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le chardon hater


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'Get out of my restaurant' she shouted like a banshee, infront of a packed resataurant. Yes the infamous lady at the Chardon!Before we knew it we were out on the street, in a state of shock on my birthday. My tears were welling up as she screamed blue murder at us for returning a plate of pink, cold, inedible duck for the second time. We weren't troublesome,just two people trying to have a celebratory meal. The next day I spoke to the owner and he was mortified, offered us a bottle of champagne free if we were go to their clapham restaurant, nice gesture but not likely. I have to laugh but my sweet generous partner was mortified. What a depressing birthday experience.Why is this women running a restaurant.... its anybodies guess.Before she had her scene we heard a member of staff muterring'f**k this'under their breath. Lord knows whats shes like to her her staff. The owner was sweet if somewhat defeated and said that it wasn't the first time he'd received complaints about her.All i can do is urge anyone not to go, the few bites i had was pretty rubbish. Would love to hear of restaurant nightmares at Le Chardon,there seems to be a few.If not there where else are they on the edge of a nervous breakdown?
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    • Justice must be done yes but it also must be seen to be done and in this case it hasn’t been
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