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Matt, it seems to me that more often than not you and the Arsenal bloke come on here just to have a jibe. I give you a taste of your own medicine and you get all worthy. Posting photo shopped pictures of Wayne Rooney was a response to which "go about Liverpool" exactly? That along with most of the poisonous, childish, playground bile that you spout was just a cheap shot. As for you almost never having a weak argument, I nearly spat my coffee out, get over yourself.

And if you look at the population and geographical distribution of the island of Cyprus (actually a republic in it's own right) it's predominantly Greek, so my statement is factually correct.

I'm not going to get involved with this as it's just getting silly. It does seem to me that there are certain posters on here, who when their team is knocked rather coming up with a counter argument in defence, it just turns in to a mud slinging match where the person who takes offence then slags off the other person's team. That's when it degenerates.
That was one example Matt and actually one of the least offensive ones. It's the constant references to snarling/cheating/ugly/etc etc players (all, it seems, at Man Utd) that I find offensive and tiring. I guess I am either going to have to stop looking or just ignore you and the Arsenal fan (AG doesn't ever have anything interesting to say anyway so that's not too much of a hardship) all together, it seems a shame we can't have a decent discussion without it descending into biff.

Sandperson Wrote:


> I'm from Rugby AG not Coventry. You're from some

> Greek island and support a London team, right?

Dreadfully sorry to disappoint my old Rugby chum, born and bred in London, grew up in North London, and moved to Sarf London in the early 60's. Oh and by the way, just to educate you old boy, Cyprus is an island inhabitated by Turkish & Greek Cypriots.

Sandperson Wrote:


> Matt, it seems to me that more often than not you

> and the Arsenal bloke come on here just to have a

> jibe. I give you a taste of your own medicine and

> you get all worthy. Posting photo shopped pictures

> of Wayne Rooney was a response to which "go about

> Liverpool" exactly? That along with most of the

> poisonous, childish, playground bile that you

> spout was just a cheap shot. As for you almost

> never having a weak argument, I nearly spat my

> coffee out, get over yourself.


> And if you look at the population and geographical

> distribution of the island of Cyprus (actually a

> republic in it's own right) it's predominantly

> Greek, so my statement is factually correct.

If I were you I'd be careful where and when you say things like this, I don't give a monkeys as I was born here but I think you'll find a lot of Turkish Cypriots might take a very strong dislike to your words. If these words aren't meant to try and incite anger and rage, then I don't what is. Your statement is far from accurate whatever slant you put on it and could be viewed and designed to stir up racial hatred.

Jeeeez can the papers not come up with realistic figures... last week Mascherano was on his way to Barca for ?20m and now it's ?35m.. although a few days ago it was going to be ?45m. We give too much credit to these monkeys that write in the national papers. Ever seen Sunday Supplement on Sky - it's like planet of the apes!

Sandperson Wrote:


> Mostly Greek Cypriots though.

I'm touched that you have taken the time to study the history of the island, it's politics and its' socio/demographic amke up. Will we being seeing you mastermind with your specialist subject being "Cyprus & the Wests refusal to recognise the Turkish Cypriot Adminisitration"?

It's a statement of fact AG. Nothing more, nothing less. Am I supposed to be frightened?

The Republic of Cyprus which was invaded by Turkey (with the support of the US) in 1973 after Archbishop Makarios III faffed around over Enosis for too long and Greek military junta decided to try and force the issue is geographically only 37% Turkish Cypriot the majority of the rest being Greek Cypriot. The population breaks down to around 77% Greek, 18% Turkish and 5% 'other'.

Sandperson Wrote:


> It's a statement of fact AG. Nothing more, nothing

> less. Am I supposed to be frightened?


> The Republic of Cyprus which was invaded by Turkey

> (with the support of the US) in 1973 after

> Archbishop Makarios III faffed around over Enosis

> for too long and Greek military junta decided to

> try and force the issue is geographically only 37%

> Turkish Cypriot the majority of the rest being

> Greek Cypriot. The population breaks down to

> around 77% Greek, 18% Turkish and 5% 'other'.

Come off it SP, frightened of what? I simply said be careful where and when you say such things, that's not a threat, I'm simply telling you that people, on both sides of the divide, are very touchy about this issue. How is that a threat? My god aren't you the sensitive one.

matthew123 Wrote:


> Sandperson I'm not sure this argument is relevant

> to football or football banter... just my thoughts

It isn't, and can you imagine the stick I would have got if I'd have thrown in something as random as this.

Seriously, is anyone who doesn't support one of the odious and plastic big 4 interested in having another thread where we can escape the perpetual pathetic tripe that is this thread and maybe have some decent conversations and a bit of banter that moves us away from the sub-"rivals.com 2shite that this has turned into?

No Sandperson, it wasn't just aimed soley at you but should put your hands up and admit you do it too. We all do to some degree. Enough of this rubbish anyway.

The sunday sun eh Simon? Think they've just reprinted that one from last year. It must be a slow week. Can't see Torres playing for another English club. If he goes it'll be abroad.

>>The sunday sun eh Simon? Think they've just reprinted that one from last year. It must be a slow week. Can't see Torres playing for another English club. If he goes it'll be abroad.<<

Oh I gave it zero credibility...I was just desperate to get something about football in here! :))

I'm interested to see what sort of side Man City are able to put out on the first day of the season now it looks like they'll get Santa Cruz. Anyone willing to speculate about a starting line-up? It could look pretty formidable if they get some of their targets but can Hughes manage them and are they being priced out of the market with people asking ridiculous money a la Chelsea because clubs know they've got money?
Quids, I support one of the big 4, but can I join your thread please? Regarding Teves, I really like him, and would have loved his like at Liverpool, but really respect the fact he's ruled it out. Shows he's about more than cash, and respects the Man U fans' feelings, which I think is commendable.

What's also interesting about Tevez saying no to Liverpool is that it highlights that Rafa has ?25.5m to spend on a striker. But who...

I reckon one or two big signings by City before beginning of July and that will convince Tevez to also join City.

Don't blame the Big 4 for lack of discussion on other clubs. I'd love to read the musings from WHL, Leeds or Upton Park, maybe some glory nights from their pomp, why not, let the stories roll!

Didier Drogba and Fernando Torres are the best strikers in the PL - Tevez would be to compliment rather than replace.

I cannot see the point in leaving United for Chelsea as it'll be the same issues of will he start enough games. I am assuming he would choose Man City - he just needs further proof they are strengthening to compete before he decides his destination in early July.

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