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Fireworks going off in Bellenden/Oglander/Copleston area


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My patience is wearing thin. Random fireworks at all hours all week and last night a very loud fireworks party going on at the top end of our road, complete with a parent gathering up his reluctant child by shouting from the pavement "KATIE ... TIME TO GO, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" at the front door of the house, rather than going in and persuading reluctant child out. This at 10.20pm and keeping my child, possibly older than Katie, very much awake. My husband got home from work at 1.15 am and heard fireworks going off after that.

More fireworks in back gardens tonight. It's really rather tiresome.

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I've got no beef with people doing their own fireworks, but as others have pointed out - random fireworks going off after hours is just annoying. Saturday night around Choumert / Copleston Road was a joke - someone was letting off really loud rocket / bangers (all just noise, no visuals) from 11pm to late. If you're trying just to sleep it's just a pain in the neck
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"You are not supposed to give your dog loads of cuddles when they are scared of noises.."

Maybe, but when he comes to me and sits on my lap he's doing it for reassurance, which I don't mind providing - he's scared. Walking him tonight in the woods he stayed by my side very wary of the fireworks, he looks to me as a guardian at these times - and if I sit on a bench he climbs on top of me, like this evening. He's scared of thunder too when I also don't begrudge him some comfort.

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We have the same problem with one of our cats, he's terrified, crawls around on his stomach, ending up wedging himself under the sofa or under the bed, more stress for us as he has had bladder crystals which are exasperated by stress. I don't have a beef with firework night, loved it as a kid. But because it fell slap bang in-between two weekends on the wednesday it feels like it's been non stop since last saturday all through to this weekend, could understand this saturday night, but last night on a 2nd consecutive sunday night was the last straw.

Ps don't waste your money on the fellway cat stress reducing products, we bought two plug-ins costing nearly ?70.... no effect what so ever !

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Kk, the general view is let your dog be with you and even lie beside you but don't actively comfort them as this can tell the dog that you are also worried. If a dog shows any anxiety about fireworks I would not walk him after dark when there is a chance of random bangers etc..., as fear/anxiety reactions can increase quickly and start to generalise to other similar sounds.

It is a pain though. I used to enjoy an evening walk with my dog but would not risk it now. This firework business has got way out of hand and I would happily see them made illegal fir anything but official, organised events. I also wonder about the effects on wildlife and the environment.


You have no option but to let your cat hide, if you can provide a small, dark soundproof den preferably in the centre if the home away from windows, so much the better. Feliway will help with a cat that is mildly anxious but not one that us clearly terrified. I'd speak to your vet about something stronger as well as desensitisation.

Us humans understand what us going on, animals cannot and the fallout can be a totally screwed up pet, literally animal PTSD. This is why random firework parties with no warning to neighbours are so thoughtless. Letting off the odd banger for a laugh is moronic.

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spark67 Wrote:


> We have the same problem with one of our cats,

> he's terrified, crawls around on his stomach,

> ending up wedging himself under the sofa or under

> the bed, more stress for us as he has had bladder

> crystals which are exasperated by stress. I don't

> have a beef with firework night, loved it as a

> kid. But because it fell slap bang in-between two

> weekends on the wednesday it feels like it's been

> non stop since last saturday all through to this

> weekend, could understand this saturday night, but

> last night on a 2nd consecutive sunday night was

> the last straw.


> Ps don't waste your money on the fellway cat

> stress reducing products, we bought two plug-ins

> costing nearly ?70.... no effect what so ever !

I had a cat who would get stressed by car journeys, she would become incontinent, so taking her to the vet became very stressful. The vet prescribed a low dose of valium for her and it worked.

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Mustard Wrote:

> I had a cat who would get stressed by car

> journeys, she would become incontinent, so taking

> her to the vet became very stressful. The vet

> prescribed a low dose of valium for her and it

> worked.

My cat used to get very stressed by car journeys, think it was the traffic. Now I drive and he's much happier.

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rahrahrah Wrote:


> Mustard Wrote:


> > I had a cat who would get stressed by car

> > journeys, she would become incontinent, so

> taking

> > her to the vet became very stressful. The vet

> > prescribed a low dose of valium for her and it

> > worked.


> My cat used to get very stressed by car journeys,

> think it was the traffic. Now I drive and he's

> much happier.



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rahrahrah Wrote:


> I don't get the single bangers going off randomly

> all night. presumably kids- how do they get hold

> of them so easily and why aren't they in bed? If

> it's adults, then really, what is going on?

Proper bangers are illegal along with loads of others.

When I hear a bang I assume its a rocket firework - would kids be firing these ?.

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Thanks first mate, yes I agree about letting him hide, we put his basket under the bed, and he went there for awhile, until they started going off that side of our flat, then he crawled into our living room and climbed on my lap and curled into a really tight ball and stayed there for a long time. (he never sits on our laps normally, likes to sit by our feet on the floor) I don't know if it's a male thing, but the other two we have, both girls, didn't give two hoots about the noise. We shut all curtains and blinds as well, our flats turned into a fortress at this time of year. Fellway was the recommendation we got from two vets, I did what it said on instructions and plugged it in the week before, even got the room spray, maybe it should just say on the pack that it's for low level stress, at it does seem to give the impression it's meant to be more potent then it actually is. I think we will push for the valium maybe next year as mentioned by Mustard, for us... and the cat ;)
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Spark67, my cat gets spooked by the Feliway. I think she thinks it's another cat in the house. She hates other cats.

As your boy gets so terrified, it sounds like the low dose valium might be needed to help him through the next event but in the meantime, and because it's not possible to predict when fireworks will be going off these days, do you have the space to create a hidey hole/den to narrow down the directions from which an 'attack' might come? Something like a large box with some of his bedding inside and a hole just big enough for him to enter and exit, which can then be sited in a quiet area.

Although my cat like your other two appears unphased by fireworks, she is occasionally a bit nervy when there's too much going on around her. At these times she often lurks at the entrance of the cat cave watching the action from a distance.

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Is this thread for real? we live in a big city. Interests are going to conflict from time to time. It's the price you pay. There are adaquate laws regarding the sale and use of fireworks. If they are not being enforced then that is a problem to be addressed. Seeking a ban on the sale of fireworks is bonkers. It's like saying because some people get drunk and get into fights we should ban alcohol. Some perspective please.
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