'm the first of my friends to have a baby so feel free to share their wisdom. I have a friend at work who is due in March so she's been filling me in on what I might expect a few months down the line :-)

Hey ladies,

I'm a 2nd timer due mid-May (1st will only be 22 months when 2nd arrives, eek!!) ;)

Happy to share experiences from last time and looking forward to meeting a new bunch of ED mums-to-be.

We could leave it a bit til we have a few more people then maybe arrange a meetup? I was in one of these groups last time and our first meetup had 22 ladies and bumps!


Hi everyone,

Second timer here as well. Due 2nd March...only 19 months between them...God help us! Looks like I'll be one of the first to pop...my son was 3 days early!

Missed out on all the mummy catch ups last time, as life was pretty manic then. All is hopefully settling now and look forward to meeting new faces and getting into the swing of things, this time round!

Hi - hope everyone is well!

We could maybe organise a meet-up for mid January so all the festive madness is out of the way, we should have a few more ladies in the gang & hopefully everyone will have nice obvious bumps by then (I still just look like I've had too much to eat)!

Kaz x

Hey all,

Lucy that's me entirely! I look 6 months gone every evening! Crazy isn't it.

Kaz, January is a great idea re meet up. We can see nearer the time where might work but to throw it out there the EDT was great hosting a load of ladies and bumps last year and they don't charge for soda and lime!


Hi everyone

I'm expecting my second late April and I can't wait. My son will be 3 by then and can't wait for his 'baby sister' to arrive (we don't know what we're having, but he's adamant!)

It'll be lovely to meet up, I think January is a great idea. I was in the Spring Babies group for my first and it was fab - for keeping me sane and entertained on mat leave, and we made some great friends.


Hi everyone

Congratulations on the impending arrivals. My second is due April 19 when my little girl will be about 22 months. I'd love to meet some other mums in the area, especially ones on the second baby (no offence intended to first timers who I would love to meet too) as I can see it will be useful to have other kids for the older ones to play with (or just stare at as my little one mostly does) whilst we drown ourselves in coffee to get through the day!

Look forward to meeting you all in January.


Evening all,

My second is due 14th May when my daughter will be 2yrs 1 month. Would love to meet you all and get some tips (or sympathy!) for when I'm drowning in nappies in the midst of a toddler tantrum, and some buddies for sunny park days. Made some great friends via the forum the first time round so I look forward to meeting you all in January too and in the meantime I hope you all have fun and relaxing Christmas holidays.


Hi all,

I am also a second timer, my first will be nearly 22 months when I am due the 9th May. Would love to meet up with you all (especially second timers) as not sure how I will manage half hour breastfeeds with a toddler who wont sit still for 10 mins! I met a few local mums last time through the forum but since going back to work full time, its been hard to fit it all in. Will keep in touch via this page and hope to make the meet up in January.



I'm another second timer and am also due April 19th, when my little girl will be almost 2. Last time I was too nervous something was going to go wrong to join any groups, but I'm feeling more confident this time around and look forward to meeting you in January!


Yay! So pleased there are loads of takers for a January meet-up. Will be nice to have something to look forward to after the excitement of Christmas is over.

Is anyone booking into antenatal classes? I'm investigating refresher courses at the moment as sure as I've forgotten everything from first time round - eek! also looking at hypnobirthing classes if anyone has any recommendations.


Congratulations everyone, I'm also expecting my second at the end of March when my son will be 2 and a half.

Would be great to meet some local mums who will have babies around the same time, and espcially those that will also have a toddler in tow.

Look forawrd to a January meet up.

Ruth x

Hi Everyone,

I'm expecting my first baby mid-May. From the above, it sounds like we've a good mix of people who are looking forward to baby no. 2 making an appearance next Spring along with a handful of first-timers like me!

I'm sure that January will be here before we know it. Do you think a meet up one evening (?) of the week starting 19th January might work? Ginny suggested the EDT which might work. I'll leave it to a second time Mum to propose a reasonable time and / or day that might be convenient for us.

Really looking forward to meeting you all. In the meantime, enjoy this special Christmas and see you in 2015 S x

Hey, so pleased to see so many Mums / Mums-to-be on here already!!

I am due 5th April and my daughter will be 21 months. It sounds like there are a few of us with similar age toddlers so looking forward to sharing our experiences.

Love to meet up. Taking the ideas from Ginster and Sayroo, what about meeting in the EDT from 7pm on Wednesday 21st January?

Mo x

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