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Just wondering if this is your kitten: we live on Hillcourt Road and for the last few weeks a tiger-striped (caramel and black stripes) kitten with white lower socks has been coming into our house, playing with our cats, sleeping on our sofa when we are out, generally making itself at home and hanging out with our cats (including tucking into their food).

It's a persistant so and so and whilst we have no issues with it hanging around (nor, rather bizarrely, do our two cats) I just wondered whether it does have a home to go to!!


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You don't say how old the kitten is? But presumably it is too young to have been chipped? All you can really do is ask around the immediate neighbours, which I imagine you have already done anyway.

We have had a marmalade and white cat treating our place as a second home for around five years now. And our two cats similarly more or less accept him, although he does acknowledge he is third in the pecking order where food is concerned. He's always been sleek and healthy-looking so clearly had a "real" home somewhere. Anyway we finally got organised and stuck a collar round his neck with a note saying "If this is your cat can you please phone...." And a day later we got the phone message from a slightly miffed owned who thought we were trying to catnap. She said that even as she wa sleaving this message he was contentedly asleep on her bed - by the time her message was listened to though he was asleep on our sofa! It turned out he lived in a house backing on to the gardens of next door but one. We soon reassured her and he still visits to snooze and snack and hang out.

Rocket beware. You are being targeted by this greedy animal. This is what cats do when their owners start buying Iams instead of Cesar. You are being staked out and should treat the little c&nt like you'd treat one of the ponces who swindle change out of E.D's more gullible citizens. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!
Thanks for the warning. ;-) Rather oddly the poor little blighter will willingly chomp down on the Iams we gave it (our cats wouldn't touch the stuff so we had some spare). It is such a gorgeous cat but is not chipped, has no collar and seems to have taken up residence under a bush at the end of our garden. I do wonder whether it has been dumped as it is not a pure bengal cat - if it starts looking a bit ropey over the next few days we may take it to the vets and see if there is a chip on it somehwere. Our cats seem to have adopted it though so the decision may be made for us!!

bigbadwolf Wrote:


> Rocket beware. You are being targeted by this

> greedy animal. This is what cats do when their

> owners start buying Iams instead of Cesar. You are

> being staked out and should treat the little c&nt

> like you'd treat one of the ponces who swindle

> change out of E.D's more gullible citizens. YOU


Just action-packed full of crazy

bigbadwolf Wrote:


> Yes I agree, enjoy it while it lasts and when the

> honeymoons over just pop him in a sack with a

> house brick and lob the little tyke into a pond.

Recommending submerging and drowning miiature Yorkshire folk is surely a new low for EDF(?)


i am guessing that you have taekn this cat to the vets to check if its been microchipped. if you are concerned then maybe put some posters up locally or leaflets thru neighbours doors. Alternatively get a soft collar and either see if the collar gets taken off or write a note on it.

fine idea - ages ago a cat kept coming round and we wondered if it was a stray, so we put on a collar with a note inside: name, mobile number, call if yours or we're getting it chipped and keeping it. Called that night. At least you know.

with our current cats you can feel where the chip is, back of the neck, just above the shoulder blades. bit bigger than a grain of rice. just gives you an idea of whether of not it's worth checking it with a vet.

we also live on Hillcourt and have a visiting cat we can't get rid of. He / she is a 4-5 yr black and white shorthair with collar and seems to come from either overhill or further up Hillcourt.

He/she eats its body weight in food each day so if anyone has a cat that hits the above description and your cat strangely eats nothing but is maintaining weight, pls change your food to ocean flavour Iams as that is what it likes....

We are doing everything we can to keep it out, but are losing the war...

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